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=== Community bonding period ===
=== Community bonding period ===

Revision as of 07:04, 25 September 2013


A Sliding-Window Drop-in Replacement for the HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger in Apertium

Contact Information

Name: Gang Chen

Email: pkuchengang@gmail.com

IRC: Gang

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/elephantgcc

Why is it you are interested in machine translation?

I major in Natural Language Processing, and became interested in Machine Translation after taking a course on it. 2 years ago, I started to intern in a statistical machine translation team of an Internet company. Since then, I began to be in deeper touch with the classic IBM models, the n-gram language models, various decoding algorithms, and many excellent open source tool kits. I was greatly attracted by the ideas and applications of machine translation. Reading the papers and making the tool kits to work properly brought me much fun, and I still remember the sleepless night thinking about the neural network language model. A language is a very complicated system, and translating a sentence from one language to another has always been a challenging task. Meanwhile, the translation need is growing drastically, so developing better machine translation systems can also benefit the society. I'm interested in it being a challenging problem to study and the promising real life applications.

Why is it you are interested in the Apertium project?

I came across the Apertium project a year ago, when I knew about last year's GSoC.

Firstly, the rule-based methodology of it attracted me most. I studied linguistics in my undergraduate period, and during that time I formed a interest in analyzing language phenomena. The language system is organized in a structural way in its nature, so studying the underlying rules of it should be the most direct effort to unveil the mysteries of the system. Although currently the rules in Apertium are approximations to the real structural rules in a language system, many language pairs have proved a high translation quality. So hopefully, we can expect them to have a higher quality with more sophisticated rules integrated.

Secondly, Apertium is open in using statistical methods. Although it is a rule-based project, there are some useful statistical models as its components, and they help to improve the translation quality indeed. So I think many developers are willing to contribute to the project, whether they prefer rule-based or empirical methods.

Thirdly, Apertium is an open source project, so people with the necessary skills can join in and think of ideas to improve it for more and better machine translation services. And what's also important is that the services can be used by people all around the world.

Which of the published tasks are you interested in? What do you plan to do?

The project "Sliding-Window Part-of-Speech Tagger (SWPoST)".

Part I: How does a SWPoST work?


The task of a PoS tagger is to choose the best PoS tag for each position of the input. According to the Apertium documentation, the input to the tagger is a "ambiguity class sequence", and the output is a normal fine-grained tag sequence.

Firstly, a Category is generated by grouping similar fine-grained tags together, because the information provided by a morphological analyzer is too detailed for the PoS disambiguation.

For example, the morphological analysis (or the normal fine-grained tags) of the input sentence "I have seen it" is:

^I/I<num><mf><sg>/prpers<prn><subj><p1><mf><sg>$ ^have/have<vbhaver><inf>/have<vbhaver><pres>/have<vblex><inf>/have<vblex><pres>$ \
^seen/see<vblex><pp>$ ^it/prpers<prn><subj><p3><nt><sg>/prpers<prn><obj><p3><nt><sg>$

According to the tagger configuration file (or the TSX file), "num.*" will be grouped into a category called "NUM", "prn.subj.*" will be grouped into a category called "PRNSUBJ", etc. So we finally get a category sequence:


Secondly, a partition of the vocabulary is established so that if and only if both are assigned the same subset of categories. Each class of the partition is called an ambiguity class. So an ambiguity class is a subset of all categories. The ambiguity sequence will be the input for a PoS tagger.

Problem Formulation

For the convenience of discussion, we will formulate the PoS tagging problem in Apertium as the following example:

Input: ambiguity class sequence

where each has a set of candidate PoS tags, and let to denote this set.

Output: the best PoS tag sequence

where each .

Tagging procedure

The core idea of a SWPoST is very intuitive. For the input ambiguity class , the tagger predicts the PoS tag by looking at the left context and right context of it. In the paper (2004 paper), the algorithm works best when (left context length) is set to 1, and (right context length) also to 1.

For example, if we have the input as:

^A/a/b$ ^B/x/y$ ^C/m/n$

where , and are the input ambiguity classes(), while , , , , and are candidate PoS tags(). The context of should be _.

In the tagging procedure, the algorithm firstly gets a possible list of tags that may be assigned, i.e. and ; then consult the model for the context _ on which tag it mostly supports, for example is bigger than , then the PoS tag for should be .

Unsupervised training procedure

In the training procedure, the key problem is to figure out the probability that a particular context supports a particular tag. The paper provides an iterative method to make approximations to that probability, based on the unsupervised data.

For computational convenience, the algorithm estimates , the number of times that tag would appear in the context _, instead of . They are interchangeable.

We use a very simple example to give a description on how the iterative procedure runs.

Suppose we have only two training cases:

(1) A ^B/x/y$   C
(2) A ^D/x/y/z$ C

where we only focus on the context _. Whether or is ambiguous or not will not affect the context.

Firstly, for each training case, we assume that the possibility for each candidate tag is equal, because we don't have any other information. That is, according to the first case, , and ; according to the second case, , and . This is the initial step (or 0-th step) of the algorithm, and we finally get:

Then, we can use these counts to estimate the following probabilities:

And then, using these probabilities we can re-estimate the counts as expectations:

Until now, we have finished one iteration, with all the values updated. And we can observe that and are growing bigger, and is growing smaller, compared to those of , and respectively. While the total count still remains the same, .

Repeating the above procedure, the iterative process will converge to a point, with:

This is a simple example to show the iterative procedure of the unsupervised training algorithm. Real data may be more complex, but the core mechanism remains the same.

Store the probabilities in a clever way

The parameters in a SWPoS tagger are probabilities like:

where and are PoS tags, while is the context.

However, in the tagging procedure, when the tagger sees the context , it picks the tag that has the highest probability. So actually it is the ranking that makes the final decision.

"Store the probabilities in a clever way" means not to store the probabilities themselves, but to store their ranking based on a context, for example:

A_C x y

It is a more efficient way, even than using the double compression for storing probabilities as the HMM tagger does. This also makes it easier for the linguistic reading and edition.

Part II: FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions


FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions are two ways for putting linguistic knowledge into the Part-of-Speech tagger. They are described in the tagger configuration file, or the TSX file. FORBID restrictions forbid certain tag sequences from appearing, while ENFORCE restrictions enforce certain tag sequences from appearing.

Here is a brief example to show how the TSX file describes FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions.

      <label-item label="VSER"/>
      <label-item label="PRNOBJ"/>
    <enforce-after label="VHAVEPAST">
        <label-item label="VLEXPP"/>
        <label-item label="VSERPP"/>
        <label-item label="ADV"/>
        <label-item label="NOT"/>
        <label-item label="PRNSUBJ"/>

The Light SWPoST (LSWPoST)

A SW tagger make decisions according to the context, namely the left and right ambiguity class sequences. Because FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions are based on the tag sequences, so if the tagger wants to integrate the restrictions, it has to know the previous decisions. However, the original SW tagger make decisions independently with the previous tagging history.

A Light Sliding-Window(LSW) PoS tagger was proposed in the paper "Parameter reduction in unsupervisedly trained sliding-window part-of-speech taggers (Enrique Sánchez-Villamil, Mikel L. Forcada and Rafael C. Carrasco, RANLP, 2005)"(2005 paper), which reduces drastically the parameters of a SW tagger with a negligible performance drop-down. The main idea of the paper is the following approximation:

where and are left context tag sequence and right context tag sequence respectively, denotes a function returning candidate tag sequences of a context. Note that the formula is an approximation, because it assumes different -s are independent.

As an example, we still consider the training cases above,

^A/a/b$ ^B/x/y$   ^C/m/n$
^A/a/b$ ^D/x/y/z$ ^C/m/n$

The LSW tagger does the following approximation:


Based on these probabilities, the LSW tagger uses the same iterative procedure for unsupervised training as the SW tagger's. Finally, the LSW training procedure will end with a series of parameters like , , etc., in contrast to the SW parameters being , , etc.

In this way, the number of parameters of the LSW tagger is reduced to , compared to of the SW tagger. Usually, the size of the tag set () is relatively small, while the number of the ambiguity classes () is relatively large.

How to integrate restrictions using a LSWPoST?

Because the LSW tagger works on the tag space, so the FORBID and ENFORCE rules can be integrated during the training procedure.

For example, if the tag sequence

a x

is forbidden, then, the parameters , and will be zero.

Because the iteration is a process if successive multiplicative corrections to the empirical counts, those zeroes will be maintained during and after training.

ENFORCE restrictions can be integrated similarly as FORBID rules.

For example, if the tag sequence

b z

is enforced( "z" is enforced-after "b"), then, the parameters , , and will all be zero. And the zeroes will also be maintained.

Two possible solutions using the LSW tagger

To summarize all the features of the SW tagger and the LSW tagger, there are currently two promising solutions to the FORBID and ENFORCE implementations.

  • 1) Training = LSW + SW, Tagging = SW
  • This solution trains a LSW tagger before actually running the SW training, and uses the LSW tagger to estimate a better starting point, than the default starting point with averaged probabilities, for the SW tagger. Then a standard SW tagger is trained.
  • However, in the tagging procedure, in order to satisfy FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions, the SW tagger has to know the previous tagging history.
  • 2) Training = LSW, Tagging = LSW
  • This solution trains a LSW tagger, and uses it in the tagging procedure. It can integrate FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions naturally.
  • However, the LSW tagger has a little drop-down in performance, compared to the full SW tagger.

Part III: General plans for the whole project

  • Unsupervised version implementation
  • FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions implementation
  • Minimized FST implementation
  • Optionally, supervised version implementation

Why Google and Apertium should sponsor it? How and who it will benefit in society?

The PoS tagger plays an important role in the Apertium translation pipeline. A sliding-window PoS tagger can improve the quality of tagging, than the current HMM tagger. Besides, the algorithm is intuitive, and easy to understand and modify. So its implementation will benifit both the Apertium developers and users.

Work plan

Coding Challenge

  • Write a filter that reads in the output of Apertium morphological analyser and writes out either a random one (-r) or the first one (-f) of the lexical form for each surface form in a new format, respecting superblanks.
  • Write a roundtrip converter that reads the outputted first or random lexical form and regenerate the input.

Community bonding period

  • Get further contact with the community, and familiarize myself with the Apertium platform and the project.
  • Make preparations, learn necessary knowledge that will be used in the implementation.

Week Plan

week date plans
Week 01 06.17-06.23 Implement the unsupervised version of the algorithm.
Week 02 06.24-06.30 Implement the unsupervised version of the algorithm.
Week 03 07.01-07.07 Store the probability data in a clever way, allowing reading and edition using linguistic knowledge. Test using linguistic edition.
Week 04 07.08-07.14 Make tests, check for bugs, and documentation.
Deliverable #1 A SWPoST that works with probabilities.
Week 05 07.15-07.21 Implement FORBID restrictions, using LSW. Using the same options and TSX file as the HMM tagger.
Week 06 07.22-07.28 Implement FORBID restrictions, using LSW. Using the same options and TSX file as the HMM tagger.
Week 07 07.29-08.04 Implement ENFORCE restrictions, using LSW. Using the same options and TSX file as the HMM tagger.
Week 08 08.05-08.11 Make tests, check for bugs, and documentation.
Deliverable #2 A SWPoST that works with FORBID and ENFORCE restrictions.
Week 09 08.12-08.18 Implement the minimized FST version.
Week 10 08.19-08.25 Refine code. Optionally, implement the supervised version of the algorithm.
Week 11 08.26-09.01 Make tests, check the code and documentation. Optionally, Study further possible improvements.
Week 12 09.02-09.08 Make tests, check the code and documentation.
Deliverable #3 A full implementation of the SWPoST in Apertium.

List your skills and give evidence of your qualifications.

I am currently a 2-nd year postgraduate majoring in Natural Language Processing.

During the recent 2 years, I have been interning in a statistical machine translation team of Youdao Inc. There, I brought up 2 language pairs (Spanish-Chinese and Russian-Chinese) into online services [1]. With that chance, I explored the whole pipeline of a statistical machine translation system, including bilingual data crawling and filtering , word alignment, model extraction, and parameter tuning, etc. Such experience may help me to understand Apertium more quickly.

I also used Map-Reduce framework to process large amounts of text, to improve the N-gram language models. Finally it gained a +0.5 BLEU quality improvement and did well in a human blind test with significantly more better translated sentences for the Chinese-English pair. During the project, I watched and analysed a lot of raw text and N-gram data, read many papers on data selection and domain adaptation, and conducted various kinds of experiments on text filtering and cleaning. Thanks to that project, it made me form a habit of analyzing bad cases and data. Such experience may help me to debug and analyze cases more efficiently.

Besides, I also took part in a project for speeding up the translation decoder, and gained a significant 2x efficiency improvement at very little quality cost. We watched a lot of bad cases, analyze them linguistically, and finally we made a good balance between translation quality and speed. Such experience may help in terms of the implementation efficiency.

During my undergraduate period, I took courses on linguistics, mathematics and computer science, where I got the basic knowledge about linguistic analysis and programming. I also took part in the development of some NLP systems, such as the construction of Chinese Concept Dictionary, which is a WordNet-like Chinese ontology, a lexical similarity computation software written in Java, and especially, an supervised HMM PoS tagger written in C++. The linguistic background and the coding experiences can help me to better understand the SWPoST and benefit the implementation task.

As to the coding skills, I have 3 years' experience programming in Java and C++, and I am also familiar with basic Python and Bash for dealing with light-weight tasks.

This is the first time that I take part in an open source project, and I'm excited about it! I have been using open source toolkits for long, for example, the Moses machine translation toolkit, KenLM, OpenNLP toolkit, etc., and they all brought great help to me. I'd be happy to make some contributions to the open source community.

With the knowledge and experiences on natural language processing, I am confident in accomplishing the task well.

List any non-Summer-of-Code plans you have for the Summer

Parallel with the Apertium project, I will spare some time doing preparations for the coming job-season starting from September.

However, the Apertium project will be the main focus.