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== Nouns ==
== Nouns ==


* {{test|fa|بازو|arm}}
* {{test|fa|پشت|back}}
* {{test|fa|گونه|cheek}}
* {{test|fa|قفسه سینه|chest}}
* {{test|fa|چانه|chin}}
* {{test|fa|گوش|ear}}
* {{test|fa|آرنج|elbow}}
* {{test|fa|چشم|eye}}
* {{test|fa|صورت / چهره|face}}
* {{test|fa|انگشت|finger}}

===Indefinite and Definite===
===Indefinite and Definite===

Revision as of 00:17, 31 December 2012

Sentence Structure

In English the sentence structure is subject-verb-object (SOV). However, in Farsi, the sentence structure is subject-object-verb (SOV). Below are literal translations, without word rearrangement, of the sentences from Farsi to English.

  • (fa) .مادرم به مدرسه را رفت → Mother my to school the went.
  • (fa) .معلمشان مشق را به پسرها داد → Teacher their homework the to boys gave.
  • (fa) .مرد زن قشنگش را دست دارد و به او شکلات داد → Man wife his beautiful the loved and to her chocolate gave.
  • (fa) .کب سفید بزرگ برایه من آست → Coat white big on me is.
  • (fa) .دکتر دارو به نفر حندین داد → Doctor medicine to people several gave.

Below are the previous sentences rearranged to English grammar standards.

  • (fa) .مادرم به مدرسه را رفت → My mother went to the school.
  • (fa) .معلمشان مشق را به پسرها داد → Their teacher gave the homework to the boys.
  • (fa) .مرد زن قشنگش را دست دارد و به او شکلات داد → A man loved his wife and gave her chocolate.
  • (fa) .کب سفید بزرگ برایه من آست → The white coat is big on me.
  • (fa) .دکتر دارو به نفر حندین داد → A doctor gave medicine to several people.


Indefinite and Definite

In Farsi, there is no usage of articles. For instance, translating a noun with a preceding article in English to Farsi will render this result:

  • (en) a/the table → ميز
  • (en) a/the son → پسر
  • (en) a/the cat → گربه
  • (en) a/the father → پاپا
  • (en) a/the door → در

However, in Farsi, there is also a word, "را", to reference a particular noun in a conversation. It is somewhat similar to "the" in English, however, it is not an equivalent substitute and is only used to mark definite nouns that are direct objects.

  • (fa) .من در را دیدم → I saw (the particular) door.
  • (fa) .من نان را دادم → I gave (the particular) bread.
  • (fa) .من سگ را برداشم → I lifted (the particular) dog.
  • (fa) .من کتاب را نوشتماشم → I wrote (the particular) book.
  • (fa) .من کیف را دوست داشتم → I loved (the particular) bag.

If the noun is not referenced or specified in a conversation or text, then there is no need for "را".

  • (fa) .بابا بستنی داد → Father gave ice cream.
  • (fa) .بابادک هوا کردم → I flew (a) kite.
  • (fa) .سگها گرفتیم → We caught dogs.
  • (fa) .شام خوردند → They ate dinner.
  • (fa) .آرش ماشین میشورد → Arash washed (a) car.

The only way "را" will be used in these sentences is if someone asks specifically about the direct objects in the sentence. Say for instance someone asks, "چه کس را؟" This phrase translates to "Who?" and is used to refer to human objects. On the other hand the phrase, "چه چیز را؟", means "Which object?" and is used to refer to nonhuman objects. Take our previous sentences with "را" inserted after the direct object.[1]

  • (fa) .بابا بستنی را داد → Father gave the ice cream.
  • (fa) .بابادک را هوا کردم → I flew the kite.
  • (fa) .سگها را گرفتیم → We caught the dogs.
  • (fa) .شام را خوردند → They ate the dinner.
  • (fa) .آرش ماشین را میشورد → Arash washed the car.

"را" makes the nouns become specific between the two people conversing or in a text the reader is reading.


Personal Pronouns

  • (fa) .من فوتبال بازی کردم → I played soccer.
  • (fa) .تو فوتبال بازی کردی → You (singular) played soccer.
  • (fa) .وا فوتبال بازی کرد → He/she/it played soccer.

(In Farsi, there are no distinctions between he, she, or it.)

  • (fa) .ما فوتبال باری کردیم → We played soccer
  • (fa) .شُما فوتبال بازی کردید → You all (plural) played soccer.
  • (fa) .آنها فوتبال بازی کردند → They play soccer.

Possessive Pronouns

In Farsi, the possessive pronoun is a suffix attached to the noun, unlike English, which has the possessive pronoun precede the noun. This is the most common way to demonstrate ownership of a noun.

  • (fa) .مریم گلم را دوست → Maryam liked my flower.
  • (fa) .مریم گلت را دوست → Maryam liked your (singular) flower.
  • (fa) .مریم گلش را دوست → Maryam liked his/her/its flower.
  • (fa) .مریم گلمان را دوست → Maryam liked our flower.
  • (fa) .مریم گلتان را دوست → Maryam liked your (plural) flower.
  • (fa) .مریم گلشان را دوست → Maryam liked their flower.

Possessive pronouns also use personal pronouns to show possession of a noun. The character, " ِ ", is the equivalent to an apostrophe in English. However, this form is used only for nouns that act as subjects or indirect objects.[2]

  • (fa) .جا یزه من قشنگ آست → My award is beautiful.
  • (fa) .جا یزه تو قشنگ آست → Your award is beautiful.
  • (fa) .جا یزه وا قشنگ آست → His/Her/Its award is beautiful.
  • (fa) .جا یزه ما قشنگ آست → Our award is beautiful.
  • (fa) .جا یزه شما قشنگ آست → Your (plural) award is beautiful.
  • (fa) .جا یزه آنها قشنگ آستا → Their award is beautiful.


Adjectives in Farsi succeed the nouns they modify, unlike English which has the adjective precede the noun it is modifying. For beginners, the character " ِ ", is written after the noun and before the adjective for pronunciation purposes. However, in most texts the " ِ " is understood so it is not written.

  • (fa) ماد سیاه → black snake (literally translated "snake black")
  • (fa) ماهی بازرگ → big fish (literally translated "fish big")
  • (fa) خواهر کوچک → little sister (literally translated "sister little")
  • (fa) پسر قد کوتاه → short boy (literally translated "boy short")
  • (fa) معلم زشت → ugly teacher (literally translated "teacher ugly")
  • (fa) مادر قشنگ → beautiful mother (literally translated "mother beautiful")
  • (fa) حعبه قد بلند → tall box (literally translated "box tall")
  • (fa) تاکسی زرد → yellow taxi (literally translated "taxi yellow")
  • (fa) تاویزیونرنگی → color television (literally translated "television color")
  • (fa) درخت سیب → apple tree (literally translated "tree apple")
  • (fa) زن جوان → young wife (literally translated "wife young")


In Farsi, there are verb conjugations. These conjugations are are suffixes attached to the verb. These suffixes make the subjects understood. In English, the subject most always has to be stated (an exception for the imperative). Below are some examples of simple past tense in English.

  • I went
  • You (singular) went
  • He/She/It went
  • We went
  • You all (plural) went
  • They went

However, in Farsi, the suffixes added to the verbs make the subject and tense understood.

  • (fa) رفتم → I went
  • (fa) رفتی → You went
  • (fa) رفت → He/She/It
  • (fa) رفتیم → We went
  • (fa) رفتید → You went
  • (fa) رفتنذ → They went

The rules for conjugating in Farsi follow very closely with the rules for conjugating in Romance languages. The suffixes change depending on the tense, unlike English which sometimes have the verbs change (think of regular and irregular verbs such as "go and went").