Difference between revisions of "Documentation"

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(Code structure is described in the readme file but could be expanded here)
(no longer exists)
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[[Documentation (français)|En français]]

{{Main page header}}
{{Main page header}}

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* '''[https://wiki.apertium.org/w/images/d/d0/Apertium2-documentation.pdf Apertium 2.0: Official documentation] (222 pages)'''
* '''[https://wiki.apertium.org/w/images/d/d0/Apertium2-documentation.pdf Apertium 2.0: Official documentation] (222 pages)'''
::Overwhelmingly also applies to Apertium 3.0, except statements about non-Unicode support.
::Overwhelmingly also applies to Apertium 3.0, except statements about non-Unicode support. Also, the older SLR/SRL method for lexical selection/disambiguation is covered, but this is now replaced by the [[Lexical selection]] module.

* '''[[Publications]]''' — Conference and journal articles published about Apertium.
* '''[[Publications]]''' — Conference and journal articles published about Apertium.
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* [[Workflow diagram]]
* [[Using SVN]] — cheatsheet on how to use SVN for users and developers.
* [[Workflow reference]] — includes examples, file names, and links.
** [[Utiliser SVN]]

* [[List of symbols]]
* [[List of symbols]]
** [[Liste de symboles]]
** [[Liste de symboles]]
* [[Apertium stream format]]
* [[Frequently Asked Questions]] — what it says in the link.

** [[Questions fréquentes]]
==Apertium in 5 slides==

Short presentations prepared by GCI students.

* [http://slides.com/allysonallyson/deck#/ Apertium: A Free/Open-Source Machine Translation System], by Allyson Boone
* [http://slides.com/darkgaia/deck#/ Apertium A free/open-source machine translation platform], by Darkgaia

==GsoC / GCI students==

* GsoC students: read [[Top tips for GSOC applications]] and [[Ideas_for_Google_Summer_of_Code]]
* GCI students: read [[Top_tips_for_GSOC_applications#Other_tips]]

==Creating a new pair==
==Creating a new pair==
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** [[Comment contribuer à une paire de langues existante]]
** [[Comment contribuer à une paire de langues existante]]
* '''[[Become a language pair developer for Apertium]]''' — A quick, step-by-step guide for Ubuntu and Debian users on how to add entries to a language pair.
* '''[[Become a language pair developer for Apertium]]''' — A quick, step-by-step guide for Ubuntu and Debian users on how to add entries to a language pair.

==How it works==
==How it works==

* [[Apertium for Dummies]] — a one-sheet summary
* [[Apertium for Dummies]]
*[[Using Git]] — an introduction to using Git for Apertium.
* [[Code structure]]
** [https://git-scm.com/doc Git Documentation]
* '''[[Monodix basics]]''' — a basic step-by-step explanation to morphological dictionaries
** [http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ Simple Guide to Using Git]
* [[Code structure]] — a guide to the file structure of source downloads (and the SVN repository)
* [[Modes introduction]]
* [[Multiwords]]
* [[Frequently Asked Questions]] — what it says in the link.
** [[Questions fréquentes]]

====Introductions to Modules====
* [[Monodix basics]] — a basic step-by-step explanation to morphological dictionaries
** [[Diccionariu morfolóxicu‎]]
** [[Diccionariu morfolóxicu‎]]
** [[Dictionnaire unilingue]]
** [[Dictionnaire unilingue]]
* [[Tips for working on bilingual dictionaries]] — hints about issues you may meet
* [[Bilingual dictionary]] — some guidelines for writing bilingual dictionaries
* [[Bilingual dictionary]] — some guidelines for writing bilingual dictionaries
**[[Dictionnaire bilingue]]
**[[Dictionnaire bilingue]]
* [[How to get started with lexical selection rules]]
* [[Morphological analysis]] — some details and theory on how we do [[morphological analysis]]
* [[Chunking: A full example]]
* [[Post-generator]]
* [[Constraint Grammar]]

Not used often now,
* [[Part-of-speech tagging]] — information on HMMs for part-of-speech tagging
* [[Part-of-speech tagging]] — information on HMMs for part-of-speech tagging
**[[Balisage d'une partie de discours]]
**[[Balisage d'une partie de discours]]

See also the [[Workflow reference]]

* [[:Category:Documentation in Turkish|Documentation in Turkish]]
* [[:Category:Documentation in English|Documentation in English]]
* [[:Category:Documentación en castellano|Documentación en Castellano]]
* [[:Category:Dokumentado en Esperanto|Dokumentado en Esperanto]]
* [[:Category:Documentation en français|Documentation en Français]]
* [[:Category:Documentazione in italiano|Documentazione in Italiano]]
* [[:Category:Documentaţie în română|Documentaţie în Română]]
* [[:Category:Documentación n'asturianu|Documentación n'asturianu]]
* [[:Category:Документация на русском языке|Документация на русском языке]]
* [[:Category:Машинный перевод для языков России|Машинный перевод для языков России]]


Latest revision as of 08:22, 2 February 2025

En français


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Overwhelmingly also applies to Apertium 3.0, except statements about non-Unicode support. Also, the older SLR/SRL method for lexical selection/disambiguation is covered, but this is now replaced by the Lexical selection module.
  • Publications — Conference and journal articles published about Apertium.

Undocumented Features[edit]


Apertium in 5 slides[edit]

Short presentations prepared by GCI students.

GsoC / GCI students[edit]

Creating a new pair[edit]

Contributing to an existing pair[edit]

How it works[edit]

Introductions to Modules[edit]

Not used often now,

See also the Workflow reference
