Iranian Persian and Tajik/Other things need to take care

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This article includes things might be needed to be used for fa-tg or fa-xx or tg-xx translation:

vowel collision (ast)

When a name ends with a vowel like (uu, i, o) and as "ast" comes after that the first letter of ast is usually left out as in:

Millist = Milli ast
uust	= uu ast
fanost  = fano ast

This occurs both in Iranian Persian and Tajik Persian but this also might incorrectly happen for other nouns as in:

Dirast = dir ast


Dirist = diri ast ( diri is used only in this form in this meaning)

vowel collision (ezaafeh)

"Ezaafeh" is a vowel itself and when a word ending with vowel gets "ezaafeh", a ی apears in speaking and writing for Persian to make it pronounce wisely. this is the only time "ezaafeh" apears in persian. In Tajik, this median letter isn't written.

For the words ending with ه in Persian(which sounds /e/ in Persian and /a/ in Tajik) ی might be used or neglected and both of those are incorrect according to Persian Academey recomendation and ٔ should be used instead.

ی in Persian and Tajik Persian

ی in Persian can be и, ӣ, й, е, (I have neglected ё for it is yo and the second vowel always appears in Iranian Persian)

Seperatable verbs

Take care of the following verbs:

fa:raftan = en:to go -> fa:miraftam=en:I was going
fa:dar raftan = en:to escape -> fa:dar miraftam=en: I was escaping

There are more words like above.

This can be probably be taken care of like:
  <e lm="dar raftan">
      <par n="S__pron"/>
      <par n="P__mi"/><par n="P__be"/>
      <par n="raft/an__vblex"/>