Difference between revisions of "Traductions en français"

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(Pages non traduites (une seule version modifiable dans le wiki))
Line 327: Line 327:
* [[Language and pair maintainer]]
* [[Language and pair maintainer]]
* [[Publications]]
* [[Publications]]
* [[Specific resources per language]]

Revision as of 19:34, 3 September 2011

Dixtools (outils)

* Apertium-dixtools Apertium-dixtools (français)
* Autoconcord Autoconcord (français)
* Cross Model Modèle croisé
* Cross Model Elements Elements de modèle croisé
* Crossdics ?
* Crossdics Example ?
* Dictionary coverage ?
* Dictionary reader ?
* Dixtools: Equivalent paradigms ?
* Dixtools: Merge dictionaries ?
* Format dictionaries ?
* Getting bilingual dictionaries from OmegaWiki ?
* Linguistic Resources Document ?
* Metadix ?
* Pattern-Action example ?
* Reverse a dictionary ?
* Sort a dictionary ?


* Apertium Subtitles ?
* ACX format ?
* Apertium stream format ?
* Format handling ?
* Speling format ?
* TSX format ?
* Translating gettext ?
* Translating subtitles ?
* Translating wikimedia ?


* Installation ?
* Apertium guide for Windows users ?
* Apertium on Arch Linux ?
* Apertium on Fedora ?
* Apertium on Mac OS X ?
* Apertium on Mac OS X (Local) ?
* Apertium on Mac OS X (System) ?
* Apertium on Mandriva ?
* Apertium on openSUSE ?
* Apertium on Ubuntu ?
* Apertium on Windows ?
* Getting started with induction tools ?
* Installation Troubleshooting ?
* Minimal installation from SVN ?
* Northern Sámi and Norwegian/Installation ?


* Incubator ?
* Nursery ?
* Staging ?
* Trunk ?

Theoretical background

* Apertium New Language Pair HOWTO Créer une nouvelle paire de langues
* Beginner's Constraint Grammar HOWTO ?
* Bilingual dictionary ?
* Contributing to an existing pair Comment contribuer à une paire de langues existante
* Dictionary basics ?
* List of symbols Liste de symboles
* Monodix basics ?
* Mwreorder ?
* Release policy ?
* Tips for working on bilingual dictionaries ?
* Using an lttoolbox dictionary ?
* Using linguistic resources ?

Autre documentation

* Documentation ?
* Analysing Finnish text ?
* Apertium and Constraint Grammar ?
* Apertium going SOA ?
* Apertium-pretransfer ?
* Bugzilla ?
* Building dictionaries ?
* Bytemark server ?
* Calculating coverage ?
* Chunking ?
* Chunking: A full example ?
* Compiling dictionaries ?
* Cookbook ?
* Dialectal or standard variation ?
* DicLookUp ?
* Frequently Asked Questions ?
* ICU ?
* Initial consonant mutation ?
* Letter case handling ?
* Lexical selection ?
* Lextor ?
* Making a release ?
* Matxin New Language Pair HOWTO ?
* Mixed modes ?
* Modes ?
* Morphological dictionaries ?
* Parsers ?
* Part-of-speech tagging ?
* Pivot translation ?
* Placeholder attributes ?
* Preparing data for Moses factored training using Apertium ?
* Preparing to use apertium-transfer-tools ?
* Speeding up monodix creation ?
* Syntactic labels ?
* Tagger training ?
* Target-language tagger training ?
* Troubleshooting ?
* Ubuntu NLP repository ?
* Unsupervised tagger training ?
* Using SVN ?
* Using SVN with TortoiseSVN ?

Pages non traduites (une seule version modifiable dans le wiki)