Khalkha and Kazakh/Pending tests

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Dative disambiguation[edit]

The dative in Khalkha corresponds to both dative and locative in Kazakh

Directive vs. dative[edit]

The directive and dativem (and sometimes bare nouns!) in Khalkha both correspond to the dative in Kazakh

  • With яв-:
    • directive + reflexive for most places
    • dative for "activity places" (=events), e.g. ажил, хурал, хичээл, сургууль, цэцэрлэг, цугаан
    • bare noun: хот, Улаан-Баатар, хөдөө

Commitative and instrumental[edit]

Khalkha commitative corresponds to Kazakh instrumental and -LIK, Khalkha instrumental usually corresponds to Kazakh instrumental.


Khalkha "reflexive" nouns turn into Kazakh nouns with an optional possessor that agrees with the subject of the sentence. When translating from Kazakh, a noun whose possession agrees with the subject should be translated as just reflexive.

  • (khk) би гэр лүүгээ буцах ёстой → мен үйге қайтуым керек
  • (khk) би гэр лүүгээ буцах ёстой → мен үйіме қайтуым керек

Khalkha inanimate nouns don't take an accusative morpheme with accusative-case reflexive nouns, so the accusative has to be added back in Kazakh.

  • (khk) би гэрээ санав → мен үйімді сағындым


kaz-khk insertion of subject based on agreement[edit]

  • (kaz) шелекпен сыра ішемін → би хувингээр пив ууна
  • (kaz) сен білмейсің → чи мэдэхгүй
  • (kaz) Сен ертең келесің бе? → Чи маргааш ирэх үү?

khk-kaz addition of agreement[edit]

  • (khk) би хувингээр пив ууна → (мен) шелекпен сыра ішемін
  • (khk) чи мэдэхгүй → сен білмейсің
  • (khk) Чи маргааш ирэх үү? → Сен ертең келесің бе?

Expressions for "to like"[edit]

  • (khk) надад энэ ном их дуртай → маған бұл кітап өте ұнайды