Bytecode for transfer/Evaluation

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This is a test of all .t1x files in all language pairs in There is 63 of them, and in all cases the bytecode transfer gives exactly the same result as the old interpreted transfer, down to the handling of wrong clip statements (but excluding invoking macros with wrong parameters, as the results of that is unpredictable memory reads).

It is done by running the class FindAndCompareAllReleasedTransferFiles

Average speedup[edit]

The average speedup of running bytecode transfer is around 5 (4.946) with very few with a speedup of more than 6 or speedup less than 4.

The individual numbers can be seen in the printout below: 4.36, 4.29, 5.04, 4.49, 5.76, 4.29, 5.06, 4.92, 4.05, 5.37, 5.02, 5.63, 6.87, 5.83, 5.78, 4.64, 4.76, 5.45, 4.6, 5.21, 4.06, 5.32, 4.5, 5.76, 4.67, 5.41, 5.68, 6.63, 5.37, 6.13, 4.84, 5.6, 3.82, 4.7, 5.13, 4.92, 6.12, 4.72, 3.95, 5.33, 5.3, 4.62, 4.01, 3.21, 7.8, 3.48, 4.49, 4.97, 4.73, 4.78, 3.81, 4.74, 4.62, 5.9, 4.19, 4.55, 3.2, 4.05, 4.32, 5.64, 5.03, 5.11.

As the other stages also take some time this usually this gives a speed increase of a factor 3 in the total translation time.

Validation checks[edit]

First each file is compiled to Java bytecode. A lot of pairs contains errors which cant be found by apertium-validate-transfer, but which is found by the transfer-to-bytecode compiler. This includes:

  • Using an undefined variable, attribute or macro
  • Clipping at an invalid position (e.g. <clip pos="5"> when there are only 4 words)
  • Referencing a blank out of range (e.g. when there are only 4 words)
  • Invoking macros with wrong numer of parameters
  • Invoking macros with an out-of-range parameter (e.g. <call-macro> <with-param pos="5"/> when there are only 4 words)

Read more in Validating transfer files.

Please find your favorite language pair below and check.

After compilation a corpus of 20000 sentences is runned thru. This is just an English corpus from eo-en, but it is with the English-Esperanto bidix, so the measurements should be more or less correct. Please note that if you use a symbol set very different from the English-Esperanto one, the timing results might be worth checking with your own language data.

es-ast and caching the values of clip expressions[edit]

Note that doesent compile, as the heavy use of if-statements and <clip> expressions makes the bytecode becomes larger than 64kb in some rules. This can be remedied by caching the values of clip expressions in local variable, by setting the variable cacheClipExcpression to true in line 102 in , also giving a considerable performance boost. Note that this should not be done for apertium-en-gl/ and apertium-en-ca/apertium-en-ca.en-ca.t1x, as they depend on the construct shown above, in line 96.

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-nn-nb/apertium-nn-nb.nb-nn.t1x
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-nn-nb/
Interpreted transfer took 79.63 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.23 secs
Speedup factor: 4.36
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

/home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-nn-nb/dev/apertium-nn-nb.multiwords.t1x:24: element cat-item: validity error : Element cat-item does not carry attribute tags
ERROR: /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-nn-nb/dev/apertium-nn-nb.multiwords.t1x
does not pass apertium-validate-transfer. Skipping...

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-nn-nb/apertium-nn-nb.nn-nb.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-nn-nb/
Interpreted transfer took 69.03 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 16.05 secs
Speedup factor: 4.29
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

/home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-es/ element list-item: validity error : No declaration for attribute alt of element list-item
ERROR: /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-es/
does not pass apertium-validate-transfer. Skipping...

/home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-es/apertium-oc-es.oc-es.t1x:483: element list-item: validity error : No declaration for attribute alt of element list-item
ERROR: /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-es/apertium-oc-es.oc-es.t1x
does not pass apertium-validate-transfer. Skipping...

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-si-en/apertium-si-en.en-si.t1x
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ARTICLE NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: on ARTICLE NOM - on the cat">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom_on">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: in NOM's direction  - NOM tira ko">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom_onxxx">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: in NOM's direction  - NOM tira ko">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom_onxxx">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ARTICLE ADJ NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ARTICLE NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: VERB">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="verb">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-si-en/
Interpreted transfer took 69.03 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 13.69 secs
Speedup factor: 5.04
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-si-en/
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="num">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-si-en/
Interpreted transfer took 66.24 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.72 secs
Speedup factor: 4.49
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-bn-en/
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-bn-en/
Interpreted transfer took 65.58 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 11.370000000000001 secs
Speedup factor: 5.76
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-bn-en/apertium-bn-en.en-bn.t1x
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere, person, EOS]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere, person, EOS]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ART NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere, person, EOS]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: PRNSUBJ">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prnsubj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere, person, EOS]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: PRNREF">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prnref">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere, person, EOS]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: VERB CONJ">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="verbcj">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-bn-en/
Interpreted transfer took 69.32000000000001 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 16.13 secs
Speedup factor: 4.29
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-sl-mk/
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<b pos="1">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-sl-mk/
Interpreted transfer took 84.45 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 16.66 secs
Speedup factor: 5.06
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-sl-mk/
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-sl-mk/
Interpreted transfer took 67.94 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 13.8 secs
Speedup factor: 4.92
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ga-gd/apertium-ga-gd.pre-ga.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ga-gd/
Interpreted transfer took 52.7 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 12.98 secs
Speedup factor: 4.05
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ga-gd/apertium-ga-gd.pre-gd.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ga-gd/
Interpreted transfer took 64.87 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 12.07 secs
Speedup factor: 5.37
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ga-gd/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ga-gd/
Interpreted transfer took 70.04 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 13.950000000000001 secs
Speedup factor: 5.02
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ga-gd/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ga-gd/
Interpreted transfer took 67.33 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 11.94 secs
Speedup factor: 5.63
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-fr-es/
// WARNING blank pos=3 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: volver a inf - inf + à nouveau">/<action>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING clip pos=4 is out of range. Replacing with an empty TransferWord. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: volver a inf - inf + à nouveau">/<action>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING blank pos=4 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: volver enc a inf - pro inf à nouveau">/<action>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING clip pos=5 is out of range. Replacing with an empty TransferWord. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: volver enc a inf - pro inf à nouveau">/<action>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING blank pos=2 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="prnpro verbpers">/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING clip pos=3 is out of range. Replacing with an empty TransferWord. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="prnpro verbpers">/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-fr-es/
Interpreted transfer took 110.02 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 16.0 secs
Speedup factor: 6.87
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-fr-es/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-fr-es/
Interpreted transfer took 100.62 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.25 secs
Speedup factor: 5.83
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-ssp/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-ssp/
Interpreted transfer took 74.66 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 12.9 secs
Speedup factor: 5.78
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ne-en/apertium-ne-en.en-ne.t1x
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ARTICLE NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: on ARTICLE NOM - on the cat">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom_on">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: in NOM's direction  - NOM tira ko">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom_onxxx">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: in NOM's direction  - NOM tira ko">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom_onxxx">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ARTICLE ADJ NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ARTICLE NOM">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, case, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: VERB">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="verb">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ne-en/
Interpreted transfer took 71.56 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.42 secs
Speedup factor: 4.64
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ne-en/
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="num">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ne-en/
Interpreted transfer took 71.62 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.030000000000001 secs
Speedup factor: 4.76
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-br-fr/
// WARNING blank pos=3 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: adv verbcj adv → adv verbcj adv">/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" namefrom="lema">/<b pos="3">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-br-fr/
Interpreted transfer took 112.59 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 20.62 secs
Speedup factor: 5.45
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-br-fr/apertium-br-fr.pre-xfer-br.t1x
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-br-fr/
Interpreted transfer took 58.21 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 12.65 secs
Speedup factor: 4.6
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

/home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-br-fr/dev/old_rules.t1x:96: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
ERROR: /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-br-fr/dev/old_rules.t1x
does not pass apertium-validate-transfer. Skipping...

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-sh-mk/
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prn">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prn_enc">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prn">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj_adj_nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="verb">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="verb">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prep__o">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prep__u">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prep__iz">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prep__na">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prep__na">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="prep">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="num">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere, motion]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="cnjcoo">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-sh-mk/
Interpreted transfer took 75.29 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.43 secs
Speedup factor: 5.21
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-sh-mk/
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="nom">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="adj">
// WARNING variable caseFirstWord doesent exist. Valid variables are: [number, genere]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" name="verb">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-sh-mk/
Interpreted transfer took 64.68 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.91 secs
Speedup factor: 4.06
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-eo-en.en-eo.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/
Interpreted transfer took 95.18 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.87 secs
Speedup factor: 5.32
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-cy-en.en-cy.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/
Interpreted transfer took 76.09 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 16.88 secs
Speedup factor: 4.5
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-eo-en.eo-en.t1x
// WARNING: Attribute a_np_acr is not defined. Valid attributes are: [a_nom, a_prp, a_adv, a_adj, a_vrb, a_vrb2, a_det, a_ord, a_prn, a_tns, a_nepersonaj_tempoj, a_gen, a_prs, a_nbr, a_cas, lem, lemq, lemh, whole, tags, chname, chcontent, content]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_ATTR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="firstWord" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<equal>/<clip part="a_np_acr" pos="1" side="sl">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/
Interpreted transfer took 91.59 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.88 secs
Speedup factor: 5.76
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-nn-nb.nb-nn.t1x
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/
Interpreted transfer took 73.34 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.700000000000001 secs
Speedup factor: 4.67
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-nn-nb.nn-nb.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/
Interpreted transfer took 65.97 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 12.18 secs
Speedup factor: 5.41
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

/home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-ca/ element list-item: validity error : No declaration for attribute alt of element list-item
ERROR: /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-ca/
does not pass apertium-validate-transfer. Skipping...

/home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-ca/apertium-oc-ca.oc-ca.t1x:553: element list-item: validity error : No declaration for attribute alt of element list-item
ERROR: /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-oc-ca/apertium-oc-ca.oc-ca.t1x
does not pass apertium-validate-transfer. Skipping...

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-pt-ca/
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is not defined. Ignoring call. Defined macros are: [prnagradar, f_comparativa, f_concord4, f_concord3, f_concord2, f_concord1] - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="prnagradar" npar="2">/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is not defined. Ignoring call. Defined macros are: [prnagradar, f_comparativa, f_outverb2, f_outverb2vella, f_proclise, comprovagostar, f_concord4, activagostar, f_concord3, f_concord2, f_concord1] - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_outverb2" npar="2">/<choose>/<when>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING: Macro f_outverb2 is invoked with too many parameters. Ignoring: [with-param: null] - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<call-macro n="f_outverb2">
// WARNING: Attribute a_infnm is not defined. Valid attributes are: [a_nom, a_nomp, a_nploc, a_det, a_predet, a_adjec, a_tnom, a_adj, a_adv, a_prep, a_prn, a_verb, a_inf, a_perif, a_lquest, a_ref, a_num, a_prnenc, a_prnpro, tipoenc_pro, categoria, gen, nbr, persona, temps, lem, lemq, lemh, whole, tags, chname, chcontent, content]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_ATTR - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<lu>/<clip part="a_infnm" pos="2" side="tl">
// WARNING clip pos=4 is out of range. Replacing with an empty TransferWord. - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<lu>/<clip part="lem" pos="4" side="tl">
// WARNING clip pos=4 is out of range. Replacing with an empty TransferWord. - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<out>/<lu>/<clip part="tipoenc_pro" pos="4" side="tl">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-pt-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 100.57000000000001 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.69 secs
Speedup factor: 5.68
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-pt-ca/
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING: Macro f_lexicadj is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<call-macro n="f_lexicadj">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-pt-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 101.73 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.34 secs
Speedup factor: 6.63
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.en-eo.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eo-en/
Interpreted transfer took 82.76 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.41 secs
Speedup factor: 5.37
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.eo-en.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eo-en/
Interpreted transfer took 83.74 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 13.65 secs
Speedup factor: 6.13
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.en-eo.genitive.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eo-en/
Interpreted transfer took 68.74 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.19 secs
Speedup factor: 4.84
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eo-ca/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eo-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 103.87 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.54 secs
Speedup factor: 5.6
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-cy-en/apertium-cy-en.en-cy.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-cy-en/
Interpreted transfer took 62.07 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 16.22 secs
Speedup factor: 3.82
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-cy-en/apertium-cy-en.pre-cy.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-cy-en/
Interpreted transfer took 70.16 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.92 secs
Speedup factor: 4.7
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-cy-en/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-cy-en/
Interpreted transfer took 87.4 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.02 secs
Speedup factor: 5.13
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-es/
Interpreted transfer took 67.23 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 13.64 secs
Speedup factor: 4.92
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-es/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-es/
Interpreted transfer took 96.32000000000001 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.72 secs
Speedup factor: 6.12
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es-vacio.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-es/
Interpreted transfer took 68.59 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.51 secs
Speedup factor: 4.72
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-es/
Interpreted transfer took 102.75 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 25.990000000000002 secs
Speedup factor: 3.95
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-it/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-it/
Interpreted transfer took 93.97 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.61 secs
Speedup factor: 5.33
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-it/
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: ESTAR SIENDO ">/<action>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: IR A INF">/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: IR A INF">/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: IR A INF">/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: PROCL IR A INF">/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: PROCL IR A INF">/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="REGLA: PROCL IR A INF">/<action>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-it/
Interpreted transfer took 97.78 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.43 secs
Speedup factor: 5.3
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-gl/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-gl/
Interpreted transfer took 79.99 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.27 secs
Speedup factor: 4.62
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-gl/apertium-en-gl.en-gl.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-gl/
Interpreted transfer took 110.18 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 27.45 secs
Speedup factor: 4.01
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-ro/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-ro/
Interpreted transfer took 108.51 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 33.8 secs
Speedup factor: 3.21
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-is-en/
// WARNING: Attribute a_np_acr is not defined. Valid attributes are: [a_nom, a_num, a_prp, a_verb, a_prn, a_det, a_poss, a_adv, a_adj, a_preadv, a_art, voice, temps, gen, pers, nbr, case, grau, syntax, lem, lemq, lemh, whole, tags, chname, chcontent, content]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_ATTR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="firstWord" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<equal>/<clip part="a_np_acr" pos="1" side="sl">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-is-en/
Interpreted transfer took 112.32000000000001 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.4 secs
Speedup factor: 7.8
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eu-es/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eu-es/
Interpreted transfer took 79.59 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 22.84 secs
Speedup factor: 3.48
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eu-es/apertium-eu-es.ordinals.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eu-es/
Interpreted transfer took 65.04 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.47 secs
Speedup factor: 4.49
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-ca/empty.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 55.02 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 11.06 secs
Speedup factor: 4.97
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-ca/apertium-en-ca.en-ca.genitive.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 66.68 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.08 secs
Speedup factor: 4.73
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-ca/
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<not>/<equal>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING blank pos=1 is out of range. Replacing with a zero-space blank. - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_bcond" npar="1">/<choose>/<when>/<out>/<b pos="1">
// WARNING variable pro doesent exist. Valid variables are: [nombre, genere, interrogativa, exclamativa, caseFirstWord, caseSecondWord, lema, lema_SV, EOS, paraula1, SVnegatiu, auxiliar, adv_adjectiu, tempsv, temps_chunk, pers_chunk, nbr_chunk, gen_chunk, nom_chunk, verbfinal, tipusverb, lemaverb, superlatiu1, superlatiu2]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="pro + pro + ANAR + INF (m'ho va donar - gave it to me)">/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<choose>/<otherwise>/<out>/<chunk namefrom="pro">
// WARNING variable per_haver_pp doesent exist. Valid variables are: [nombre, genere, interrogativa, exclamativa, caseFirstWord, caseSecondWord, lema, lema_SV, EOS, paraula1, SVnegatiu, auxiliar, adv_adjectiu, tempsv, temps_chunk, pers_chunk, nbr_chunk, gen_chunk, nom_chunk, verbfinal, tipusverb, lemaverb, superlatiu1, superlatiu2]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_VAR - for <transfer default="chunk">/<section-rules>/<rule comment="PREP + HAVER + PP (per haver ajudat)">/<action>/<out>/<chunk case="caseFirstWord" namefrom="per_haver_pp">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 89.05 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.61 secs
Speedup factor: 4.78
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-ca/apertium-en-ca.en-ca.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-en-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 100.32000000000001 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 26.26 secs
Speedup factor: 3.81
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-gl/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-gl/
Interpreted transfer took 87.01 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.32 secs
Speedup factor: 4.74
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-gl/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-gl/
Interpreted transfer took 86.17 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.62 secs
Speedup factor: 4.62
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-ast/apertium-es-ast.ast-es.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/
Interpreted transfer took 91.73 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.530000000000001 secs
Speedup factor: 5.9
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-ast/
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
// WARNING: Macro f_bcond is invoked with too few parameters. Adding blank parameters  - for <transfer>/<section-rules>/<rule>/<action>/<choose>/<when>/<call-macro n="f_bcond">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/
java.lang.RuntimeException: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/ reported an error: transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/ code too large
        public void rule64__proclise__prnpro__prnpro__haber__verb(Writer out, TransferWord word1, String blank1, TransferWord word2, String blank2, TransferWord word3, String blank3, TransferWord word4, String blank4, TransferWord word5) throws IOException
transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/ code too large
        public void rule86__proclise__prnpro__prnpro__haber__verbir__a__inf_ger(Writer out, TransferWord word1, String blank1, TransferWord word2, String blank2, TransferWord word3, String blank3, TransferWord word4, String blank4, TransferWord word5, String blank5, TransferWord word6, String blank6, TransferWord word7) throws IOException
2 errors

        at org.apertium.transfer.ApertiumTransferCompile.exec(
        at org.apertium.transfer.ApertiumTransferCompile.main(
        at org.apertium.transfer.development.FindAndCompareAllReleasedTransferFiles.main(
COMPILATION failed:java.lang.InternalError: Compilation error - compiled transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/ but transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/apertium_es_ast_es_ast_t1x.class didnt appear.
java.lang.InternalError: Compilation error - compiled transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/ but transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/apertium_es_ast_es_ast_t1x.class didnt appear.
        at org.apertium.transfer.ApertiumTransferCompile.main(
        at org.apertium.transfer.development.FindAndCompareAllReleasedTransferFiles.main(

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-es-ast/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-es-ast/
Interpreted transfer took 65.18 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 15.55 secs
Speedup factor: 4.19
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-eo-es/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-eo-es/
Interpreted transfer took 91.68 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 20.14 secs
Speedup factor: 4.55
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-sv-da/
// WARNING: Attribute a_num is not defined. Valid attributes are: [a_nom, a_prn, a_adj, a_det, a_verb, gen, nbr, cas, defnes, persona, temps, voz, grau_adj, lem, lemq, lemh, whole, tags, chname, chcontent, content]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_ATTR - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_concord2" npar="2">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<and>/<equal>/<clip part="a_num" pos="2" side="tl">
// WARNING: Attribute a_num is not defined. Valid attributes are: [a_nom, a_prn, a_adj, a_det, a_verb, gen, nbr, cas, defnes, persona, temps, voz, grau_adj, lem, lemq, lemh, whole, tags, chname, chcontent, content]
// Replacing with error_UNKNOWN_ATTR - for <transfer>/<section-def-macros>/<def-macro n="f_concord3" npar="3">/<choose>/<when>/<test>/<and>/<equal>/<clip part="a_num" pos="2" side="tl">
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-sv-da/
Interpreted transfer took 59.61 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.61 secs
Speedup factor: 3.2
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-sv-da/apertium-sv-da.da-sv.t1x
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-sv-da/
Interpreted transfer took 54.02 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 13.32 secs
Speedup factor: 4.05
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ca-ro/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ca-ro/
Interpreted transfer took 64.33 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 14.870000000000001 secs
Speedup factor: 4.32
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-ca-ro/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-ca-ro/
Interpreted transfer took 96.09 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 17.03 secs
Speedup factor: 5.64
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-fr-ca/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-fr-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 92.54 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.38 secs
Speedup factor: 5.03
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Parsing /home/j/esperanto/apertium-svn/apertium/trunk/apertium-fr-ca/
Compiling: javac -cp dist/lttoolbox.jar transfertest/res/apertium-fr-ca/
Interpreted transfer took 97.03 secs
bytecode compiled transfer took 18.97 secs
Speedup factor: 5.11
OK: Output of interpreted and bytecode compiled transfer is exactly the same

Transfer files doesent validate 6: [apertium-nn-nb/dev/apertium-nn-nb.multiwords.t1x, apertium-oc-es/, apertium-oc-es/apertium-oc-es.oc-es.t1x, apertium-br-fr/dev/old_rules.t1x, apertium-oc-ca/, apertium-oc-ca/apertium-oc-ca.oc-ca.t1x]
Interpreted (old) tranfer fails 0: []
Compiled (new) tranfer fails 1: [apertium-es-ast/]
Old & new tranfer give same results 62: [apertium-nn-nb/apertium-nn-nb.nb-nn.t1x, apertium-nn-nb/apertium-nn-nb.nn-nb.t1x, apertium-si-en/apertium-si-en.en-si.t1x, apertium-si-en/, apertium-bn-en/, apertium-bn-en/apertium-bn-en.en-bn.t1x, apertium-sl-mk/, apertium-sl-mk/, apertium-ga-gd/apertium-ga-gd.pre-ga.t1x, apertium-ga-gd/apertium-ga-gd.pre-gd.t1x, apertium-ga-gd/, apertium-ga-gd/, apertium-fr-es/, apertium-fr-es/, apertium-es-ssp/, apertium-ne-en/apertium-ne-en.en-ne.t1x, apertium-ne-en/, apertium-br-fr/, apertium-br-fr/apertium-br-fr.pre-xfer-br.t1x, apertium-sh-mk/, apertium-sh-mk/, lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-eo-en.en-eo.t1x, lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-cy-en.en-cy.t1x, lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-eo-en.eo-en.t1x, lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-nn-nb.nb-nn.t1x, lttoolbox-java/testdata/transfer/apertium-nn-nb.nn-nb.t1x, apertium-pt-ca/, apertium-pt-ca/, apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.en-eo.t1x, apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.eo-en.t1x, apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.en-eo.genitive.t1x, apertium-eo-ca/, apertium-cy-en/apertium-cy-en.en-cy.t1x, apertium-cy-en/apertium-cy-en.pre-cy.t1x, apertium-cy-en/, apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x, apertium-en-es/, apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es-vacio.t1x, apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.t1x, apertium-es-it/, apertium-es-it/, apertium-en-gl/, apertium-en-gl/apertium-en-gl.en-gl.t1x, apertium-es-ro/, apertium-is-en/, apertium-eu-es/, apertium-eu-es/apertium-eu-es.ordinals.t1x, apertium-en-ca/empty.t1x, apertium-en-ca/apertium-en-ca.en-ca.genitive.t1x, apertium-en-ca/, apertium-en-ca/apertium-en-ca.en-ca.t1x, apertium-es-gl/, apertium-es-gl/, apertium-es-ast/apertium-es-ast.ast-es.t1x, apertium-es-ast/, apertium-eo-es/, apertium-sv-da/, apertium-sv-da/apertium-sv-da.da-sv.t1x, apertium-ca-ro/, apertium-ca-ro/, apertium-fr-ca/, apertium-fr-ca/]
Old & new tranfer give different results 0: []
Average speedup: 4.945645161290321 - individual: [4.36, 4.29, 5.04, 4.49, 5.76, 4.29, 5.06, 4.92, 4.05, 5.37, 5.02, 5.63, 6.87, 5.83, 5.78, 4.64, 4.76, 5.45, 4.6, 5.21, 4.06, 5.32, 4.5, 5.76, 4.67, 5.41, 5.68, 6.63, 5.37, 6.13, 4.84, 5.6, 3.82, 4.7, 5.13, 4.92, 6.12, 4.72, 3.95, 5.33, 5.3, 4.62, 4.01, 3.21, 7.8, 3.48, 4.49, 4.97, 4.73, 4.78, 3.81, 4.74, 4.62, 5.9, 4.19, 4.55, 3.2, 4.05, 4.32, 5.64, 5.03, 5.11]
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 102 minutes 7 seconds)