Bengali and English/Issues
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Morphological Analyzer
- Problem analyzing words with enclitic 'টি' - it can analyze "বিষয়" to "^বিষয়/বিষয়<n><nt><nn><sg><nom>/বিষয়<n><nt><nn><sg><obj>$" but can't analyze "বিষয়টি". Similarly can "বস্তু" but not "বস্তুটি"
- The word "মায়ের" probably has no matching pardef. the pardef "মা__n_f" has no inflections like "-য়ের"
- Some words have entries in bn.dix, yet they are not being analyzed with "lt-proc -a bn-en.automorf.bin".
to check all of the instances of this problem i ran this:
cat | grep '<e lm' | sed 's/.*lm=\"//g' | sed 's/\".*//g' | lt-proc -a bn-en.automorf.bin | grep '*'
and the output is:
^কি/*কি$ ^ওই/*ওই$
- "প্রথম", "দ্বিতীয়" - is this determiner ? or numerals ?
- These words probably don't have appropriate paradigm definitions that supports all the inflections:
মা -> মায়ের লোক -> লোকে, লোকেরা দেশ -> দেশগুলোতে, দেশটিতে বই -> বইগুলির, বইগুলি শক্তি -> শক্তিকে মানদন্ডসমূহ ? ভাষা -> ভাষাটির, ভাষাতেই ইউরোপীয় -> ইউরোপীয়দের
- Confusion on animacy 'elite': what is the exact definition ? Is these correct examples of <el> - "ক্রেতা", "বিদ্রোহী", "সহকারী" ? And is these not <el> for sure - "মেয়র", "ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট", "উপাচার্য"
- Unmatched paradigm: "মামা", "চাচা" should be <m><hu> with the pardefs "ভাই__n_m" or "লোক__n_m" but neither of the two provides enough inflections for "মামার" or "চাচার"
- What is the exact difference between <mf><nn> and <nt><nn> ? What are the exclusive properties ?
is for a word that has the same form for both masculine and feminine versions,<nt>
is for a neuter word. - Francis Tyers 19:56, 27 June 2011 (UTC)