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Note: After Apertium's migration to GitHub, this tool is read-only on the SourceForge repository and does not exist on GitHub. If you are interested in migrating this tool to GitHub, see Migrating tools to GitHub.

A concordancer is a tool which shows you a word, in context.

Web Concordancer[edit]

A concordancer web interface is available in the SVN at /trunk/apertium-tools/webconcordancer. Use python3 to run the code on localhost:8080/concordancer.html. The web interface requires three primary inputs to set up:

  1. Corpus path: an absolute path to the the corpus (e.g. /home/apertium/Desktop/corpus.txt)
  2. Language module: an absolute path to the language module to use for analysis (e.g. /home/apertium/Desktop/apertium-en-es)
  3. Language Pair: the language pair to pass to Apertium for morphological analysis (e.g. en-es-anmor)
  4. Search Window: the size of the context around the token located in number of characters/number of tokens (e.g. 15)

The interface also supports four distinct search modes, each of which has support for regular expressions (enabled via a checkbox):

  1. Tag Search: this mode will output all tokens in the corpus with all of the specified search tags and supports regex inside individual tags
    • e.g. <n> will show all noun tokens
    • e.g. <n><sg> will show all singular noun tokens
    • e.g. <p[1-2]> will show all first person and second person tokens
  1. Lemma Search: this mode will output all tokens in the corpus which contain lemmas that match the given search string and supports regex within the search string (omit the regex '$' token)
    • e.g. be will show all the tokens that are forms of the word 'be'
    • e.g. t.* will show all the tokens that have lemmas beginning with 't'
  1. Surface Form Search: this mode will output all tokens in the corpus which have a surface form that matches the search string and supports regex within the search string (omit the regex '$' token)
    • e.g. the will show all the instances of 'the' in the corpus
    • e.g. [0-9]+ will show all the tokens composed entirely of Arabic numerals
  1. Raw Corpus Search: this mode will find all matches to the search string in the corpus and supports regex within the search string
    • e.g. previous will find all the instances of the letter sequence 'previous' in the corpus
    • e.g. \.$ will find all the instances of a period character ending a line in the corpus

Current Interface[edit]


Proposed Changes[edit]

  1. Apply an unlimited number of sets of filters simultaneously.
  2. To appear in the output, a line of the corpus must have tokens which fulfill all the sets of filters specified.
  3. Filters can be added one by one and deleted

Proposed Interface (draft)[edit]



  • Efficiency: Make it scale up to corpora of millions of words. This might involve doing (a) pre-analysis of the corpus -- e.g. the program doesn't read + analyse, but rather just read from a pre-analysed corpus; and (b) indexing using SQLite or something similar.
  • Pagination: Limit results to n per page, perhaps 10,50,100,500,all

External links[edit]