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Languages is a module of the SVN where monolingual language data lives. Monolingual language data in Apertium is slowly being moved to this new repository scheme. If you feel something is missing, please feel free to contact us.

New monolingual packages should be developed in incubator until they're stable, at which point they can go in languages. The module can be found in svn at .


Languages by coverage

Module Language Entries Coverage
apertium-bak Bashkir 46,501 ~66%
apertium-bul Bulgarian 8,578 -
apertium-chv Chuvash 10,267 ~85%
apertium-dan Danish - -
apertium-gla Scottish Gaelic - -
apertium-hbs Serbo-Croatian 58,004 -
apertium-hye Armenian - -
apertium-kaz Kazakh 36,595 ~94.5%
apertium-kir Kyrgyz 14,424 ~90.4%
apertium-kum Kumyk 4,918 ~90.2%
apertium-lvs Latvian - -
apertium-mkd Macedonian 30,686 -
apertium-mlt Maltese - -
apertium-nog Nogay 1,385 ~81.4%
apertium-rus Russian - -
apertium-sqi Albanian - -
apertium-slv Slovenian 20,596 -
apertium-tat Tatar 55,702 ~91%
apertium-tuk Turkmen 2,988 ~70.7%
apertium-urd Urdu - -
apertium-uzb Uzbek 34,470 ~82.9%

Languages by family

Requiring a monolingual package as a dependency of a pair

Say you want apertium-fie-bar to depend on some monolingual data from the apertium-bar package, e.g. apertium-bar/bar.lrx and maybe other such files.

Assuming apertium-bar is set up correctly, and you've installed a recent version of apertium (-r48374 or later) you can put the following line into the of apertium-fie-bar:

AP_CHECK_LING([2], [apertium-bar])

and in the, you can write rules like this:

bar-fie.lrx.bin: $AP_SRC2/bar.lrx
	lrx-comp $< $@

bar-tat.automorf.bin: $AP_LIB2/bar.automorf.bin
	cp $< $@

Similarly for apertium-fie (with AP_CHECK_LING([1], [apertium-fie])). By convention, a language pair called apertium-fie-bar should use the number 1 for fie and 2 for bar.

Now if you've typed "make install" apertium-bar before running in apertium-fie-bar, apertium-fie-bar will use the bar.lrx and bar.automorf.bin which are installed by apertium-bar.

If you make a lot of changes to apertium-bar and want to avoid having to "make install" for each and every change, you can do this in apertium-fie-bar:

./ --with-lang2=/path/to/apertium-bar

(./configure --with-lang2=/path/to/apertium-bar should also work). Now each time you make, the "AP_SRC2" and "AP_LIB2" variables will both point to /path/to/apertium-bar instead of the "make install"-ed files. You can set it back to default by just running plain (or ./configure) again.

See if you run into errors about AP_CHECK_LING.

Making a monolingual package dependable for pairs

In apertium-bar, there should be a file This has to have the following lines:


These should correspond to where the binaries and source files respectively are installed by (typically named apertium_bardir and apertium_bar_srcdir). The should have a line saying something like AC_OUTPUT([Makefile apertium-bar.pc]). See for a working example.

See also