User:Alessiojr/Easy dictionary - Application-GSOC2010

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Title: Easy dictionary maintenance

Student: Alessio Miranda Junior
E-mail: or
IRC: AlessioJr


   The idea is to develop a GUI tool to manage Apertium Monolingual and Bilingual XML files with the follow objectives:
   • Create a alternative form to edit dix files with GUI resources.
   • Develop, initially, monolingual dictionaries but keeping the particular format of each file.
   • Minimize the direct manipulation of XML files, providing features that reduce this need.
   • Making use of DixTools to keep code reuse.

Why is it you are interested in machine translation?

   My .

Why are they interested in the Apertium project?

   I’ve .

Which of the published tasks are you interested in?


Why should Google and Apertium sponsor it?

   I .

How and who will it benefit in society?

   I .

What do you plan to do?


Development Paradigm: MVC Paradigm
Program Language: Java/SWING
Persistence: XML (Apertium XML Files)
Framworks: Dixtools, JPA, Swing Application Framework


Week Stage Description
1, 2 Analysis of technology in handling memory To investigate and select an effective way to view and manipulate the XML files of Apertium in memory using Java.
Analysis of the best technologie that complement the functionality of DixTools during manipulation of XML.
Maybe a database integration, trying to use VTD-XML or extend dixTools Classes.
Testing and choosing the best alternative.
2, 3 Development of first prototype Development of an interface that tries to use a core of features like Load, Save, list , search and Filter elements.
Prototype Milestone 1 First version for community analysis. Provides the basic architecture, the interface model, and basic handling.
5, 6 Simple Structures Implementation of Symbols, Alphabet and statistic features.
Need Drawings experiments to create interface to users.
7 Paradigms First implementation of features with paradigms.
Need Drawings experiments to create interface to users.
8 Lemmas First implementation of features with lemmas.
Need Drawings experiments to create interface to users.
Prototype Milestone 2 Version for testing with huge dictionaries and complete edition test with basic features.
9 Paradigms With feedback of the community, adjusting the interface and implementation, and probably adding new features.
10 Lemmas With feedback of the community, adjusting the interface and implementation, and probably adding new features.
11 Pré-Release Security time to improve integration functionalities
Prototype Release Candidate
12 Makeup Fix remain bugs, final adjustments and documentation in Wiki
Final Release


   My name is Vinicius, a Brazilian Student at .

Resume of Skills

Apertium Knowledge:

   * Study to develop a collaborative tool for apertium.
   * A study of actual Apertium process about creating a language pair by the user point of view.
   * Analysis of the characteristics of the 2010 project of Aléssio and adaptation to current times.

Academic Skills:

   * Graduating in Computer Engineering- Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais – Brazil

Professional Skills:

   * Language developer: Java, Phyton, 

Projects for Summer:

   * No professional activities planned.
   * Planning to work in GSOC