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** And [http://www.northvegr.org/vigfusson/index.php here]
** And [http://www.northvegr.org/vigfusson/index.php here]
* Wordbank [http://www.ismal.hi.is/ob/birta/index.cgi at ismal.hi.is] (licence unknown)
* Wordbank [http://www.ismal.hi.is/ob/birta/index.cgi at ismal.hi.is] (licence unknown)

==Example phrase==

* Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum.

==See also==
==See also==

Revision as of 01:07, 8 February 2009

Pending tasks

  • Tag a corpus with IceTagger and train the apertium-tagger
  • Post-edit automatically-generated bilingual dictionaries
  • Use IceParser to parse a corpus and extract the most frequent patterns in terms of chunks/phrases (lists of coarse POS tags) and phrase patterns (in terms of chunks/phrases).
  • Merge analysed corpus (IceMorphy full-form list) with Apertium dictionary — will require matching partial information to paradigms... perhaps use extract ?



  • Mediawiki l10n, KDE4, OpenSubtitles, etc. — from OPUS (~60k sentences)

Bilingual dictionaries

Example phrase

  • Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum.

See also