Task ideas for Google Code-in

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This is the task ideas page for Google Code-in (http://www.google-melange.com/gci/homepage/google/gci2013), here you can find ideas on interesting tasks that will improve your knowledge of Apertium and help you get into the world of open-source development.

The people column lists people who you should get in contact with to request further information. All tasks are 2 hours maximum estimated amount of time that would be spent on the task by an experienced developer, however:

  1. this does not include time taken to install / set up apertium.
  2. this is the time expected to take by an experienced developer, you may find that you spend more time on the task because of the learning curve.


  • code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
  • documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
  • research: Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketting, or studying problems and recommending solutions
  • quality: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality.
  • interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction

You can find descriptions of some of the mentors here: List_of_Apertium_mentors.

Task list

Category Title Description Mentors
code, quality Improve the quality of a language pair XX-YY by adding 50 words to its vocabulary Add words to language pair XX-YY and test that the new vocabulary works. Read more... User:Mlforcada User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Xavivars User:Bech Jimregan User:Unhammer User:Fsanchez User:Nikant Fulup User:Japerez User:tunedal User:Juanpabl Youssefsan
code, quality Add/correct one structural transfer rule to an existing language pair Add or correct a structural transfer rule to an existing language pair and test that it works. Read more... User:Mlforcada User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Unhammer User:Nikant Fulup User:Juanpabl
code, quality Write 10 lexical selection rules for a language pair already set up with lexical selection Add 10 lexical selection rules to improve the lexical selection quality of a pair and test them to ensure that they work. Read more... User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Unhammer User:Fsanchez User:Nikant User:Japerez (more mentors welcome)
code Set up a language pair to use lexical selection and write 5 rules First set up a language pair to use the new lexical selection module (this will involve changing configure scripts, makefile and modes file). Then write 5 lexical selection rules. Read more... User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer Fulup (more mentors welcome)
code, quality Write 10 constraint grammar rules to repair part-of-speech tagging errors Find some tagging errors and write 10 constraint grammar rules to fix the errors. Read more... User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:ilnar.salimzyan User:Unhammer Fulup (more mentors welcome)
code Set up a language pair such that it uses constraint grammar for part-of-speech tagging Find a language pair that does not yet use constraint grammar, and set it up to use constraint grammar. After doing this, find some tagging errors and write five rules for resolving them. Read more... User:Mlforcada, User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code Dictionary conversion Write a conversion module for an existing dictionary for apertium-dixtools. User:Firespeaker
code Dictionary conversion in python Write a conversion module for an existing free bilingual dictionary to lttoolbox format using Python. User:Firespeaker
code Localised available languages function in apertium-apy Make a new function for apertium-apy, is takes as input a language code, and as output gives the list of available pairs, and their translations in the language specified by the language code. You will probably need to know JavaScript and Python. User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers
code Language detection in apertium-apy Make a new function for apertium-apy, that allows the language of some input text to be identified. This function should return a dict of languages and probabilities. For this task you will also need to train models for the language identifier. User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers
code SSL in apertium-apy Make apertium-apy optionally use SSL. (If you put simple-html on an ssl domain, new browsers won't let you do plaintext/non-ssl ajax). User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Francis Tyers
code libvoikko support for apertium-apy Write a function for apertium-apy that checks the spelling of an input string and for each word returns whether the word is correct, and if unknown returns suggestions. Whether segmentation is done by the client or by apertium-apy will have to be figured out. You will also need to add scanning for spelling modes to the initialisation section. Try to find a sensible way to structure the requests and returned data with JSON. Add a switch to allow someone to turn off support for this (use argparse set_false). User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
code *-morph and *-gener modes for apertium-apy Write a function each for apertium-apy that does morphological analysis and morphological generation. You'll also need to add scanning for such modes to the initialisation section. Try to find a sensible way to structure the requests and returned data with JSON. Add a switch to allow someone to turn off support for this (use argparse set_false). User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code performance tracking in apertium-apy Add a way for apertium-apy to keep track of number of words in input and time between sending input to a pipeline and receiving output, for the last n (e.g., 100) requests, and write a function to return the average words per second over something<n (e.g., 10) requests. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code apertium-apy gateway Write an intermediary server that takes apertium-apy requests and forwards them to one server from a list of apertium-apy servers:ports (round-robin style or similar) User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code apertium-apy gateway server pool management write a function that's called every n requests that polls the server pool and reorders the list of available servers based on speed (i.e., fastest servers first) User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
documentation, quality test and document init scripts for apertium-apy Try setting up apertium-apy to run on startup using Upstart (Ubuntu) using this script, check that it actually starts up on startup and restarts when you kill it. Document how you did it on the wiki User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
documentation, quality test and document init scripts for apertium-apy Try setting up apertium-apy to run on startup using systemd (Fedora, Arch Linux, SUSE) using this script, check that it actually starts up on startup and restarts when you kill it. Document how you did it on the wiki User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
documentation, quality test and document init scripts for apertium-apy Try setting up apertium-apy to run on startup using inittab e.g. like this, check that it actually starts up on startup and restarts when you kill it. Document how you did it on the wiki User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code, documentation cronjob to detect a "hang" for apertium-apy Write a script that tries to translate something via a local apertium-apy, and if it doesn't respond nicely within a certain amount of time (e.g. curl times out and exits with non-zero status, or the translation is wrong/empty), then "initctl restart apertium-apy" (Upstart) or "systemctl restart apertium-apy" (systemd); post the contents of the script on the wiki and how to set it up. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code make apertium-apy use one lock per pipeline make apertium-apy use one lock per pipeline, since we don't need to wait for mk-en just because sme-nob is running. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers User:Unhammer
code make voikkospell understand apertium stream format input Make voikkospell understand apertium stream format input, e.g. ^word/analysis1/analysis2$, voikkospell should only interpret the 'word' part to be spellchecked. User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code make voikkospell return output in apertium stream format make voikkospell return output suggestions in apertium stream format, e.g. ^correctword$ or ^incorrectword/correct1/correct2$ User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code libvoikko support for OS X Make a spell server for OS X's system-wide spell checker to use arbitrary languages through libvoikko. See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/SpellCheck/Tasks/CreatingSpellServer.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000770-BAJFBAAH for more information User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on Ubuntu/debian document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on Ubuntu and debian User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on Fedora document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on Fedora User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on Windows document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on Windows User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document: setting up libreoffice voikko on OS X document how to set up libreoffice voikko working with a language on OS X User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
documentation document how to set up libenchant to work with libvoikko Libenchant is a spellchecking wrapper, set it up to work with libvoikko, a spellchecking backend and document how you did it. User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code, interface geriaoueg hover functionality firefox/iceweasel plugin which, when enabled, allows one to hover over a word and get a pop-up; interface only. Should be something like [1] or [2] . User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code, interface geriaoueg hover functionality chrome/chromium plugin which, when enabled, allows one to hover over a word and get a pop-up; interface only. Should be something like [3] or [4] . User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
code geriaoueg language/pair selection firefox/iceweasel plugin which queries apertium API for available languages and allows the user to set the language pair in preferences User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code geriaoueg language/pair selection chrome/chromium plugin which queries apertium API for available languages and allows the user to set the language pair in preferences User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
code geriaoueg lookup code firefox/iceweasel plugin which queries apertium API for a word by sending a context (±n words) and the position of the word in the context and gets translation for language pair xxx-yyy User:Francis Tyers user:Firespeaker
code geriaoueg lookup code chrome/chromium plugin which queries apertium API for a word by sending a context (±n words) and the position of the word in the context and gets translation for language pair xxx-yyy User:Francis Tyers user:Firespeaker User:Japerez
code apertium-apy translation-per-word mode apertium-apy function/mode that runs analyser (-morph), then returns output of biltrans for each analysis; will need to decide whether it makes sense to return once, as a list, or return multiple times, once for each analysis (probably the former) User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer
code apertium-apy mode for geriaoueg (biltrans in context) apertium-apy function that accepts a context (e.g., ±n ~words around word) and a position in the context of a word, gets biltrans output on entire context, and returns translation for the word User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer
quality make apertium-quality work with python3.3 on all platforms migrate apertium-quality away from distribute to newer setup-tools so it installs correctly in more recent versions of python (known incompatible: python3.3 OS X, known compatible: MacPorts python3.2) User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
code How much of a given sentence pair is explained by Apertium? Write (in some scripting language of your choice) a command-line program that takes an Apertium language pair, a source-language sentence S, and a target-language sentence T, and outputs the set of pairs of subsegments (s,t) such that s is a subsegment of S, t a subsegment of T and t is the Apertium translation of s or vice-versa (a subsegment is a sequence of whole words). User:Mlforcada User:Espla User:Fsanchez User:Japerez
quality Compare Apertium with another MT system and improve it This tasks aims at improving an Apertium language pair when a web-accessible system exists for it in the 'net. Particularly good if the system is (approximately) rule-based such as Lucy, Reverso, Systran or SDL Free Translation: (1) Install the Apertium language pair, ideally such that the source language is a language you know (L₂) and the target language a language you use every day (L₁). (2) Collect a corpus of text (newspaper, wikipedia) Segment it in sentences (using e.g., libsegment-java or a similar processor and a SRX segmentation rule file borrowed from e.g. OmegaT) and put each sentence in a line. Run the corpus through Apertium and through the other system Select those sentences where both outputs are very similar (e.g, 90% coincident). Decide which one is better. If the other language is better than Apertium, think of what modification could be done for Apertium to produce the same output, and make 3 such modifications. User:Mlforcada Jimregan User:Japerez (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Check that the Apertium guide for Windows users still works We have an Apertium guide for Windows users, to help them install on Windows. Check that it works, and if not, report any bugs you find. User:Francis Tyers
documentation Installation instructions for missing GNU/Linux distributions or versions Adapt installation instructions for a particular GNU/Linux or Unix-like distribution if the existing instructions in the Apertium wiki do not work or have bugs of some kind. Prepare it in your user space in the Apertium wiki. It may be uploaded to the main wiki when approved. User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Installing Apertium in lightweight GNU/Linux distributions Give instructions on how to install Apertium in one of the small or lightweight GNU/Linux distributions such as Damn Small Linux or SliTaz, so that may be used in older machines User:Mlforcada User:Bech Youssefsan (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation What's difficult about this language pair? For a language pair that is not in trunk or staging such that you know well the two languages involved, write a document describing the main problems that Apertium developers would encounter when developing that language pair (for that, you need to know very well how Apertium works). Note that there may be two such documents, one for A→B and the other for B→A Prepare it in your user space in the Apertium wiki.It may be uploaded to the main wiki when approved. User:Mlforcada Jimregan Youssefsan (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Video guide to installation Prepare a screencast or video about installing Apertium; make sure it uses a format that may be viewed with Free software. When approved by your mentor, upload it to youtube, making sure that you use the HTML5 format which may be viewed by modern browsers without having to use proprietary plugins such as Adobe Flash. User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Apertium in 5 slides Write a 5-slide HTML presentation (only needing a modern browser to be viewed and ready to be effectively "karaoked" by some else in 5 minutes or less: you can prove this with a screencast) in the language in which you write more fluently, which describes Apertium, how it works, and what makes it different from other machine translation systems. User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker User:Japerez (alternative mentors welcome)
documentation Improved "Become a language-pair developer" document Read the document Become_a_language_pair_developer_for_Apertium and think of ways to improve it (don't do this if you have not done any of the language pair tasks). Send comments to your mentor and/or repare it in your user space in the Apertium wiki. There will be a chance to change the document later in the Apertium Wiki. User:Mlforcada User:Bech
documentation An entry test for Apertium Write 20 multiple-choice questions about Apertium. Each question will give 3 options of which only one is true, so that we can build an "Apertium exam" for future GSoC/GCI/developers. Optionally, add an explanation for the correct answer. User:Mlforcada User:Japerez
research Write a contrastive grammar Using a grammar book/resource document 20 sample cases of grammatical differences between two languages; put it on the wiki under Language1_and_Language2/Contrastive_grammar User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker
research Hand annotate 250 words of running text. Use apertium annotatrix to hand-annotate 250 words of running text from Wikipedia for a language of your choice. User:Francis Tyers
research The most frequent Romance-to-Romance transfer rules Study the .t1x transfer rule files of Romance language pairs and distill 5-10 common rules that are common to all of them, perhaps by rewriting them into some equivalent form User:Mlforcada
research Tag and align Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus Take a Macedonian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-mk-bg pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Bulgarian inflections Write a program to extract Bulgarian inflection information for nouns from Wiktionary, see Category:Bulgarian nouns User:Francis Tyers
quality Improve the quality of a language pair by allowing for alternative translations Improve the quality of a language pair by (a) detecting 5 cases where the (only) translation provided by the bilingual dictionary is not adequate in a given context, (b) adding the lexical selection module to the language, and (c) writing effective lexical selection rules to exploit that context to select a better translation User:Francis Tyers User:Mlforcada User:Unhammer
quality, code Get bible aligner working (or rewrite it) trunk/apertium-tools/bible_aligner.py - Should take two bible translations and output a tmx file with one verse per entry. There is a standard-ish plain-text bible translation format that we have bible translations in, and we have files that contain the names of verses of various languages mapped to English verse names User:Firespeaker
research tesseract interface for apertium languages Find out what it would take to integrate apertium or voikkospell into tesseract. Document thoroughly available options on the wiki. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
interface Abstract the formatting for the simple-html interface. The simple-html interface should be easily customisable so that people can make it look how they want. The task is to abstract the formatting and make one or more new stylesheets to change the appearance. This is basically making a way of "skinning" the interface. User:Francis Tyers User:Japerez
interface simple-html spell-checker interface Add an enablable spell-checker module to the simple-html interface. Get fancy with jquery/etc. so that e.g., misspelled words are underlined in red and recommendations for each word are given in some sort of drop-down menu. Feel free to implement a dummy function for testing spelling to test the interface until the "simple-html spell-checker code" task is complete. User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
code simple-html spell-checker code Add code to the simple-html interface that allows spell checking to be performed. Should send entire string, and be able to match each returned result to its appropriate input word. Should also update as new words are typed. User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
interface simple-html morphological analysis/generation interface Add an enablable morphology module to the simple-html interface. Should accept text and display analysis (to be gotten via code in another task) or accept analyses and return text. Functionality similar to [5], but make interface nicer, and integratable into simple-html User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
code simple-html morphological analysis/generation code Add code to simple-html to query morphological analysis/generation function of apertium-apy and return results for interface to deal with accordingly User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Unhammer User:Japerez
interface simple-html interface behaviour for language guessing Based on results of language detection function, make simple-html highlight in the menu the n (e.g., 3) most probable languages, and select the most probable. User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
code simple-html function for language guessing Make simple-html interface not use 2.9MB javascript module for language detection/identification. Instead it should query apertium-apy with text to get a list of languages with probabilities. User:Francis Tyers User:Firespeaker User:Japerez
interface? Update the Apertium guide for Windows users with new language pairs Make sure that the Apertium guide for Windows users and the Apertium Windows installer is up to date with all the new language pairs. User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Faroese noun inflections Write a program to extract Faroese inflection information for nouns from Wiktionary, see Category:Faroese nouns User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Faroese verb inflections Write a program to extract Faroese inflection information for verbs from Wiktionary, see Category:Faroese verbs User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Faroese adjective inflections Write a program to extract Faroese inflection information for adjectives from Wiktionary, see Category:Faroese adjectives User:Francis Tyers
code Light Apertium bootable ISO for small machines Using Damn Small Linux or SliTaz or a similar lightweight GNU/Linux, produce the minimum-possible bootable live ISO or live USB image that contains the OS, minimum editing facilities, Apertium, and a language pair of your choice. Make sure no package that is not strictly necessary for Apertium to run is included. User:Mlforcada User:Firespeaker (alternative mentors welcome)
code Apertium in XLIFF workflows Write a shell script and (if possible, using the filter definition files found in the documentation) a filter that takes an XLIFF file such as the ones representing a computer-aided translation job and populates with translations of all segments that are not translated, marking them clearly as machine-translated. User:Mlforcada User:Espla User:Fsanchez User:Japerez (alternative mentors welcome)
quality Examples of minimum files where an Apertium language pair messes up (X)HTML formatting Sometimes, an Apertium language pair takes a valid HTML/XHTML source file but delivers an invalid HTML/XHTML target file, regardless of translation quality. This can usually be blamed on incorrect handling of superblanks in structural transfer rules. The task: (1) select a language pair (2) Install Apertium locally from the Subversion repository; install the language pair; make sure that it works (3) download a series of HTML/XHTML files for testing purposes. Make sure they are valid using an HTML/XHTML validator (4) translate the valid files with the language pair (5) check if the translated files are also valid HTML/XHTML files; select those that aren't (6) find the first source of non-validity and study it, and strip the source file until you just have a small (valid!) source file with some text around the minimum possible example of problematic tags; save each such file and describe the error. User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
code Make sure an an Apertium language pair does not mess up (X)HTML formatting (Depends on someone having performed the task 'Examples of files where an Apertium language pair messes up (X)HTML formatting' above). The task: (1) run the file through Apertium try to identify where the tags are broken or lost: this is most likely to happen in a structural transfer step; try to identify the rule where the label is broken or lost (2) repair the rule: a conservative strategy is to make sure that all superblanks () are output and are in the same order as in the source file. This may involve introducing new simple blanks () and advancing the output of the superblanks coming from the source. (3) test again (4) Submit a patch to your mentor (or commit it if you have already gained developer access) User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
quality Examples of minimum files where an Apertium language pair messes up wordprocessor (ODT, RTF) formatting Sometimes, an Apertium language pair takes a valid ODT or RTF source file but delivers an invalid HTML/XHTML target file, regardless of translation quality. This can usually be blamed on incorrect handling of superblanks in structural transfer rules. The task: (1) select a language pair (2) Install Apertium locally from the Subversion repository; install the language pair; make sure that it works (3) download a series of ODT or RTF files for testing purposes. Make sure they are opened using LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org (4) translate the valid files with the language pair (5) check if the translated files are also valid ODT or RTF files; select those that aren't (6) find the first source of non-validity and study it, and strip the source file until you just have a small (valid!) source file with some text around the minimum possible example of problematic tags; save each such file and describe the error. User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
code Make sure an an Apertium language pair does not mess up wordprocessor (ODT, RTF) formatting (Depends on someone having performed the task 'Examples of files where an Apertium language pair messes up wordprocessor formatting' above). The task: (1) run the file through Apertium try to identify where the tags are broken or lost: this is most likely to happen in a structural transfer step; try to identify the rule where the label is broken or lost (2) repair the rule: a conservative strategy is to make sure that all superblanks () are output and are in the same order as in the source file. This may involve introducing new simple blanks () and advancing the output of the superblanks coming from the source. (3) test again (4) Submit a patch to your mentor (or commit it if you have already gained developer access) User:Mlforcada (alternative mentors welcome)
code Start a language pair involving Interlingua Start a new language pair involving Interlingua using the Apertium new language HOWTO. Interlingua is the second most used "artificial" language, after Esperanto). As Interlingua is basically a Romance language, you can use a Romance language as the other language, and Romance-language dictionaries rules may be easily adapted. Include at least 50 very frequent words (including some grammatical words) and at least one noun--phrase transfer rule in the ia→X direction. User:Mlforcada Youssefsan (will reach out also to the interlingua community)
code Generating 'machine translation memories' Write a shell script and (using the filter definition files found in the documentation) a filter that takes a plain text file, segments it in sentences using the program segment and an SRX specification (which can be borrowed from OmegaT) and writes a TMX file in which each segment is paired with its Apertium translation, ready to be used with OmegaT as a "machine translation memory" User:Mlforcada User:Espla User:Fsanchez User:Japerez (alternative mentors welcome)
code scraper for all wiktionary pages in a category a script that returns urls of all pages in a wiktionary category recursively (e.g., http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Bashkir_nouns should also include pages from http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Bashkir_proper_nouns ) User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
code scraper of wiktionary translations between language x and y a script that for a given wiktionary page (e.g., http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/key ) returns all available translations between two specified languages, with part of speech and meaning/sense for each User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
code better wikipedia extractor script Make one script that performs all the steps listed at Wikipedia Extractor. That is, it should take a wikipedia dump file as input and output a file that is for all intents and purposes identical to what is output by the last step listed on the wiki. There should be no intermediate files stored anywhere, and it should not use any more memory than absolutely necessary. You may wish to consult guampa's [much-improved] fork of the WikiExtractor script at [6], though it doesn't do everything itself either. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
research Document materials for a language not yet on our wiki Document materials for a language not yet on our wiki. This should look something like the page on Aromanian—i.e., all available dictionaries, grammars, corpora, machine translators, etc., print or digital, where available, whether Free, etc., as well as some scholarly articles regarding the language, especially if about computational resources. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Albanian--Macedonian corpus Take a Albanian--Macedonian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-mk pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Albanian--Serbo-Croatian corpus Take a Albanian--Serbo-Croatian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-sh pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Albanian--Bulgarian corpus Take a Albanian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-bg pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Albanian--English corpus Take a Albanian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sq-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Macedonian--Serbo-Croatian corpus Take a Macedonian--Serbo-Croatian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-mk-sh pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Macedonian--English corpus Take a Macedonian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-mk-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Serbo-Croatian--Bulgarian corpus Take a Serbo-Croatian--Bulgarian corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sh-bg pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Serbo-Croatian--English corpus Take a Serbo-Croatian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-sh-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
research Tag and align Bulgarian--English corpus Take a Bulgarian--English corpus, for example SETimes, tag it using the apertium-bg-en pair, and word-align it using GIZA++. User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Greek noun inflections Write a program to extract Greek inflection information for nouns from Wiktionary, see Category:Greek nouns User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Greek verb inflections Write a program to extract Greek inflection information for verbs from Wiktionary, see Category:Greek verbs User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to extract Greek adjective inflections Write a program to extract Greek inflection information for adjectives from Wiktionary, see Category:Greek adjectives User:Francis Tyers
code Write a program to convert the Giellatekno Faroese CG to Apertium tags Write a program which converts the tagset of the Giellatekno Faroese constraint grammar. User:Francis Tyers User:Trondtr
research Categorise Russian nouns Categorise 150 nouns by inflectional endings for the Russian and Ukrainian pair. User:Francis Tyers
research Categorise Russian adjectives Categorise 100 adjectives by inflectional endings for the Russian and Ukrainian pair. User:Francis Tyers User:Trondtr
research Categorise Russian verbs Categorise 150 verbs by inflectional endings for the Russian and Ukrainian pair. User:Francis Tyers User:Trondtr
code Syntax tree visualisation using GNU bison Write a program which reads a grammar using bison, parses a sentence and outputs the syntax tree as text, or graphViz or something. Some example bison code can be found here. User:Francis Tyers User:Mlforcada
documentation Document how to install WikiBhasha with MediaWiki WikiBhasha is an extension for MediaWiki to allow translation of content using Microsoft's translator. As the first step to getting it to work with Apertium, we'd like to find out how to install it. User:Francis Tyers
code Change WikiBhasha to use Apertium Update the WikiBhasha source code to use Apertium instead of Bing for the translation backend. User:Francis Tyers
code Bilingual dictionary from word alignments script Write a script which takes GIZA++ alignments and outputs a .dix file. The script should be able to reduce the number of tags, and also have some heuristics to test if a word is too-frequently aligned. User:Francis Tyers
code Scraper for free forum content Write a script to scrape/capture all freely available content for a forum or forum category and dump it to an xml corpus file or text file. User:Firespeaker
research Investigate how orthographic modes on kk.wikipedia.org are implemented [The Kazakh-language wikipedia has a menu at the top for selecting alphabet (Кирил, Latın, توتە - for Cyrillic-, Latin-, and Arabic-script modes). This appears to be some sort of plugin that transliterates the text on the fly. Find out what it is and how it works, and then document it somewhere on the wiki. If this has already been documented elsewhere, point a link to that, but you still should summarise in your own words what exactly it is. User:Firespeaker
code Write a transliteration plugin for mediawiki Write a plugin similar in functionality (and perhaps implementation) to the way the Kazakh-language wikipedia's orthography changing system works. It should be able to be directed to use any arbitrary mode from an apertium mode file installed in a pre-specified path on a server. User:Firespeaker
code Implement the intersection operator in lttoolbox Write a method for lttoolbox which can intersect two Transducer classes. Francis Tyers
code Intersection of ATT format transducers Write a python program to intersect two transducers in ATT format. One transducer will be a morphological analyser and the other a bilingual dictionary. The bilingual dictionary should be considered to be a set of prefixes. Francis Tyers
quality Generalise phenny/begiak git plugin Rename the module to git (instead of github), and test it to make sure it's general enough for at least three common git services (should already be supported, but double check) User:Firespeaker
code phenny/begiak git plugin commit info function Add a function to get the status of a commit by reponame and name (similar to what the svn module does), and then find out why commit 6a54157b89aee88511a260a849f104ae546e3a65 in turkiccorpora resulted in the following output, and fix it: Something went wrong: dict_keys(['commits', 'user', 'canon_url', 'repository', 'truncated']) User:Firespeaker
code phenny/begiak git plugin recent function Find out why the recent function (begiak: recent) returns "urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: UNAUTHORIZED (file "/usr/lib/python3.1/urllib/request.py", line 476, in http_error_default)" for one of the repos and fix it so it returns status instead. User:Firespeaker
code phenny/begiak git plugin status Add a function that lets anyone (not just admin) get the status of the git event server. User:Firespeaker
documentation Document phenny/begiak git plugin Document the module: how to use it with each service it supports, and the various ways the module can be interacted with (by administrators and anyone) User:Firespeaker
code phenny/begiak svn plugin info function Find out why the info function ("begiak info [repo] [rev]") doesn't work and fix it. User:Firespeaker
research train tesseract on a language with no available tesseract data Train tesseract (the OCR software) on a language that it hasn't previously been trained on. We're especially interested in languages with some coverage in apertium. We can provide images of text to train on. User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
research scrape a freely available dictionary using tesseract Use tesseract to scrape a freely available dictionary that exists in some image format (pdf, djvu, etc.). Ideally it should dump into something resembling bidix format, but if there's no grammatical information, some flat machine-readable format is fine User:Firespeaker User:Francis Tyers
code make scraper plugin for azadliq.org Using the directions at Writing a scraper, make a RFERL scraper for azadliq.org User:Firespeaker
documentation enhance documentation on RFERL scraper to make it read like a HOWTO guide Enhance the documentation at Writing a scraper to read/flow more like a HOWTO guide, keeping the current documentation (cleaning/reorganising as needed) as more of a reference guide. It should include information about what needs to be done for RFERL content and non-RFERL content (more general) User:Firespeaker
code Write an aligner for UDHR Write a script to align two translations of the UDHR (final destination: trunk/apertium-tools/udhr_aligner.py). It should take two UDHR translations and output a tmx file with one article per entry. It should use the xml formatted UDHRs available from http://www.unicode.org/udhr/index_by_name.html as input and output the aligned texts in tmx format. User:Firespeaker