Compiling the North Saami - South Saami translator

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The compilation process is as usual for all Apertium language pairs , with the following exceptions.

  • We use hfst, so hfst must be installed
  • The morphological and syntactic transducers are made at the giellatekno msite, and ust be copied over to the apertium svn tree.

Here are the commands for South Saami, in $GTHOME/langs/sma/ (cf ghe giellatekno site for info on how to get this far)

./configure --with-hfst --enable-apertium
cd src/
gzip -9 generator-mt-apertium-norm.att 
cp generator-mt-apertium-norm.att.gz /path/to/apertium-sme-sma/apertium-sme-sma.sme-sma.RL.att.gz