Khalkha and Kazakh/Pending tests

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Dative disambiguation

The dative in Khalkha corresponds to both dative and locative in Kazakh

Directive vs. dative

The directive and dativem (and sometimes bare nouns!) in Khalkha both correspond to the dative in Kazakh

  • With яв-:
    • directive + reflexive for most places
    • dative for "activity places" (=events), e.g. ажил, хурал, хичээл, сургууль, цэцэрлэг, цугаан
    • bare noun: хот, Улаан-Баатар, хөдөө

Commitative and instrumental

Khalkha commitative corresponds to Kazakh instrumental and -LIK, Khalkha instrumental usually corresponds to Kazakh instrumental.


Khalkha "reflexive" nouns turn into Kazakh nouns with an optional possessor that agrees with the subject of the sentence. When translating from Kazakh, a noun whose possession agrees with the subject should be translated as just reflexive.

  • (khk) би гэр лүүгээ буцах ёстой → мен үйге қайтуым керек
  • (khk) би гэр лүүгээ буцах ёстой → мен үйіме қайтуым керек

Khalkha inanimate nouns don't take an accusative morpheme with accusative-case reflexive nouns, so the accusative has to be added back in Kazakh.

  • (khk) би гэрээ санав → мен үйімді сағындым


kaz-khk insertion of subject based on agreement

  • (kaz) шелекпен сыра ішемін → би хувингээр пив ууна
  • (kaz) сен білмейсің → чи мэдэхгүй
  • (kaz) Сен ертең келесің бе? → Чи маргааш ирэх үү?

khk-kaz addition of agreement

  • (khk) би хувингээр пив ууна → (мен) шелекпен сыра ішемін
  • (khk) чи мэдэхгүй → сен білмейсің
  • (khk) Чи маргааш ирэх үү? → Сен ертең келесің бе?

Expressions for "to like"

  • (khk) надад энэ ном их дуртай → маған бұл кітап өте ұнайды