Spellchecking for Turkic languages

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One of the great things that can be done with the transducers for Turkic languages is to make spellcheckers for a variety of different platforms.


Language Package LibreOffice Microsoft Office (Windows) Firefox
code package code package code package
Kazakh apertium-kaz kk-KZ - kk-KZ kaz.exe - kaz.xpi
Tatar apertium-tat tt-RU - tt-RU tat.exe - tat.xpi
Uzbek apertium-uzb - - uz-UZ - - -
Uyghur apertium-uig - - uy-CN - - -
Turkmen apertium-tuk - - tk-TM - - -
Turkish apertium-tur - - tr-TR - - -
Yakut apertium-sah - - sah-RU - - -
Kyrgyz apertium-kir - - ky-KG kir.exe - kir.xpi
Bashkir apertium-bak - - ba-RU - - -
Azerbaijani apertium-aze - - az-AZ - - -
Tuvan apertium-tyv - - - tyv.exe - tyv.xpi
Kumyk apertium-kum - - - - - -
Karakalpak apertium-kaa
Crimean Tatar apertium-crh

Manual installation[edit]


First you need to install hfst-ospell.

svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/hfst/code/trunk/hfst-ospell

Then you need to install corevoikko/libvoikko:

git clone https://github.com/voikko/corevoikko.git

And then libreoffice-voikko:

git clone https://github.com/voikko/libreoffice-voikko.git

(Note for libreoffice-voikko you'll need the libreoffice SDK)

External links[edit]