Difference between revisions of "Icelandic and English"

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* [[/Regression tests|Regression tests]] — Examples of working phrase translations.
* [[/Regression tests|Regression tests]] — Examples of working phrase translations.

==External links==
* [http://iceblark.wordpress.com/translation/ is-en MT entry on the IceBLARK blog]

[[Category:Icelandic and English]]
[[Category:Icelandic and English]]

Revision as of 07:45, 18 December 2009

Pending tasks

  • Write a TSX file to group together fine tags into coarse tags.
  • Tag a corpus with IceTagger and train the apertium-tagger
  • Post-edit automatically-generated bilingual dictionaries
  • Try and convert some IceTagger constraint rules to work in constraint grammar
  • Use IceParser to parse a corpus and extract the most frequent patterns in terms of chunks/phrases (lists of coarse POS tags) and phrase patterns (in terms of chunks/phrases).
  • Merge analysed corpus (IceMorphy full-form list) with Apertium dictionary — will require matching partial information to paradigms... perhaps use extract ?
  • In the Icelandic analyser (apertium-is-en.is.dix):
    • Fix verb paradigms... most are missing:
      • Participle forms (declensions) and infinitives
      • Active and middle voice distinction (see file dev/is-tags.mapping.txt for tag mapping details)
      • Verbs are missing the supine
    • Check declensions for adjectives to see if any parts can be factored out (e.g. the weak/strong inflection)
      • Move 'sta' and 'vei' tags to the end of the declension.
  • Write transfer rules — start with most frequent patterns (as found from the corpus)



  • Mediawiki l10n, KDE4, OpenSubtitles, etc. — from OPUS (~60k sentences)
  • Parliamentary Acts (?? sentences)

Bilingual dictionaries

Example phrase

  • Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum.


Hver foken maður nken er sfg3en 
borinn sþgken frjáls lkensf 
og c jafn aa öðrum fokfþ að c 
virðingu nveþ og c réttindum nhfþ . . 
{*SUBJ> [NP Hver foken maður nken NP] *SUBJ>}
[VPb er sfg3en VPb]
{*COMP< [VPp borinn sþgken VPp] *COMP<}
{*COMP< [APs [AP frjáls lkensf AP] [CP og c CP] [AP jafn lkensf AP] APs] *COMP<}
[NP öðrum fokfþ NP]
[SCP að c SCP]
[NPs [NP virðingu nveþ NP] [CP og c CP] [NP réttindum nhfþ NP] NPs]


^Hver<prn><ind><m><sg><nom>$ ^maður<n><m><sg><nom><ind>$ ^vera<vbser><pri><p3><sg>$ 
^bera<vblex><pp><m><sg><nom>$ ^frjáls<adj><sta><pst><m><sg><nom>$ 
^og<cnjcoo>$ ^jafn<adj><sta><pst><m><sg><nom>$ 
^annar<prn><ind><m><pl><dat>$ ^að<pr>$ 
^virðing<n><f><sg><dat><def>$ ^og<cnjcoo>$ ^réttindi<n><nt><pl><dat><ind>$ ^.<sent>$
^prn_nom<SN><@SUBJ→>{^Hver<prn><ind><m><sg><nom>$ ^maður<n><m><sg><nom><ind>$}$ 
^verb<SV>{^vera<vbser><pri><p3><sg>$ ^bera<vblex><pp><m><sg><nom>$}$  
^adj_cc_adj<SA>{^frjáls<adj><sta><pst><m><sg><nom>$ ^og<cnjcoo>$ ^jafn<adj><sta><pst><m><sg><nom>$}$
^nom_cc_nom{^virðing<n><f><sg><dat><def>$ ^og<cnjcoo>$ ^réttindi<n><nt><pl><dat><ind>$}$

See also

External links