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This is a non-comprehensive list of publications involving Apertium, ordered by date. Please feel free to add your paper about Apertium.

You can also look for Apertium inside The systems page, which is updated independently by John Hutchins.


Have moved to the Presentations page.









  • Peradin, H., Petkovski, F. and Tyers, F. M. (2014) "Shallow-transfer rule-based machine translation for the Western group of South Slavic". Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Minority Languages (SALTMIL2014) organised with LREC2014
  • Minocha, A., & Tyers, F. M. (2014). Subsegmental language detection in Celtic language text. CLTW 2014, 76. Proceedings of the 1st Celtic Language Technology Workshop, COLING 2014.




  • Jacob Nordfalk: "Maŝintradukado - kiel ĝi funkcias, kion ĝi kapablas". In: Wandel, Amri (red.). Internacia Kongresa Universitato. 64-a Sesio. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 2011, p. 121-137.
  • Jacob Nordfalk & Hèctor Alòs i Font: "Apertium kaj Esperanto: Maŝintradukado al kaj el Esperanto per malfermitkoda platformo". In: Novoská, Katarina; Baláž, Peter (red.). Modernaj teknologioj por Esperanto. Partizánske (SK): E@I, 2011, p. 117-125.
  • Antonio Toral, Federico Gaspari, Sudip Kumar Naskar, & Andy Way: Comparative evaluation of research vs. online MT systems. EAMT 2011: proceedings of the 15th conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May 2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent Vandeghinste; pp.13-20 (Uses apertium-de-en and apertium-en-nl data to assist in bitext alignment)
  • Tomáš Hudík & Achim Ruopp: The integration of Moses into localisation industry. EAMT 2011: proceedings of the 15th conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May 2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent Vandeghinste; pp.47-53 (cites Apertium alongside Moses as "the most developed" MT systems).
  • Aish Raj Dahal: Development of a Nepali Morphological Analyzer. ICON 2011: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, 15-19 Dec 2011, Chennai, India;Student Paper Track; (cites Apertium as the underlying technology behind Nepali Morphological Analyzer)


  • Sergio Penkale, Rejwanul Haque, Sandipan Dandapat, Pratyush Banerjee, Ankit K. Srivastava, Jinhua Du, Pavel Pecina, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Mikel L. Forcada, Andy Way, "MaTrEx: the DCU MT system for WMT 2010", in Proceedings of WMT 2010: The ACL 2010 Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR (to be presented)
  • Aline Villavicencio, Carlos Ramisch, André Machado, Maria José ́Finatto, Helena de Medeiros Caseli (2010) "Identificação de Expressões Multipalavra em Domínios Específicos". Linguamatica 2(1) pp. 15--34


  • Tyers, F. M. and Nordfalk, J.(2009). "Shallow-transfer rule-based machine translation for Swedish to Danish". Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation, p. 27–33, Alacant, Spain.
  • Unhammer, Kevin; Trosterud, Trond. "Reuse of free resources in machine translation between Nynorsk and Bokmål". In: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation / Edited by Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Francis M. Tyers. Alicante : Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, 2009, pp. 35-42


  • Carme Armentano Oller and Mikel L. Forcada (2008) “Reutilización de datos lingüísticos para la creación de un sistema de traducción automática para un nuevo par de lenguas”. Procesamiento del lenguaje natural. N. 41 (sept. 2008). ISSN 1135-5948, pp. 243-250



  • Carme Armentano-Oller, Mikel L. Forcada (2006) "Open-source machine translation between small languages: Catalan and Aranese Occitan", in Strategies for developing machine translation for minority languages (5th SALTMIL workshop on Minority Languages) (organized in conjunction with LREC 2006 (22-28.05.2006)) , p. 51-54
  • (bibtex) Gema Ramírez-Sánchez, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Sergio Ortiz-Rojas, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Mikel L. Forcada (2006) "Opentrad Apertium open-source machine translation system: an opportunity for business and research", in Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 28 Conference ((London, november 16--17, 2006))
  • (bibtex) Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Mikel L. Forcada (2006) "Speeding up target-language driven part-of-speech tagger training for machine translation". in Lecture notes in Computer Science vol. 4293: MICAI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Apizaco, Mexico, November 13-17, 2006. Proceedings. ((c) Springer-Verlag 2006) , p. 844-854
  • (bibtex) Carme Armentano-Oller, Rafael C. Carrasco, Antonio M. Corbí-Bellot, Mikel L. Forcada, Mireia Ginestí-Rosell, Sergio Ortiz-Rojas, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Gema Ramírez-Sánchez, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Miriam A. Scalco (2006) "Open-source Portuguese-Spanish machine translation", in In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3960 (Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Processing of Written and Spoken Portuguese, PROPOR 2006), May 13-17, 2006, ME - RJ / Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ((c) Springer-Verlag 2006) , p. 50-59
  • Forcada, Mikel L. (2006) "Open-source machine translation: an opportunity for minor languages" in B. Williams (ed.): Proceedings of the Workshop "Strategies for developing machine translation for minority languages (5th SALTMIL workshop on Minority Languages)" (organised in conjunction with LREC 2006 (22-28.05.2006)). Genoa, Italy, pp. 1-6.


  • (bibtex) Carme Armentano-Oller, Antonio M. Corbí-Bellot, Mikel L. Forcada, Mireia Ginestí-Rosell, Boyan Bonev, Sergio Ortiz-Rojas, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Gema Ramírez-Sánchez, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez (2005) "An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation toolbox: consequences of its release and availability", in Proceedings of OSMaTran: Open-Source Machine Translation, A workshop at Machine Translation Summit X (Phuket, Thailand, September 12--16, 2005),
  • (bibtex) Antonio M. Corbí-Bellot, Mikel L. Forcada, Sergio Ortiz-Rojas, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Gema Sánchez-Ramírez, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Iñaki Alegria, Aingeru Mayor, Kepa Sarasola (2005) "An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation engine for the romance languages of Spain", in Proceedings of the European Associtation for Machine Translation, 10th Annual Conference (Budapest, Hungary, 30-31.05.2005), p. 79--86
  • Ortiz-Rojas, S., Forcada, M. L., and Ramírez-Sánchez, G. (2005) "Construccion y minimización eficiente de transductores de letras a partir de diccionarios con paradigmas". Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 35, 51–57.