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| {{sc|research}} || {{sc|multi}} Hand annotate 250 words of running text. || Use [[apertium annotatrix]] to hand-annotate 250 words of running text from Wikipedia for a language of your choice. <br />For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our [[IRC]] channel. || [[User:Francis Tyers]]
| {{sc|research}} || {{sc|multi}} Hand annotate 250 words of running text. || Use [[apertium annotatrix]] to hand-annotate 250 words of running text from Wikipedia for a language of your choice. <br />For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our [[IRC]] channel. || [[User:Francis Tyers]]
| {{sc|research}} || The most frequent Romance-to-Romance transfer rules || Study the .t1x transfer rule files of Romance language pairs and distill 5-10 common rules that are common to all of them, perhaps by rewriting them into some equivalent form <br />For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our [[IRC]] channel. || [[User:Mlforcada]]
| {{sc|research}} || The most frequent Romance-to-Romance transfer rules || Study the .t1x transfer rule files of Romance language pairs and distill 5-10 common rules that are common to all of them, perhaps by rewriting them into some equivalent form <br />For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our [[IRC]] channel. '''up2015''' || [[User:Mlforcada]]
| {{sc|research}} || {{sc|multi}} Tag and align Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus || Take a Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the [[apertium-mk-bg]] pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. <br />For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our [[IRC]] channel. || [[User:Francis Tyers]]
| {{sc|research}} || {{sc|multi}} Tag and align Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus || Take a Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the [[apertium-mk-bg]] pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. <br />For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our [[IRC]] channel. || [[User:Francis Tyers]]

Revision as of 09:45, 27 November 2015

This is the task ideas page for Google Code-in, here you can find ideas on interesting tasks that will improve your knowledge of Apertium and help you get into the world of open-source development.

The people column lists people who you should get in contact with to request further information. All tasks are 2 hours maximum estimated amount of time that would be spent on the task by an experienced developer, however:

  1. this does not include time taken to install / set up apertium.
  2. this is the time expected to take by an experienced developer, you may find that you spend more time on the task because of the learning curve.


  • code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
  • documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
  • research: Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketting, or studying problems and recommending solutions
  • quality: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality.
  • interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction

You can find descriptions of some of the mentors here: List_of_Apertium_mentors.

Task list

Misc tools

Category Title Description Mentors
code Unigram tagging mode for apertium-tagger Edit the apertium-tagger code to allow for lexicalised unigram tagging. This would basically choose the most frequent analysis for each surface form of a word.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
Francis Tyers
Wei En
code Data format for the unigram tagger Come up with a binary storage format for the data used for the unigram tagger. It could be based on the existing .prob format.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
Francis Tyers
Wei En
code Add tag combination back-off to unigram tagger. Modify the unigram tagger to allow for back-off to tag sequence in the case that a given form is not found.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
Francis Tyers
Wei En
code Prototype unigram tagger. Write a simple unigram tagger in a language of your choice.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
Francis Tyers
Wei En
code Training for unigram tagger Write a program that trains a model suitable for use with the unigram tagger.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
Francis Tyers
Wei En
code make voikkospell understand apertium stream format input Make voikkospell understand apertium stream format input, e.g. ^word/analysis1/analysis2$, voikkospell should only interpret the 'word' part to be spellchecked.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code make voikkospell return output in apertium stream format make voikkospell return output suggestions in apertium stream format, e.g. ^correctword$ or ^incorrectword/correct1/correct2$
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code libvoikko support for OS X Make a spell server for OS X's system-wide spell checker to use arbitrary languages through libvoikko. See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/SpellCheck/Tasks/CreatingSpellServer.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000770-BAJFBAAH for more information
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on Ubuntu/debian document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on Ubuntu and debian
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on Fedora document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on Fedora
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on Windows document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on Windows
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on OS X document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on OS X
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document how to set up libenchant to work with libvoikko Libenchant is a spellchecking wrapper. Set it up to work with libvoikko, a spellchecking backend, and document how you did it. You may want to use a spellchecking module available in apertium for testing.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code geriaoueg lookup code firefox/iceweasel plugin which queries apertium API for a word by sending a context (±n words) and the position of the word in the context and gets translation for language pair xxx-yyy
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers user:Firespeaker
code geriaoueg hovering the right way Fix the geriaoueg plugins so that the popup stays there until you hover off a word, just like normal hovering. This will involve a redesign of the way the hovering code works. The plugin also crashes sometimes when dealing with urls, but it seems to be related to this issue. It'd be good if it stops crashing in those cases.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code Translate page feature for geriaoueg firefox & chrome plugins Add functionality to Geriaoueg plugins for chrome and firefox that lets them not just gloss words but translate an entire page with apertium, much like existing corporate browser plugins. Don't worry about language detection and other complicated problems for now.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
quality make apertium-quality work with python3.3 on all platforms migrate apertium-quality away from distribute to newer setup-tools so it installs correctly in more recent versions of python (known incompatible: python3.3 OS X, known compatible: MacPorts python3.2)
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
quality, code Get bible aligner working (or rewrite it) trunk/apertium-tools/bible_aligner.py - Should take two bible translations and output a tmx file with one verse per entry. There is a standard-ish plain-text bible translation format that we have bible translations in, and we have files that contain the names of verses of various languages mapped to English verse names
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
research tesseract interface for apertium languages Find out what it would take to integrate apertium or voikkospell into tesseract. Document thoroughly available options on the wiki.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
code Syntax tree visualisation using GNU bison Write a program which reads a grammar using bison, parses a sentence and outputs the syntax tree as text, or graphViz or something. Some example bison code can be found here.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Mlforcada
code make concordancer work with output of analyser Allow spectie's concordancer to accept an optional apertium mode and directory (implement via argparse). When it has these, it should run the corpus through that apertium mode and search against the resulting tags and lemmas as well as the surface forms. E.g., the form алдым might have the analysis via an apertium mode of ^алдым/алд<n><px1sg><nom>/ал<v><tv><ifi><p1><sg>, so a search for "px1sg" should bring up this word.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code convert a current transducer for a language using lexc+twol to a guesser Figure out how to generate a guesser for a language module that uses lexc for morphotactics and twol for morphophonology (e.g., apertium-kaz). One approach to investigate would be to generate all the possible archiphoneme representations of a given form and run the lexc guesser on that.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Flammie
code let apertium-init support giella pairs Apertium-init is a tool to bootstrap a new language module or translation pair, with build rules and minimal data. It doesn't yet support pairs that depend on Giellatekno language modules, we would like this.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers
code create lt-compose tool to compose two transducers This should do what hfst-compose does, but for lttoolbox transducers.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015

Website and apy

Category Title Description Mentors
code apertium-apy mode for geriaoueg (biltrans in context) apertium-apy function that accepts a context (e.g., ±n ~words around word) and a position in the context of a word, gets biltrans output on entire context, and returns translation for the word
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code Website translation in Html-tools Html-tools should detect when the user wants to translate a website (similar to how Google Translate does it) and switch to an interface (See "Website translation in Html-tools (interface)" task) and perform the translation. It should also make it so that new pages that the user navigates to are translated. See ticket 50 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
interface Website translation in Html-tools Add an interface to Html-tools that shows a webpage in an <iframe> with translation options and a back button to return to text/document translation. See ticket 50 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code Fix Html-tools crashing on iPads when copying text Fix Html-tools so that the Apertium site does not crash on iPads when copying text on any of the modes while maintaining semantic HTML. This task requires having access to an iPad. See ticket 42 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code Fix Html-tools copying text on Windows Phone IE Fix Html-tools so that the Apertium site allows copying text on WP while maintaining semantic HTML. This task requires having access to an Windows Phone. See ticket 42 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code APY API keys Add API key support to APY but don't overengineer it. See ticket 31 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Xavivars, User:Sushain
code Localisation of tag attributes on Html-tools In Html-tools, the meta description tag isn't localized as of now since the text is an attribute. Search engines often display this as their snippet. A possible way to achieve this is using data-text="@content@description". See ticket 29 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code Html-tools font issues This task concerns a font issue in Html-tools. See ticket 27 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code, interface Auto-select target language ticket 25 made apertium-html-tools show the available target languages first, but preferably, one of them would be auto-selected as well (maybe with a single visual "blink" to show that something happened there).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers, User:Sushain
code Maintaining order of user interactions on Html-tools In Html-tools, if a user clicks a new language choice while translation or detection is proceeding (AJAX callback has not yet returned), the original action will not be cancelled. Make it so that the first action is canceled and overridden by the second. See ticket 9 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code More file formats for APY APY does not support DOC, XLS, PPT file translation that require the file being converted to the newer XML based formats through LibreOffice or equivalent and then back. See ticket 7 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers, User:Sushain
code Improved file translation functionality for APY APY needs logging and to be non-blocking for file translation. See ticket 7 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers, User:Sushain
interface Abstract the formatting for the Html-tools interface. The html-tools interface should be easily customisable so that people can make it look how they want. The task is to abstract the formatting and make one or more new stylesheets to change the appearance. This is basically making a way of "skinning" the interface.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker, User:Sushain
interface Html-tools spell-checker interface Integrate the spell-checker interface that was designed for html-tools. It should be enablable in the html-tools config. See ticket 6 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker, User:Sushain
code Html-tools spell-checker code Add code to the html-tools interface that allows spell checking to be performed. Should send entire string, and be able to match each returned result to its appropriate input word. Should also update as new words are typed (but not on every keystroke). See ticket 6 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker, User:Sushain
code libvoikko support for APY Write a function for APY that checks the spelling of an input string via libvoikko and for each word returns whether the word is correct, and if unknown returns suggestions. Whether segmentation is done by the client or by apertium-apy will have to be figured out. You will also need to add scanning for spelling modes to the initialisation section. Try to find a sensible way to structure the requests and returned data with JSON. Add a switch to allow someone to turn off support for this (use argparse set_false). See ticket 6 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer, User:Sushain
code Html-tools expanding textareas The input textarea in the html-tools translation interface does not expand depending on the user's input even when there is significant whitespace remaining on the page. Improvements include varying the length of the textareas to fill up the viewport or expanding depending on input. Both the input and output textareas would have to maintain the same length for interface consistency. Different behavior may be desired on mobile. See ticket 4 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker, User:Sushain
code Performance tracking in APY Add a way for APY to keep track of number of words in input and time between sending input to a pipeline and receiving output, for the last n (e.g., 100) requests, and write a function to return the average words per second over something<n (e.g., 10) requests.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer
code Language variant picker in Html-tools In html-tools,displaying language variants as distinct languages in the translator language selector is awkward and repetitive. Allowing users to first select a language and then display radio buttons for choosing a variant below the relevant translation box, if relevant, provides a better user interface. See ticket 1 for details and progress tracking.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers, User:Sushain
research Investigate how to implement HTML-translation that can deal with broken HTML The old Apertium website had a 'surf-and-translate' feature, but it frequently broke on badly-behaved HTML. Investigate how similar web sites deal with broken HTML when rewriting the internal content of a (possible automatically generated) HTML page.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers
code Add pipeline debug action to APY Add a /pipedebug action to APY so given a text and a language pair it does not return only the translation, but the whole flow (like Apertium-viewer does). That would help indentifying where exactly the errors that are APY-only (or null-flush-only) happen, and could be useful for debugging in general. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Xavivars User:Unhammer User:Firespeaker
interface Grammar checker interface Create a grammar checker / proofing html interface. It should send the user input through a given pipeline, and parse the Constraint Grammar output, turning this back into readable output with underlined words.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
code Suggest a word to html-tools The apertium web-translator should have clickable links for different problems in translation pipeline (marked by #*@) that could lead to a simple form to collect new word suggestions from peoples
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:TommiPirinen, more mentors plz
code Abumatran paradigm guesser integration to html-tools The apertium web-translator could link unknown words to some web based word-classification tool that can add them to dixes
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:TommiPirinen, more mentors plz
code User management for paradigm guesser The abumatran paradigm guesser currently has only admin-driven user management, for lot of people to be able to contribute with proper attributions but not too much vandalism an automated lightweight user registration system should be created
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:TommiPirinen, more mentors plz

Pair visualisations

Category Title Description Mentors
quality fix pairviewer's 2- and 3-letter code conflation problems pairviewer doesn't always conflate languages that have two codes. E.g. sv/swe, nb/nob, de/deu, da/dan, uk/ukr, et/est, nl/nld, he/heb, ar/ara, eus/eu are each two separate nodes, but should instead each be collapsed into one node. Figure out why this isn't happening and fix it. Also, implement an algorithm to generate 2-to-3-letter mappings for available languages based on having the identical language name in languages.json instead of loading the huge list from codes.json; try to make this as processor- and memory-efficient as possible.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
code, interface map support for pairviewer ("pairmapper") Write a version of pairviewer that instead of connecting floating nodes, connects nodes on a map. I.e., it should plot the nodes to an interactive world map (only for languages whose coordinates are provided, in e.g. GeoJSON format), and then connect them with straight-lines (as opposed to the current curved lines). Use an open map framework, like leaflet, polymaps, or openlayers
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
code coordinates for Mongolic languages Using the map Linguistic map of the Mongolic languages.png, write a file in GeoJSON (or similar) format that can be loaded by pairmapper (or, e.g., converted to kml and loaded in google maps). The file should contain points that are a geographic "center" (locus) for where each Mongolic language on that map is spoken. Use the term "Khalkha" (iso 639-3 khk) for "Mongolisch", and find a better map for Buryat. You can use a capital city for bigger, national languages if you'd like (think Paris as a locus for French).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.up2015
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
code draw languages as areas for pairmapper Make a map interface that loads data (in e.g. GeoJSON or KML format) specifying areas where languages are spoken, as well as a single-point locus for the language, and displays the areas on the map (something like the way the states are displayed here) with a node with language code (like for pairviewer) at the locus. This should be able to be integrated into pairmapper, the planned map version of pairviewer.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code georeference language areas for Tatar, Bashqort, and Chuvash Using the maps listed here, try to define rough areas for where Tatar, Bashqort, and Chuvash are spoken. These areas should be specified in a file in GeoJSON (or similar) format for use by pairmapper's languages-as-areas plugin. Try to be fairly accurate and detailed. Maps to consult include Tatarsbashkirs1989ru, NarodaCCCP
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
code georeference language areas for North Caucasus Turkic languages Using the map Caucasus-ethnic_en.svg, write a file in GeoJSON (or similar) format for use by pairmapper's languages-as-areas plugin. The file should contain specifications for the area(s) the following languages are spoken in: Kumyk, Nogay, Karachay, Balkar. There should be a certain level of detail (e.g., don't just make a shape matching Kazakhstan for Kazakh) and accuracy (i.e., don't just put a square over Kazakhstan and call it the area for Kazakh).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
code georeference language areas for IE and Mongolic Caucasus-area languages Using the map Caucasus-ethnic_en.svg, write a file in GeoJSON (or similar) format for use by pairmapper's languages-as-areas plugin. The file should contain specifications for the area(s) the following languages are spoken in: Ossetian, Armenian, Kalmyk. There should be a certain level of detail (e.g., don't just make a shape matching Kazakhstan for Kazakh) and accuracy (i.e., don't just put a square over Kazakhstan and call it the area for Kazakh).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
code georeference language areas for North Caucasus languages Using the map Caucasus-ethnic_en.svg, write a file in GeoJSON (or similar) format for use by pairmapper's languages-as-areas plugin. The file should contain specifications for the area(s) the following languages are spoken in: Avar, Chechen, Abkhaz, Georgian. There should be a certain level of detail (e.g., don't just make a shape matching Kazakhstan for Kazakh) and accuracy (i.e., don't just put a square over Kazakhstan and call it the area for Kazakh).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
code georeference language areas for Central Asian languages: Uzbek and Uyghur Using the map Central_Asia_Ethnic_en.svg, write a file in GeoJSON (or similar) format for use by pairmapper's languages-as-areas plugin. The file should contain specifications for the areas Uzbek and Uyghur are spoken in, with a certain level of detail (e.g., don't just make a shape matching Kazakhstan for Kazakh) and accuracy (i.e., don't just put a square over Kazakhstan and call it the area for Kazakh).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Sereni
quality, code split nor into nob and nno in pairviewer Currently in pairviewer, nor is displayed as a language separately from nob and nno. However, the nor pair actually consists of both an nob and an nno component. Figure out a way for pairviewer (or pairsOut.py / get_all_lang_pairs.py) to detect this split. So instead of having swe-nor, there would be swe-nob and swe-nno displayed (connected seemlessly with other nob-* and nno-* pairs), though the paths between the nodes would each still give information about the swe-nor pair. Implement a solution, trying to make sure it's future-proof (i.e., will work with similar sorts of things in the future).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
quality, code add support to pairviewer for regional and alternate orthograpic modes Currently in pairviewer, there is no way to detect or display modes like zh_TW. Add suppor to pairsOut.py / get_all_lang_pairs.py to detect pairs containing abbreviations like this, as well as alternate orthographic modes in pairs (e.g. uzb_Latn and uzb_Cyrl). Also, figure out a way to display these nicely in the pairviewer's front-end. Get creative. I can imagine something like zh_CN and zh_TW nodes that are in some fixed relation to zho (think Mickey Mouse configuration?). Run some ideas by your mentor and implement what's decided on.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
code Function that counts stems at all revisions of each bidix involving a specific language Write a function in python or ruby that takes a language code as input, queries svn to find all language pairs that involve that language (note that there are both two- and three-letter abbreviations in use), count the number of stems in the bilingual dictionary for revision in its history, and output all of this data in a simple json variable. There are scripts that do different pieces of all of this already: queries svn, queries svn revisions, counting bidix stems.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code Extend visualisation of pairs involving a language in language family visualisation tool The language family visualisation tool currently has a visualisation of all pairs involving the language. Extend this to include pairs that involve those languages, and so on, until there are no more pairs. This should result in a graph of quite a few languages, with the current language in the middle. Note that if language x is the center, and there are x-y and x-z pairs, but also a y-z pair, this should display the y-z pair with a link, not with an extra z and y node each, connected to the original y and z nodes, respectively. The best way to do this may involve some sort of filtering of the data.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.


Category Title Description Mentors
quality Generalise phenny/begiak git plugin Rename the begiak module to git (instead of github), and test it to make sure it's general enough for at least three common git services (there should already be that many supported, but make sure they all work). For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code phenny/begiak git plugin commit info function Add a function to the begiak github module to get the status of a commit by reponame and name (similar to what the svn module does), and then find out why commit 6a54157b89aee88511a260a849f104ae546e3a65 in turkiccorpora resulted in the following output, and fix it: Something went wrong: dict_keys(['commits', 'user', 'canon_url', 'repository', 'truncated']). For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code phenny/begiak git plugin recent function Find out why begiak's "recent" function (begiak: recent) returns "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded (file "/usr/lib/python3.2/json/decoder.py", line 371, in raw_decode)" for one of the repos (no permission) and find a way to fix it so it returns the status instead. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code, quality phenny/begiak svn plugin info function Find out why begiak's info function ("begiak info [repo] [rev]") doesn't work and fix it. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
documentation document any phenny/begiak command that does not have information Find a command that our IRC bot (begiak) uses that is not documented, and document how it works both on the Begiak wiki page and in the code. This will require you to fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code phenny/begiak wiki modules tell result Make a function for our IRC bot (begiak) that allows someone to point another user to a wiki page (apertium wiki or wikipedia), and have it give them the results (e.g. for mentors to point students to resources). It could be an extra function on the .wik and .awik modules. Make sure it allows for all wiki modes in those modules (e.g., .wik.ru) and is intuitive to use. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
quality find content that phenny/begiak wiki modules don't do a good job with Identify at least 10 pages or sections on Wikipedia or the apertium wiki that the respective begiak module doesn't return good output for. These may include content where there's immediately a subsection, content where the first thing is a table or infobox, or content where the first . doesn't end the sentence. Document generalisable scenarios about what the preferred behaviour would be.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code make phenny/begiak git and svn modules display urls When a user asks to display revision information, have begiak (our IRC bot) include a link to information on the revision. For example, when displaying information for apertium repo revision r57171, include the url http://sourceforge.net/p/apertium/svn/57171/ , maybe even a shortened version. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code improve phenny/begiak timezone math Currently begiak (our IRC bot) is able to scrape and use data on timezone names, but it can't do math, e.g. CEST-5, GMT+3, etc. Make it support this stuff For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code make timezone conversion for phenny/begiak support city names too Add city name support for timezone conversion in the time plugin for begiak (our IRC bot). It currently accepts a time in one timezone and a destination timezone, and converts the time, e.g. ".tz 335EST in CET" returns "835CET". But it can't do ".tz 335Indianapolis in CET". You should have it rely on the city support code that's already there. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code make city name support phenny/begiak timezone plugin work better Find a source that maps city names to timezone abbreviations and have the .tz command for begiak (our IRC bot) scrape and use that data (e.g., ".time Barcelona" should give the current time in CET). The current timezone plugin works, but doesn't support a lot of cities—make it support a lot. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code add analysis and generation modes to apertium translation begiak module Add the ability for the apertium translation module that's part begiak (our IRC bot) to query morphological analysis and generation modes. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code make begiak's version control monitoring channel specific Our IRC bot (begiak) currently monitors a series of git and svn repositories. When a commit is made to a repository, the bot displays the commit in all channels. For this task, you should modify both of these modules (svn and git) so that repositories being monitored (listed in the config file) can be specified in a channel-specific way. However, it should default to the current behaviour—channel-specific settings should just override the global monitoring pattern. You should fork the bot on github to work on this task and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code allow admins to modify and delete other people's queues in begiak Modify the queue module for begiak (our IRC bot) to let admins (as defined by begiak's config file—there should be a function that'll just check if the person issuing a command is an admin) modify and delete queues for other users. For this task, you should fork the bot on github and send a pull request when you're done.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
quality Sync begiak with origin and submit PRs back for our changes For this task, sync begiak with origin, and send them pull requests for our local changes of relevance. The synching will probably get a little messy, and the pull requests should ideally be one PR per feature (if possible). This document may be of use.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker, User:Unhammer

Apertium linguistic data

Category Title Description Mentors
code, quality multi Improve the bilingual dictionary of a language pair XX-YY in the incubator by adding 50 word correspondences to it Languages XX and YY may have rather large dictionaries but a small bilingual dictionary. Add words to the bilingual dictionary and test that the new vocabulary works. Check The OPUS bilingual corpus repository for sentence-aligned corpora such as Tatoeba. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Raveesh User:Vin-ivar User:Aida User:Putti
code, quality multi Improve the quality of a language pair XX-YY by adding 50 words to its vocabulary Add words to language pair XX-YY and test that the new vocabulary works. Check The OPUS bilingual corpus repository for sentence-aligned corpora such as Tatoeba. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Xavivars User:Bech Jimregan User:Unhammer User:Nikant Fulup User:tunedal User:JuanpablYoussefsan User:Firespeaker User:Raveesh User:vin-ivar User:Aida User:Putti
code, quality multi=2 Find translation bugs by using LanguageTool, and correct them The LanguageTool grammar/style checker has great rule sets for Catalan and French. Run it on output from Apertium translation into Catalan/French and fix 5 mistakes. up2015 Read more... User:Xavivars
code, quality multi Add/correct one structural transfer rule to an existing language pair Add or correct a structural transfer rule to an existing language pair and test that it works. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Unhammer User:Nikant Fulup User:Juanpabl User:Raveesh User:vin-ivar User:Aida
code, quality multi Write 10 lexical selection rules for a language pair already set up with lexical selection Add 10 lexical selection rules to improve the lexical selection quality of a pair and test them to ensure that they work. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Unhammer User:Nikant User:Firespeaker User:Putti User:Raveesh User:vin-ivar User:Aida (more mentors welcome)
code multi Set up a language pair to use lexical selection and write 5 rules First set up a language pair to use the new lexical selection module (this will involve changing configure scripts, makefile and modes file). Then write 5 lexical selection rules. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer Fulup User:pankajksharma User:Aida (more mentors welcome)
code, quality multi Write 10 constraint grammar rules to repair part-of-speech tagging errors Find some tagging errors and write 10 constraint grammar rules to fix the errors. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Unhammer Fulup User:Aida (more mentors welcome)
code multi Set up a language pair such that it uses constraint grammar for part-of-speech tagging Find a language pair that does not yet use constraint grammar, and set it up to use constraint grammar. After doing this, find some tagging errors and write five rules for resolving them. Read more...
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer User:Aida
quality multi Compare Apertium with another MT system and improve it This tasks aims at improving an Apertium language pair when a web-accessible system exists for it in the 'net. Particularly good if the system is (approximately) rule-based such as Lucy, Reverso, Systran or SDL Free Translation: (1) Install the Apertium language pair, ideally such that the source language is a language you know (L₂) and the target language a language you use every day (L₁). (2) Collect a corpus of text (newspaper, wikipedia) Segment it in sentences (using e.g., libsegment-java or a similar processor and a SRX segmentation rule file borrowed from e.g. OmegaT) and put each sentence in a line. Run the corpus through Apertium and through the other system Select those sentences where both outputs are very similar (e.g, 90% coincident). Decide which one is better. If the other language is better than Apertium, think of what modification could be done for Apertium to produce the same output, and make 3 such modifications.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada Jimregan User:Aida(alternative mentors welcome)
documentation multi What's difficult about this language pair? For a language pair that is not in trunk or staging such that you know well the two languages involved, write a document describing the main problems that Apertium developers would encounter when developing that language pair (for that, you need to know very well how Apertium works). Note that there may be two such documents, one for A→B and the other for B→A Prepare it in your user space in the Apertium wiki.It may be uploaded to the main wiki when approved.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada Jimregan Youssefsan User:Aida(alternative mentors welcome)
research multi Write a contrastive grammar Using a grammar book/resource document 10 ways in which the grammar of two languages differ, with no fewer than 3 examples of each difference. Put it on the wiki under Language1_and_Language2/Contrastive_grammar. See Farsi_and_English/Pending_tests for an example of a contrastive grammar that a previous GCI student made.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Sereni User:Aida
research multi Hand annotate 250 words of running text. Use apertium annotatrix to hand-annotate 250 words of running text from Wikipedia for a language of your choice.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
research The most frequent Romance-to-Romance transfer rules Study the .t1x transfer rule files of Romance language pairs and distill 5-10 common rules that are common to all of them, perhaps by rewriting them into some equivalent form
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
research multi Tag and align Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus Take a Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-mk-bg pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Bulgarian inflections Write a program to extract Bulgarian inflection information for nouns from Wiktionary, see Category:Bulgarian nouns
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
quality multi Improve the quality of a language pair by allowing for alternative translations Improve the quality of a language pair by (a) detecting 5 cases where the (only) translation provided by the bilingual dictionary is not adequate in a given context, (b) adding the lexical selection module to the language, and (c) writing effective lexical selection rules to exploit that context to select a better translation
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Mlforcada User:Unhammer User:Aida
code multi depend Make sure an Apertium language pair does not mess up (X)HTML formatting (Depends on someone having performed the task 'Examples of files where an Apertium language pair messes up (X)HTML formatting' above). The task: (1) run the file through Apertium try to identify where the tags are broken or lost: this is most likely to happen in a structural transfer step; try to identify the rule where the label is broken or lost (2) repair the rule: a conservative strategy is to make sure that all superblanks () are output and are in the same order as in the source file. This may involve introducing new simple blanks () and advancing the output of the superblanks coming from the source. (3) test again (4) Submit a patch to your mentor (or commit it if you have already gained developer access)
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
quality Examples of minimum files where an Apertium language pair messes up wordprocessor (ODT, RTF) formatting Sometimes, an Apertium language pair takes a valid ODT or RTF source file but delivers an invalid ODT or RTF target file, regardless of translation quality. This can usually be blamed on incorrect handling of superblanks in structural transfer rules. The task: (1) select a language pair (2) Install Apertium locally from the Subversion repository; install the language pair; make sure that it works (3) download a series of ODT or RTF files for testing purposes. Make sure they are opened using LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org (4) translate the valid files with the language pair (5) check if the translated files are also valid ODT or RTF files; select those that aren't (6) find the first source of non-validity and study it, and strip the source file until you just have a small (valid!) source file with some text around the minimum possible example of problematic tags; save each such file and describe the error.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
code multi depend Make sure an Apertium language pair does not mess up wordprocessor (ODT, RTF) formatting (Depends on someone having performed the task 'Examples of files where an Apertium language pair messes up wordprocessor formatting' above). The task: (1) run the file through Apertium try to identify where the tags are broken or lost: this is most likely to happen in a structural transfer step; try to identify the rule where the label is broken or lost (2) repair the rule: a conservative strategy is to make sure that all superblanks () are output and are in the same order as in the source file. This may involve introducing new simple blanks () and advancing the output of the superblanks coming from the source. (3) test again (4) Submit a patch to your mentor (or commit it if you have already gained developer access)
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
code multi Start a language pair involving Interlingua Start a new language pair involving Interlingua using the Apertium new language HOWTO. Interlingua is the second most used "artificial" language, after Esperanto). As Interlingua is basically a Romance language, you can use a Romance language as the other language, and Romance-language dictionaries rules may be easily adapted. Include at least 50 very frequent words (including some grammatical words) and at least one noun--phrase transfer rule in the ia→X direction.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada Youssefsan (will reach out also to the interlingua community)
research Document materials for a language not yet on our wiki Document materials for a language not yet on our wiki. This should look something like the page on Aromanian—i.e., all available dictionaries, grammars, corpora, machine translators, etc., print or digital, where available, whether Free, etc., as well as some scholarly articles regarding the language, especially if about computational resources.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Raveesh User:Aida User:Unhammer
research Gujarati Parallel Corpus and Alignment Collect some parallel corpus for guj-hin, run GIZA++ and verify the alignments. User:Raveesh
research Urdu-Sindhi Bilingual Dictionary Add words to bilingual dictionary for Urdu-Sindhi User:Raveesh
research Hindi-Sindhi Bilingual Dictionary create a bilingual dictionary for Hindi-Sindhi [with atleast 20 words in each lexical category, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, etc) User:Raveesh
research Hindi-Gujarati Bilingual Dictionary create a small bilingual dictionary for Hindi-Gujarati User:Raveesh
research Gujarati morphology Define some Morphological paradigms of Gujarati Nouns or Verbs (or any other categories) and provide some Gujarati words (around 50) belonging to those paradigms. User:Raveesh User:Vin-ivar
research Marathi evaluation Manually tag 500 random Marathi words (based on the monodix) for evaluation User:Vin-ivar
research Swedish tagging evaluation Run a 500 word Wikipedia page through the Swedish tagger (languages/apertium-swe), and correct the mistakes it makes up2015 User:Unhammer
research Tag and align Albanian--Macedonian corpus Take a Albanian--Macedonian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-mk pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Albanian--Serbo-Croatian corpus Take a Albanian--Serbo-Croatian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-sh pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Albanian--Bulgarian corpus Take a Albanian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-bg pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Albanian--English corpus Take a Albanian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Danish--Norwegian corpus Take a Danish--Norwegian corpus, for example OpenSubtitles (da-nb only), tag it using the apertium-dan-nor pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
research Tag and align Swedish--Norwegian corpus Take a Swedish--Norwegian corpus, for example OpenSubtitles (sv-nb only), tag it using the apertium-swe-nor pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
research Tag and align Macedonian--Serbo-Croatian corpus Take a Macedonian--Serbo-Croatian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-mk-sh pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Macedonian--English corpus Take a Macedonian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-mk-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Serbo-Croatian--Bulgarian corpus Take a Serbo-Croatian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sh-bg pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Serbo-Croatian--English corpus Take a Serbo-Croatian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sh-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
research Tag and align Bulgarian--English corpus Take a Bulgarian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-bg-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Francis Tyers User:Sereni
code Write a program to extract Greek noun inflections Write a program to extract Greek inflection information for nouns from Wiktionary, see Category:Greek nouns
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Greek verb inflections Write a program to extract Greek inflection information for verbs from Wiktionary, see Category:Greek verbs
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Greek adjective inflections Write a program to extract Greek inflection information for adjectives from Wiktionary, see Category:Greek adjectives
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to convert the Giellatekno Faroese CG to Apertium tags Write a program which converts the tagset of the Giellatekno Faroese constraint grammar.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Trondtr
quality Import nouns from azmorph into apertium-aze Take the nouns (excluding proper nouns) from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/branches/azmorph and put them into lexc format in https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/incubator/apertium-aze.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
quality Import misc categories from azmorph into apertium-aze Take the categories that aren't nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/branches/azmorph and put them into lexc format in https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/incubator/apertium-aze.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
research Build a clean Kazakh--English sentence-aligned bilingual corpus for testing purposes using official information from Kazakh websites (minimum 50 bilingual sentences). Download and align the Kazakh and English version of the same page, divide them in sentences, and build two plain text files (eng.FILENAME.txt) and (kaz.FILENAME.txt) with one sentence per line so that they correspond to each other.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:mlforcada User:Sereni User:Firespeaker User:Aida
research Build a clean Kazakh--Russian sentence-aligned bilingual corpus for testing purposes using official information from Kazakh websites (minimum 50 bilingual sentences). Download and align the Kazakh and Russian version of the same page, divide them in sentences, and build two plain files (eng.FILENAME.txt) and (rus.FILENAME.txt) with one sentence per line so that they correspond to each other.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:mlforcada User:Sereni User:Firespeaker User:Aida
code Make a script to generate a table on the wiki of all transducers for a language family Make a script to go with the other wiki-tools scripts that finds all the apertium single-language transducers for each language in a given family and writes a table describing them to the wiki. The table should be in roughly the same format as that on the Turkic languages or Celtic languages pages, and the script can be based off some of the other scripts. User:Firespeaker
code Combine available wiki-tools scripts into a script that writes a complete language family page Write a script that generates mostly complete language family pages given dixtable, langtable, and udhrtable, etc. You'll need to combine, and perhaps make more abstract, the existing wiki-tools scripts. User:Firespeaker
documentation Manually spell-check running text in an apertium language of your choice Take 500 words from a public source of user contributed content (such as a forum or a comments section of a website) in a language supported by Apertium (other than English) and manually correct all orthographical and typographical errors. Allow for some variation in terms of what is proper spelling, such as regional differences, etc. (e.g., in English, both "color" and "colour" are correct, but "colur" isn't). If you've found fewer than 20 errors, do this for another 500 words (and so on) until you've identified at least 20 errors. Submit a link to the source(s) you used, and a list of only the words you've corrected (one entry per line like "computre,computer" in a text file).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Ksnmi
quality Check the performance of an Apertium spell checker in an apertium language of your choice Take 500 words from a public source of user contributed content (such as a forum or a comments section of a website) in a language supported by Apertium that you know (other than English) and put it through one of our spell checkers (libreoffice, MS Word, firefox, command line voikko, or the website if that task has been done already). Then make a list of all the words it marked wrong, and for each word indicate whether it is (1) a word that is misspelled (provide the correctly spelled form), (2) a word that is spelled correctly, (3) a form from another language that is never used in the language you are checking. Allow for some variation in terms of what is proper spelling, such as regional differences, etc. (e.g., in English, both "color" and "colour" are correct, but "colur" isn't). If you've found fewer than 20 words that fit the first two categories, do this for another 500 words (and so on) until you've identified at least 20 words of types (1) and (2). Submit a link to the source(s) you used, and a list of only the words the spell checker corrected (one entry per line like (1) "computre,computer", (2) "Computer,CORRECT" (3) "計算機,FOREIGN", in a text file).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Ksnmi
research, documentation Categorise 5 twol rules Choose 5 rules from a twol file for a well-developed hfst pair. For each rule, state what kind of process it is (insertion, deletion, symbol change), and whether it's phonologically conditioned or morphologically conditioned. If it's a phonologically conditioned symbol change, write whether one character is changing to another, or whether the rule is part of a one-to-many or many-to-one correspondence. Write your findings on the apertium wiki at Examples_of_twol_rules/Language (replacing "Language" with the name of the language).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.

Data mangling

Category Title Description Mentors
code multi Dictionary conversion Write a conversion module for an existing dictionary for apertium-dixtools.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code multi Dictionary conversion in python Write a conversion module for an existing free bilingual dictionary to lttoolbox format using Python.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code Write a program to extract Faroese noun inflections Write a program to extract Faroese inflection information for nouns from Wiktionary, see Category:Faroese nouns
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:vin-ivar
code Write a program to extract Faroese verb inflections Write a program to extract Faroese inflection information for verbs from Wiktionary, see Category:Faroese verbs
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:vin-ivar
code Write a program to extract Faroese adjective inflections Write a program to extract Faroese inflection information for adjectives from Wiktionary, see Category:Faroese adjectives
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:vin-ivar
code Bilingual dictionary from word alignments script Write a script which takes GIZA++ alignments and outputs a .dix file. The script should be able to reduce the number of tags, and also have some heuristics to test if a word is too-frequently aligned.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Ksnmi
code multi Scraper for free forum content Write a script to scrape/capture all freely available content for a forum or forum category and dump it to an xml corpus file or text file.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Ksnmi
research multi scrape a freely available dictionary using tesseract Use tesseract to scrape a freely available dictionary that exists in some image format (pdf, djvu, etc.). Be sure to scrape grammatical information if available, as well stems (e.g., some dictionaries might provide entries like АЗНА·Х, where the stem is азна), and all possible translations. Ideally it should dump into something resembling bidix format, but if there's no grammatical information and no way to guess at it, some flat machine-readable format is fine.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Ksnmi
code script to generate dictionary from IDS data Write a script that takes two lg_id codes, scrapes those dictionaries at IDS, matches entries, and outputs a dictionary in bidix format
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Ksnmi
code Script to convert rapidwords dictionary to apertium bidix Write a script (preferably in python3) that converts an arbitrary dictionary from rapidwords.net to apertium bidix format. Keep in mind that rapidwords dictionaries may contain more than two languages, while apertium dictionaries may only contain two languages, so the script should take an argument allowing the user to specify which languages to extract. Ideally, there should also be an argument that lists the languages available.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code Script to convert simple bilingual dictionary entries to lttoolbox-style entries Write a simple converter for lists of bilingual dictionary entries (one per line) so that one can use the shorthand notation perro.n.m:dog.n to generate lttoolbox-style entries of the form <e><l>perro</l><r>dog</r></e>. You may start from [1] if you wish.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:mlforcada User:Raveesh
code multi Convert one part-of-speech from SALDO to Apertium .dix format Take the SALDO lexicon of Swedish and convert one of the classes of parts-of-speech to Apertium's lttoolbox format. (Nouns and verbs already done, see swe/dev.)
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
Francis Tyers, Unhammer, User:Putti


Category Title Description Mentors
documentation Installation instructions for missing GNU/Linux distributions or versions Adapt installation instructions for a particular GNU/Linux or Unix-like distribution if the existing instructions in the Apertium wiki do not work or have bugs of some kind. Prepare it in your user space in the Apertium wiki. It may be uploaded to the main wiki when approved.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker
Wei En (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Installing Apertium in lightweight GNU/Linux distributions Give instructions on how to install Apertium in one of the small or lightweight GNU/Linux distributions such as Damn Small Linux in the style of the description for Apertium on SliTaz, so that may be used in older machines.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Bech Youssefsan
Wei En (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Video guide to installation Prepare a screencast or video about installing Apertium; make sure it uses a format that may be viewed with Free software. When approved by your mentor, upload it to Youtube, making sure that you use the HTML5 format which may be viewed by modern browsers without having to use proprietary plugins such as Adobe Flash. An example may be found here.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker
Wei En (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Apertium in 5 slides Write a 5-slide HTML presentation (only needing a modern browser to be viewed and ready to be effectively "karaoked" by some else in 5 minutes or less: you can prove this with a screencast) in the language in which you write more fluently, which describes Apertium, how it works, and what makes it different from other machine translation systems.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker
Wei En (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Improved "Become a language-pair developer" document Read the document Become_a_language_pair_developer_for_Apertium and think of ways to improve it (don't do this if you have not done any of the language pair tasks). Send comments to your mentor and/or prepare it in your user space in the Apertium wiki. There will be a chance to change the document later in the Apertium Wiki.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Bech User:Firespeaker
documentation An entry test for Apertium Write 20 multiple-choice questions about Apertium. Each question will give 3 options of which only one is true, so that we can build an "Apertium exam" for future GSoC/GCI/developers. Optionally, add an explanation for the correct answer.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
code Apertium develoment on Windows The Apertium on Windows guide is severely out-dated, developers tend to use a Virtualbox (users have a nice GUI). But some developers might want to use their Windows tools and environment. Go through the guide to install Apertium on Windows, updating the guide where things have changed.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers
code Light Apertium bootable ISO for small machines Using Damn Small Linux or SliTaz or a similar lightweight GNU/Linux, produce the minimum-possible bootable live ISO or live USB image that contains the OS, minimum editing facilities, Apertium, and a language pair of your choice. Make sure no package that is not strictly necessary for Apertium to run is included.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker< br/>Wei En (alternative mentors welcome)
code Apertium in XLIFF workflows Write a shell script and (if possible, using the filter definition files found in the documentation) a filter that takes an XLIFF file such as the ones representing a computer-aided translation job and populates with translations of all segments that are not translated, marking them clearly as machine-translated.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada User:Espla User:Fsanchez (alternative mentors welcome)
quality Examples of minimum files where an Apertium language pair messes up (X)HTML formatting Sometimes, an Apertium language pair takes a valid HTML/XHTML source file but delivers an invalid HTML/XHTML target file, regardless of translation quality. This can usually be blamed on incorrect handling of superblanks in structural transfer rules. The task: (1) select a language pair (2) Install Apertium locally from the Subversion repository; install the language pair; make sure that it works (3) download a series of HTML/XHTML files for testing purposes. Make sure they are valid using an HTML/XHTML validator (4) translate the valid files with the language pair (5) check if the translated files are also valid HTML/XHTML files; select those that aren't (6) find the first source of non-validity and study it, and strip the source file until you just have a small (valid!) source file with some text around the minimum possible example of problematic tags; save each such file and describe the error.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
code Write a transliteration plugin for mediawiki Write a mediawiki plugin similar in functionality (and perhaps implementation) to the way the Kazakh-language wikipedia's orthography changing system works (documented last year here. It should be able to be directed to use any arbitrary mode from an apertium mode file installed in a pre-specified path on a server.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
research multi train tesseract on a language with no available tesseract data Train tesseract (the OCR software) on a language that it hasn't previously been trained on. We're especially interested in languages with some coverage in apertium. We can provide images of text to train on.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel. up2015
User:Firespeaker, User:Unhammer
research using language transducers for predictive text on Android Investigate what it would take to add some sort of plugin to existing Android predictive text / keyboard framework(s?) that would allow the use of lttoolbox (or hfst? or libvoikko stuff?) transducers to be used to predict text and/or gesture typing (swipe typing). Document your findings on the apertium wiki.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
research research gesture typing back end for Android Research and document on apertium's wiki how recent versions of Android's built-in keyboard interface to a spelling dictionary to guess words with gesture typing. You should state in some combination of broad and specific terms what steps would be needed needed to connect this to a custom back end, e.g. how it could call some other program that looked up words for a given language (e.g., a keyboard layout which currently does not have an Android-supported gesture keyboard).
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
research multi identify 75 substitutions for conversion from colloquial Finnish to book Finnish Colloquial Finnish can be written and pronounced differently to book Finnish (e.g. "ei oo" = "ei ole"; "mä oon" = "minä olen"). The objective of this task is to come up with 75 examples of differences between colloquial Finnish and book Finnish.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Inariksit
research multi Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text. The objective of this task is to disambiguate by hand 500 words of text in Russian. You can find a Wikipedia article you are interested in, or you can be assigned one, you will be given the output of a morphological analyser for Russian, and your task is to select the most adequate analysis in context.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Francis Tyers User:Beboppinbobby User:Sereni
research, quality improvements to lexc plugin for vim A vim syntax definition file for lexc is presented on the following wiki page: Apertium-specific conventions for lexc#Syntax highlighting in vim. This plugin works, but it has some issues: (1) comments on LEXICON lines are not highlighted as comments, (2) editing lines with comments (or similar) can be really slow, (3) the lexicon a form points at is not highlighted distinctly from the form (e.g., in the line «асқабақ:асқабақ N1 ; ! "pumpkin"», N1 should be highlighted somehow). Modify or rewrite the plugin to fix these issues.
For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.
User:Firespeaker User:vin-ivar User:TommiPirinen
code make reproducible builds for core tools Normally, when you compile software on different machines, the byte-for-byte output will differ, making it hard to verify that the code hasn't been tampered with. With a reproducible build, the output is byte-for-byte equal even though built on different machines. Using https://gitian.org, create reproducible builds of the latest releases of lttoolbox / apertium / apertium-lex-tools / vislcg3. up2015 User:Unhammer
code make improvements to the wx-utf8 script The script converts stuff written in WX notation to produce Devanagari. It should be bug free, but someone needs to test it with strange words and fix bugs if any. Also, make the script work the other way, and add support for other encoding standards to make it a generic X-Y transliterator. User:vin-ivar
quality, code fix any open ticket Fix any open ticket in any of our issues trackers: main, html-tools, begiak. When you claim this task, let your mentor know which issue you plan to work on. User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Sushain