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This is the task ideas page for Google Code-in (http://www.google-melange.com/gci/homepage/google/gci2011), here you can find ideas on interesting tasks that will improve your knowledge of Apertium and help you get into the world of open-source development.

The people column lists people who you should get in contact with to request further information. The time column gives the minimum estimated amount of time that should be spent on the task. '''It does not include time taken to install / set up apertium'''.
This is the task ideas page for [https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/ Google Code-in], here you can find ideas on interesting tasks that will improve your knowledge of Apertium and help you get into the world of open-source development.

The people column lists people who you should get in contact with to request further information. All tasks are 2 hours maximum estimated amount of time that would be spent on the task by an experienced developer, however:
Если ты не понимаешь английский язык или предпочитаешь работать над русским языком или другими языками России, смотри: [[Task ideas for Google Code-in/Russian]]

<!--# '''this does not include time taken to [[Minimal installation from SVN|install]] / set up apertium (and relevant tools)'''.-->
==Task list==
# this is the time expected to take by an experienced developer, you may find that you spend more time on the task because of the learning curve.

<!--Если ты не понимаешь английский язык или предпочитаешь работать над русским языком или другими языками России, смотри: [[Task ideas for Google Code-in/Russian]]-->
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Area !! Difficulty !! Title !! Description !! Time<br/>(hours) !! People

* {{sc|code}}: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
* {{sc|documentation}}: Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
* {{sc|research}}: Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketting, or studying problems and recommending solutions
* {{sc|quality}}: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality.
* {{sc|design}}: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction

'''Clarification of "multiple task" types'''
* multi = number of students who can do a given task (GCI's "max instances")
* dup = number of times a student can do the same task

You can find descriptions of some of the mentors [[List_of_Apertium_mentors | here]].

== Task ideas ==

'''The current task ideas here are for 2019.''' See [[Talk:Task ideas for Google Code-in]] for task ideas from previous years.

<table class="sortable wikitable" style="display: none">

|type=research, quality, documentation
|title=Adopt a Wiki page
|description=Request an Apertium wiki account and adopt a wiki page by updating and fixing any issues with it. Examples of things to update might be documentation that still refers to our SVN repo (we're on GitHub now), documentation of new features, clarification of unclear things, indicating that a page no longer reflects how things are done, "archiving" a page that represents deprecated information, or updating documentation to reflect the current options and defaults of various tools.

|type=research, quality, documentation
|title=Test instructions on Apertium wiki
|description=Find a page on the Apertium wiki that documents how to do something (hint: check the [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Category:Documentation Documentation] category). Then try to follow the instructions. Check with your mentor when you get stuck. Modify the instructions as necessary. If the instructions are for something that is deprecated or no longer used by the community, either mark them as deprecated (category, banner at top of page, fix links to page) and/or modify them to match current practices.

|type=research, code
|title=expand coverage of Kyrgyz to English structural transfer
|description=Find a sentence in Kyrgyz that once the lexical items are added to the bilingual dictionary is not fully (or correctly) parsed by the <tt>kir-eng-transfer</tt> Apertium mode. Determine what rule(s) need(s) to be added (or fixed) to cover this structure, and update <tt>apertium-eng-kir.kir-eng.rtx</tt> accordingly. You will first want to clone and compile [https://github.com/apertium/apertium-eng-kir apertium-eng-kir].
|tags=Kyrgyz, English, recursive transfer, pairs
|mentors=JNW, popcorndude

|title=Add recursive transfer support to a language pair that doesn't support it
|description=Make a branch of an Apertium language pair that doesn't support recursive transfer and call it "recursive transfer". Add vanilla <tt>.rtx</tt> files for both directions, and modify <tt>Makefile.am</tt> and <tt>modes.xml</tt> so that the branch compiles and runs. See [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Apertium-recursive#Incorporating_Into_a_Pair this page] for instructions on how to do this.
|tags=recursive transfer, pairs
|mentors=JNW, popcorndude

|title=Add 2 recursive transfer rules to a language pair
|description=Add two recursive transfer rules to an Apertium language pair. These rules consist of, at minimum, a syntactic pattern to match, a phrase to combine them into, and an output pattern ([http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Apertium-recursive#Further_Documentation more documentation here]). If the language pair does not support recursive transfer, make sure [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Apertium-recursive#Incorporating_Into_a_Pair to set it up] first. Submit your work as a pull request to a new branch ("recursive", "rtx", or similar) of the repository on GitHub.
|tags=recursive transfer, pairs
|mentors=JNW, popcorndude

|mentors=JNW, wei2912, padth4i, popcorndude
|title=Use apertium-init to bootstrap a new language pair
|description=Use the [[Apertium-init]] script to bootstrap a new translation pair between two languages which have monolingual modules already in Apertium. To see if a translation pair has already been made, search our repositories on [https://github.com/apertium/ github], and especially ask on IRC. Add 100 common stems to the dictionary. Your submission should be in the form of a repository on github that we can fork to the Apertium organisation.
|tags=languages, bootstrap, dictionaries, translators

|mentors=JNW, wei2912, padth4i, popcorndude
|title=Use apertium-init to bootstrap a new language module
|description=Use the [[Apertium-init]] script to bootstrap a new language module that doesn't currently exist in Apertium. To see if a language is available, search our repositories on [https://github.com/apertium/ github], and especially ask on IRC. Add enough stems and morphology to the module so that it analyses and generates at least 100 correct forms. Your submission should be in the form of a repository on github that we can fork to the Apertium organisation. [[Task ideas for Google Code-in/Add words from frequency list|Read more about adding stems...]]
|tags=languages, bootstrap, dictionaries

|mentors=JNW, sevilay, Unhammer, marcriera, padth4i, Oguz, popcorndude
|title=Write 10 lexical selection for an existing translation pair
|description=Add 10 lexical selection rules to an existing translation pair. Submit your work as a github pull request to that pair. [[Task ideas for Google Code-in/Add lexical-select rules|Read more...]]
|tags=languages, bootstrap, lexical selection, translators

|mentors=JNW, Unhammer, padth4i, Oguz, popcorndude
|title=Write 10 constraint grammar rules for an existing language module
|description=Add 10 constraint grammar rules to an existing language module for a language that you know. Submit your work as a github pull request to that pair. [[Task ideas for Google Code-in/Add constraint-grammar rules|Read more...]]
|tags=languages, bootstrap, constraint grammar

|mentors=anakuz, fotonzade
|title=Syntactic annotation of text
|description=Pick a text of about 200 words and make a syntactic annotation for it according to the Universal Dependencies treebank. UD Annotatrix can be used for visualisation. Consult with your mentor about the language.
|tags=UD, trees, annotation

|mentors=JNW,ftyers, fotonzade, anakuz, Oguz
|title=Create a UD-Apertium morphology mapping
|description=Choose a language that has a Universal Dependencies treebank and tabulate a potential set of Apertium morph labels based on the (universal) UD morph labels. See Apertium's [[list of symbols]] and [http://universaldependencies.org/ UD]'s POS and feature tags for the labels.
|tags=morphology, ud, dependencies

|mentors=JNW, ftyers, fotonzade, anakuz
|title=Create an Apertium-UD morphology mapping
|description=Choose a language that has an Apertium morphological analyser and adapt it to convert the morphology to UD morphology
|tags=morphology, ud, dependencies

|title=Install Apertium and verify that it works
|description=See [[Installation]] for instructions and if you encounter any issues along the way, document them and/or improve the wiki instructions!
|mentors=ftyers, JNW, Unhammer, anakuz, Josh, fotonzade, sevilay, eirien, wei2912, padth4i, jjjppp

|title=Write a contrastive grammar
|description=Document 6 differences between two (preferably related) languages and where they would need to be addressed in the [[Apertium pipeline]] (morph analysis, transfer, etc). Use a grammar book/resource for inspiration. Each difference should have no fewer than 3 examples. Put your work on the Apertium wiki under [[Language1_and_Language2/Contrastive_grammar]]. See [[Farsi_and_English/Pending_tests]] for an example of a contrastive grammar that a previous GCI student made.
|mentors=mlforcada, JNW, Josh, xavivars, fotonzade, sevilay, khannatanmai, dolphingarlic, padth4i
|tags=wiki, languages

|mentors=mlforcada, anakuz, xavivars, fotonzade, sevilay, Unhammer, eirien, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera, padth4i, Oguz, JNW, jjjppp
|tags=xml, dictionaries
|title=Identify and add 100 new entries to the bilingual dictionary for the %AAA%-%BBB% language pair
|description=Our translation systems require large lexicons so as to provide production-quality coverage of any input data. This task requires the student to add 100 new words to a bidirectional dictionary. With the help of your mentor, identify some text in either %AAA% or %BBB% and run it through Apertium's %AAA%-%BBB% translator to identify 50 unknown forms. Add the stems of these forms to the analyser in an appropriate way so that these words are analysed correctly. Your submission should be in the form of a pull request to each of the appropriate repositories on GitHub. [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Grow_bilingual More instructions for this task here]...

|mentors=mlforcada, anakuz, xavivars, fotonzade, ftyers, sevilay, eirien, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera, padth4i, Oguz, JNW
|tags=xml, dictionaries
|title=Identify and add 250 new entries to the bilingual dictionary for the %AAA%-%BBB% language pair
|description=Our translation systems require large lexicons so as to provide production-quality coverage of any input data. This task requires the student to add 250 new words to a bidirectional dictionary. With the help of your mentor, identify some text in either %AAA% or %BBB% and run it through Apertium's %AAA%-%BBB% translator to identify 50 unknown forms. Add the stems of these forms to the analyser in an appropriate way so that these words are analysed correctly. Your submission should be in the form of a pull request to each of the appropriate repositories on GitHub. [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Grow_bilingual More instructions for this task here]...

|mentors=fotonzade, JNW, ftyers, anakuz, xavivars, mlforcada, shardulc, sevilay, Unhammer, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera
|tags=xml, dictionaries
|title=Post-edit 500 sentences of any public domain text from %AAA% to %BBB%
|description=Many of our systems benefit from statistical methods used with (ideally public domain) bilingual data. For this task, you need to translate a public domain text from %AAA% to %BBB% using any available machine translation system and clean up the translations yourself manually. Commit the post-edited texts (in plain text format) to an existing (via pull request) or if needed new github repository for the language pair in dev/ or texts/ folder. The texts are subject to mentor approval.

|mentors=mlforcada, anakuz, xavivars, fotonzade, sevilay, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera, padth4i
|title=Disambiguate 500 tokens of text in %AAA%
|description=Run some text through a morphological analyser and disambiguate the output. Discuss with the mentor beforehand to approve the choice of language and text. [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Manually_disambiguate_text Read more]...

|mentors=eirien, anakuz, marcriera, padth4i
|title=Categorise 100 words from frequency list in %AAA%
|description=Categorise words by frequency into one of the major part-of-speech categories. You will receive a frequency list. Work from top to bottom. At the beginning of each line you should put a letter which categorises the word form by its part-of-speech. For example n for noun, v for verb, etc. [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Categorise_words_from_frequency_list Read more]... <!-- Wouldn't it be better for them to to add directly to the analyser? Easier for us, and more educational for them! -JNW -->

|mentors=eirien, anakuz, sevilay, marcriera
|title=Categorise 500 words from frequency list in %AAA%
|description=Categorise words by frequency into one of the major part-of-speech categories. You will receive a frequency list. Work from top to bottom. At the beginning of each line you should put a letter which categorises the word form by its part-of-speech. For example n for noun, v for verb, etc. [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Categorise_words_from_frequency_list Read more]... <!-- Wouldn't it be better for them to to add directly to the analyser? Easier for us, and more educational for them! -JNW -->

|mentors=khannatanmai, sevilay, padth4i
|title=Evaluate an existing apertium pair %AAA% to %BBB% on a text
|description= Pick an existing apertium pair and get a parallel text for that language pair. Translate %AAA% to %BBB% and evaluate the translation using an automatic evaluation metric like BLEU or/and evaluate it manually. [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Evaluation_of_translation_of_an_existing_pair Read more]...

|type=code, research
|title=Add apertium-anaphora support to a new language pair
|description=Make a branch of an Apertium language pair that doesn't use apertium-anaphora yet, and call it "anaphora". Manually add the correct antecedent to side ref of the anaphors in the output of biltrans, and modify t1x to change the anaphor based on its antecedent. Verify that it runs and gives the correct anaphor. See the [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Anaphora_Resolution_Module documentation] of the apertium-anaphora module for help.
|tags=apertium-anaphora, transfer

|type=code, research
|title=Add one markable to the arx file for a language pair
|description=The arx file is where we tell the anaphora resolution algorithm which patterns to detect and score, when we want to find the antecedent of an anaphor. Add one rule in this file which can help the algorithm find out the antecedent of an anaphor - specify the pattern to detect and the positive or negative score you want to give to the noun in this pattern. See the [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Anaphora_Resolution_Module documentation] of the apertium-anaphora module for help.
|tags=apertium-anaphora, anaphora resolution
|mentors=khannatanmai, popcorndude

|title=Write a TextMate grammar for CG-3 syntax highlighting
|description=We want CG-3 files to be syntax highlighted in Github. They use TextMate-compatible grammars. See [https://github.com/TinoDidriksen/cg3/issues/48 issue 48] in the CG-3 repo.
|tags=cg, editors, tools

|title=Make Apertium IRC bot's messaging system case-insensitive
|description=[[Begiak]] is Apertium's IRC bot. It has a messaging system, where you can say e.g. "begiak, tell randomuser thanks for the tip!" or "begiak: ask randomuser where they filed that issue", and the bot will deliver the message next time it sees randomuser say something. There's been [https://github.com/apertium/phenny/issues/488 a request] for begiak to recognise case-insensitive commands. Your job is to create a fix for this and submit a pull request to the repository with the fix.
|tags=python, irc
|mentors=JNW, popcorndude

|title=Make Apertium's IRC bot's updating of Apertium's wiki format numbers better
|description=[[Begiak]] is Apertium's IRC bot. It has a module that allows users on IRC to trigger a script that updates the Apertium wiki with statistics about Apertium modules. There have been [https://github.com/apertium/phenny/issues/485 complaints about the formatting of the numbers it writes]. Your job is to create a fix for this and submit a pull request to the repository with the fix.
|tags=python, irc, wiki
|mentors=JNW, popcorndude

|title=Create a new init script for Apertium's IRC bot
|description=[[Begiak]] is Apertium IRC bot. It runs on a low-power server that runs Debian. Sometimes that server is reset, and we have to manually restart begiak. The init script that used to control begiak no longer seems to work. Your task is to create a new init script that supports the normal sort of actions that init scripts do, and also the following options for begiak: the specific path to run it from, the user to run it as, miscellaneous arguments, and a log file to log its output. This init script should live in the repository in a reasonable place. There is a [https://github.com/apertium/phenny/issues/484 github issue describing this task].
|tags=python, debian, init, irc

|mentors=JNW, flammie, popcorndude
|title=Add comments to a dictionary defining the symbols used in it
|description=Add comments to a monolingual or bilingual dictionary file (.lexc/.dix, .dix) in the symbol definitions area that clarify what each symbol stands for. Also direct the comment reader to the Apertium wiki page on symbol definitions for more information.

|mentors=JNW, popcorndude
|title=find symbols that aren't on the list of symbols page
|description=Go through the symbol definitions in Apertium dictionaries on GitHub (.lexc and .dix format), and document any symbols you don't find on the [[List of symbols]] page. This task is fulfilled by adding at least one class of related symbols (e.g., xyz_*) or one major symbol (e.g., abc), along with notes about what it means.

|title=document usage of the apertium-separable module
|mentors=JNW, khannatanmai, popcorndude
|description=Document which language pairs have included the [[apertium-separable]] module in its package, which have beta-tested the lsx module, and which are good candidates for including support for lsx. Add to [[Lsx_module/supported_languages|this wiki page]]
|tags=lsx, dictionaries, wiki

|title=Beta-test the apertium-separable module
|mentors=JNW, ftyers, wei2912, khannatanmai, dolphingarlic, popcorndude
|description= [[Lsx_module#Creating_the_lsx-dictionary|create an lsx dictionary]] in both directions for any relevant and existing language pair that doesn't yet support it (as a "separable" branch in its GitHub repository), adding 10-30 entries to it in one or both directions. Thoroughly test to make sure the output is as expected. Report bugs/non-supported features and add them to [[Lsx_module#Future_work| future work]]. Document your tested language pair by listing it under [[Lsx_module#Beta_testing]] and in [[Lsx_module/supported_languages|this wiki page]]
|tags=lsx, dictionaries

|type=code, quality
|title=script to test coverage of analyser over corresponding wikipedia corpus
|mentors=JNW, wei2912
|description=Write a script (in python or ruby) that tests coverage of an Apertium analyser over the latest Wikipedia corpus in that language. One mode of this script should check out a specified language module to a given directory, compile it (or updates it if already existant), and then get the most recently Wikipedia nightly archive for that language and run coverage over it (as much in RAM if possible). In another mode, it should compile the language pair in a docker instance that it then disposes of after successfully running coverage. Scripts exist in Apertium already for finding where a Wikipedia is, extracting a Wikipedia archive into a text file, and running coverage. Ask a mentor for help finding these scripts.
|tags=python, ruby, wikipedia

|type=code, design
|title=Make source browser headings sticky at bottom of window
|description=Make headings that are out of view (either below when at the top, or above when scrolled down) sticky on [https://apertium.github.io/apertium-on-github/source-browser.html Apertium source browser], so that it's clear what other headings exist. There is a [https://github.com/apertium/apertium-on-github/issues/22 github issue for this].
|tags=css, javascript, html, web
|mentors=sushain, JNW, xavivars

|type=code, design
|mentors=JNW, jjjppp, sushain, dolphingarlic
|tags=d3, javascript
|title=Integrate globe viewer into language family visualiser interface
|description=The [https://github.com/apertium/family-visualizations family visualiser interface] has four info boxes when a language is clicked on, and one of those boxes is empty. The [https://github.com/jonorthwash/Apertium-Global-PairViewer globe viewer] provides a globe visualisation of languages that we can translate a given language to and from. This task is to integrate the globe viewer for a specific language into the fourth box in the family visualiser. There is an [https://github.com/jonorthwash/Apertium-Global-PairViewer/issues/32 associated GitHub issue].

|mentors=JNW, jjjppp, dolphingarlic
|tags=d3, javascript
|title=Change hard-coded values to dynamic in the globe viewer's code
|description=The [https://github.com/jonorthwash/Apertium-Global-PairViewer globe viewer] provides a globe visualisation of languages that we can translate a given language to and from. This task is to clean up its source code by changing hard-coded values (e.g. scales and object sizes) to dynamic values so that the code will be easier to maintain in the future. There is an [https://github.com/jonorthwash/Apertium-Global-PairViewer/issues/24 associated GitHub issue].

|mentors=JNW, jjjppp, dolphingarlic
|tags=d3, javascript
|title=Fix fading for flyers in globe viewer
|description=The [https://github.com/jonorthwash/Apertium-Global-PairViewer globe viewer] provides a globe visualisation of languages that we can translate a given language to and from. Currently, the flyers, which are the 3D colored connections, fade as either end of the connection goes out of the current scope of the globe. However, this causes flyers that connect two far away languages to be invisible (see issue for example). This task is to change the current fading function to account for far away connections and allow them to stay visible. There is an [https://github.com/jonorthwash/Apertium-Global-PairViewer/issues/22 associated GitHub issue].

|mentors=JNW, ftyers
|tags=UD, design, svg
|title=Design a logo for UD Annotatrix
|description=UD Annotatrix needs a better logo, or set of logos. Have a look at the [https://github.com/jonorthwash/ud-annotatrix/tree/master/server/public current logos] and [https://jonorthwash.github.io/ud-annotatrix/ see them in use]. Design a potential replacement logo that meets the following requirements: somehow incorporates what UD Annotatrix is / is for, is not "cluttered" (like the current cat logo), and can be used at different sizes.

|type=quality, documentation, design
|tags=video, tutorial
|title=Video tutorial: installing Apertium, adding to dictionary, and submitting a PR
|description=Post a video online that (1) demonstrates how to install Apertium on an operating system of your choice, (2) demonstrates how to clone and compile an Apertium translation pair of your choice, (3) shows how to add a new word to the dictionary (categorised correctly), and (4) shows how to submit the updated dictionary as a pull request to Apertium's git repository. Add a link to the video on the [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Installation#Installation_Videos installation videos page] of the Apertium wiki.<br/>The title of the video should make it easy to find, and so should probably be similar to the title of this task. We recommend a screencast with voice-over posted to YouTube, but the format and venue are up to you as long as it is publicly accessible for long term. Here are [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHldb9r6QkVFsuxlAoVS-OL32aurUOZLC some example videos] that are relevant but that could probably be improved upon.<br/>The video **does not have to be in English**; we can evaluate it in any of the following languages: %ZZZ%. Please let us know when you claim the task what language you plan to create the video in, so that we know which mentor(s) should primarily work to evaluate your task.

|mentors=mlforcada, anakuz, xavivars, fotonzade, sevilay, Unhammer, eirien, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera, padth4i, Oguz, JNW, jjjppp
|tags=xml, dictionaries
|title=Identify and add 100 new entries to a bilingual dictionary
|description=Our translation systems require large lexicons so as to provide production-quality coverage of any input data. This task requires the student to add 100 new words to a bidirectional dictionary. Choose one of the language pairs listed below, and with the help of your mentor, identify some text in one of the two languages, and run the text through Apertium's translator for that language pair to identify 100 unknown forms. As needed, add the stems of these forms to the individual languages' analysers in an appropriate way so that these words are analysed correctly. Your submission should be in the form of a pull request to each of the appropriate repositories on GitHub.<br/>The language pairs we can mentor for this task are the following: %ALLPAIRS%.<br/> [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Grow_bilingual More instructions for this task here]...

|mentors=mlforcada, anakuz, xavivars, fotonzade, ftyers, sevilay, eirien, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera, padth4i, Oguz, JNW
|tags=xml, dictionaries
|title=Identify and add 250 new entries to a bilingual dictionary
|description=Our translation systems require large lexicons so as to provide production-quality coverage of any input data. This task requires the student to add 250 new words to a bidirectional dictionary. Choose one of the language pairs listed below, and with the help of your mentor, identify some text in one of the two languages, and run the text through Apertium's translator for that language pair to identify 250 unknown forms. As needed, add the stems of these forms to the individual languages' analysers in an appropriate way so that these words are analysed correctly. Your submission should be in the form of a pull request to each of the appropriate repositories on GitHub.<br/>The language pairs we can mentor for this task are the following: %ALLPAIRS%.<br/> [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Grow_bilingual More instructions for this task here]...

|mentors=fotonzade, JNW, ftyers, anakuz, xavivars, mlforcada, shardulc, sevilay, Unhammer, dolphingarlic, wei2912, marcriera
|tags=xml, dictionaries
|title=Post-edit 500 sentences of a public domain text
|description=Many of our systems benefit from statistical methods used with (ideally public domain) bilingual data. For this task, you need to translate a public domain text using an available machine translation system (Apertium preferred) and clean up the translation yourself manually. Commit the source text and post-edited translation (in plain text format) to an existing (via pull request) or if needed new github repository for the language pair in dev/ or texts/ folder. The texts are subject to mentor approval.<br/>The language pairs we can hypothetically mentor for this task (pending their existence) are the following: %ALLPAIRS%.

|mentors=khannatanmai, sevilay, padth4i
|title=Evaluate an existing Apertium translation pair on a text
|description= Pick an existing Apertium language pair and get a parallel text for that language pair. Translate the text using the Apertium translation pair and evaluate the translation using an automatic evaluation metric like BLEU and/or evaluate it manually.<br/>The language pairs we can mentor for this task (pending their existence) are the following: %ALLPAIRS%.<br/>[http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Task_ideas_for_Google_Code-in/Evaluation_of_translation_of_an_existing_pair Read more]...

<!-- {{Taskidea
|title=Complete website localisation in a language not fully localised
}} -->




These are languages that can be substituted for AAA and/or BBB for tasks each mentor is listed to mentor above.

If you do not see your language here, ask. We may be able to mentor or find you a mentor.

! Mentor !! Languages
| ftyers || eng, spa, cat, fra, nor, rus, por, swe, tur, gag, aze
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Convert existing resource: Urdu morphological analyser || Take Muhammad Humayoun's [http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~humayoun/UrduMorph/ Urdu Morphology] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 8&ndash;10 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
| JNW || eng, spa, fra, rus, tur, gag, aze, kaz, kir, kaa, tat, bak, kum, nog, kaa, uzb, uig, crh, khk, yid
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Convert existing resource: Punjabi morphological analyser || Take Muhammad Humayoun's [http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~humayoun/punjabi/index.html Punjabi Morphology] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 8&ndash;10 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
| anakuz || grn, spa, por, rus
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Convert existing resource: Kurdish morphological analyser || Take the Alexina [https://gforge.inria.fr/scm/viewvc.php/kurlex/trunk/?root=alexina Kurdish Morphology] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 8&ndash;10 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
| fotonzade || eng, tur, aze, uig, tat, crh, kmr, ckb, fas
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Belarusian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_be_a.html Belarusian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
| xavivars || cat, spa, eng, fra
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Breton-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_br_a.html Breton-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jacob_Nordfalk|Jacob_Nordfalk]]
| Unhammer || nno, nob, swe, dan, fao, sme, ovd
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Bulgarian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_bg_a.html Bulgarian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| shardulc || eng, fra, mar, hin, urd, kan
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Czech-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_cs_a.html Czech-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
| m-alpha || eng, fra, byv
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Dutch-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_nl_a.html Dutch-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| popcorndude || eng, spa, cym, heb
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Finnish-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_fi_a.html Finnish-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| sevilay || eng, ara, tur, kaz, aze, tat, gag, uig, uzb, crh, kum
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro German-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_de_a.html German-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| eirien || sah, rus, eng
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Greek-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_el_a.html Greek-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jacob_Nordfalk|Jacob_Nordfalk]]
| khannatanmai || eng, hin
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Hebrew-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_he_a.html Hebrew-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jacob_Nordfalk|Jacob_Nordfalk]]
| flammie || fin, krl, olo, hun, nio, kpv, mdf, tlh, fra, swe, eng, est, ekk, vro
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Hungarian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_hu_a.html Hungarian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jacob_Nordfalk|Jacob_Nordfalk]]
| dolphingarlic || afr, deu, eng
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Italian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_it_a.html Italian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| wei2912 || eng, zho
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Persian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_fa_alef_madde.html Persian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| marcriera|| cat, spa, eng, ron
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Portuguese-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_pt_a.html Portuguese-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| padth4i|| eng, mal, hin
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Polish-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_pl_a.html Polish-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| Oguz|| eng, tur, uig, aze, crh
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Portuguese-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_pt_a.html Portuguese-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
| mlforcada || eng, cat, eus, fra, por, glg, spa, gle, bre
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Russian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_ru_a.html Russian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
| ayushjain || eng, hin
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Slovakian-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_sk_a.html Slovakian-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
| jjjppp || eng, lat
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Swedish-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_sv_a.html Swedish-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jacob_Nordfalk|Jacob_Nordfalk]]

== Counts ==

Last updated by [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]] ([[User talk:Firespeaker|talk]]) 07:30, 28 October 2019 (CET).

{| class="sortable wikitable"
! scope="col" | Category
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: Reta Vortaro Turkish-Esperanto || Take the [http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/inx/lx_tr_a.html Turkish-Esperanto lexicon] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
! scope="col" | Count
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: nn-nb for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Nynorsk-Bokmal dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: es-ca for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Spanish-Catalan dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: is-en for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Icelandic-English dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: es-ast for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Asturian-Spanish dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: oc-ca for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Occitan-Catalan dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|- class="sortbottom"
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: mk-bg for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Macedonian-Bulgarian dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert Apertium resources: mk-en for Freedict || Apertium's lexicons would make an excellent start for bilingual dictionaries. FreeDict currently has no Macedonian-English dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Piotr Bański|Piotr Bański]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: English-Slovakian dictionary || Take [http://www.sk-spell.sk.cx/mass-msas MSAS/MASS] and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Zdenko Podobný|Zdenko Podobný]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert existing resource: Slovakian morphological analyser || Take the morphological analyser distributed with LanguageTool and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Zdenko Podobný|Zdenko Podobný]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict afr-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] afr-deu dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict ckb-kmr || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] ckb-kmr dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict dan-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] dan-eng dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-ell || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-ell dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-hin || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-hin dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-hrv || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-hrv dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-pol || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-pol dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-rom || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-rom dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-rus || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-rus dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict gla-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] gla-deu dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict hrv-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] hrv-eng dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict jpn-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] jpn-deu dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict kha-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] kha-deu dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict kha-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] kha-eng dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict kur-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] kur-eng dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict kur-tur || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] kur-tur dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict lat-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] lat-deu dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict san-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] san-deu dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict slo-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] slo-eng dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict swh-pol || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] swh-pol dictionary and convert to lttoolbox format. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict ara-eng and eng-ara || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] ara-eng and eng-ara dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict bre-fra and fra-bre || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] bre-fra and fra-bre dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-fra and fra-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] deu-fra and fra-deu dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-ita and ita-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] deu-ita and ita-deu dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-kur and kur-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] deu-kur and kur-deu dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-nld and nld-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] deu-nld and nld-deu dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-por and por-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] deu-por and por-deu dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict deu-tur and tur-deu || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] deu-tur and tur-deu dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-afr and afr-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-afr and afr-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-cym and cym-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-cym and cym-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-cze and ces-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-cze and ces-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-deu and deu-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-deu and deu-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-fra and fra-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-fra and fra-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-gle and gle-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-gle and gle-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-hun and hun-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-hun and hun-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-ita and ita-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-ita and ita-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-lat and lat-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-lat and lat-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-lit and lit-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-lit and lit-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-nld and nld-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-nld and nld-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-por and por-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-por and por-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-scr and scr-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-scr and scr-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-spa and spa-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-spa and spa-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-swa and swa-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-swa and swa-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-swe and swe-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-swe and swe-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-tur and tur-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-tur and tur-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict eng-wel and wel-eng || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] eng-wel and wel-eng dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict fra-nld and nld-fra || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] fra-nld and nld-fra dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Convert existing resource: FreeDict gle-pol and pol-gle || Take the [http://sf.net/projects/freedict Freedict] gle-pol and pol-gle dictionaries, convert to lttoolbox format, and merge them. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Convert existing resource: Polish-Slovakian transfer rules || Much of the existing rules in Apertium's pl-cs system originated in pl-sk. Take the new rules in pl-cs and apply them to pl-sk. No knowledge of Polish, Slovakian, or Czech is required, though it will help ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Zdenko Podobný|Zdenko Podobný]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Macedonian Wikipedia || Bulgarian WP has 107,355 articles, Macedonian WP has 42,112, less than half as many. Translate some articles from Bulgarian Wikipedia to Macedonian Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. Explain to the local Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Occitan Wikipedia || Catalan WP has 350,000 articles, Occitan WP has 55,000. Translate some articles from Catalan Wikipedia to Occitan Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. Explain to the local Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Asturian Wikipedia || Spanish WP has 840,000 articles, Asturian WP has 15,000, almost a fiftieth as few. Translate some articles from Spanish Wikipedia to Asturian Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. Explain to the local Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Aragonese Wikipedia || Spanish WP has 840,000 articles, Aragonese WP has 26,000. Translate some articles from Spanish Wikipedia to Aragonese Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. Explain to the local Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Esperanto Wikipedia: Catalan || Catalan WP has 350,000 articles, Esperanto WP has 150,000. Translate some articles from Catalan Wikipedia to Esperanto Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. You can use the utility [http://vikitraduko.saluton.dk:8080/vikitraduko/ Vikitradukilo]. Explain to the Esperanto Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Esperanto Wikipedia: Spanish || Spanish WP has 840,000 articles, Esperanto WP has 150,000. Translate some articles from Spanish Wikipedia to Esperanto Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. You can use the utility [http://vikitraduko.saluton.dk:8080/vikitraduko/ Vikitradukilo]. Explain to the Esperanto Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Esperanto Wikipedia: French || French WP has 1,200,000 articles, Esperanto WP has 150,000. Translate some articles from French Wikipedia to Esperanto Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. You can use the utility [http://vikitraduko.saluton.dk:8080/vikitraduko/ Vikitradukilo]. Explain to the Esperanto Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Esperanto Wikipedia: English|| English WP has 3,800,000 articles, Esperanto WP has 150,000. Translate some articles from English Wikipedia to Esperanto Wikipedia using Apertium, and then postedit them. You can use the utility [http://vikitraduko.saluton.dk:8080/vikitraduko/ Vikitradukilo]. Explain to the Esperanto Wikipedia community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium on Portuguese Wikitravel: Spanish||Translate some articles from Spanish Wikitravel to Portuguese Wikitravel using Apertium, and then postedit them. Explain to the Portuguese Wikitravel community what you are doing beforehand. ||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Gramirez|Gramirez]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Medium || LUG Flyer || Design a flyer that briefly explains Apertium, suitable for handing out at Linux User Group meetings||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Medium || School Flyer || Design a flyer that briefly explains Apertium, suitable for handing out at your school||align=center| 1&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Thorough checkup of bn-en morphological analyser || While the current bn-en morphological analyser has a pretty good coverage, it should have been higher. Part of the reason is that a lot of verbs have one/two slight different surface forms that differ from the regular ones and the analyser misses them. Using lt-expand it's possible to generate all forms of the verbs, then manually check these and using another script (already in the pair) rebuild the analyser file. This checking will require a native speaker/expert on Bengali language ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Darthxaher|Abu&nbsp;Zaher]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Dixtools: TEI export || Take the code from Dix2CC.java or Dix2Tiny.java and adapt to export TEI P5 format dictionaries, suitable for FreeDict. This project is suitable for someone interested in learning Java. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 ||[[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Macedonian and Albanian || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Macedonian and Albanian. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Kurdish and Persian || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Kurdish and Persian. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Hindi and Urdu || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Hindu and Urdu. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Finnish and Estonian || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Finnish and Estonian. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Spanish and Italian || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Spanish and Italian. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Gramirez|Gramirez]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Catalan and Sardinian || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Catalan and Sardinian. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Italian and Sardinian || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Italian and Sardinian. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Deadbeef|Deadbeef]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Belorussian and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Belorussian and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Breton and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Breton and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Bulgarian and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Bulgarian and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Czech and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Czech and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Dutch and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Dutch and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: German and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between German and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Greek and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Greek and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Italian and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Italian and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Persian and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Persian and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Polish and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Polish and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Portuguese and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Portuguese and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Russian and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Slovak and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Slovak and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Swedish and Esperanto || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Swedish and Esperanto. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Spanish and Aragonese || Create a set of test sentences (see various pages of 'Pending tests' and 'Regression tests' on the Wiki) for translation between Spanish and Aragonese. The tests should cover as many features of the languages as possible. Some of the examples might be able to be found in a grammar, others might need to be invented. This will not involve programming, only grammatical analysis. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Русский язык и эсперанто || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с русского на эсперанто. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Чувашский и русский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с чувашского на русский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Чувашский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с татарского на чувашский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Чувашский и башкирский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с башкирского на чувашский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Чувашский и турецкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с турецкого на чувашский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Татарский и русский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с татарского на русский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Башкирский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с башкирского на татарский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Башкирский и турецкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с турецкого на башкирский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Якутский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с якутского на русский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Якутский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с татарского на якутский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Якутский и турецкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с турецкого на якутский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Якутский и русский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с русского на якутский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Halan|Halan]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Якутский и английский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с английского на якутский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Halan|Halan]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Кумыкский и ногайский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с кумыкского на ногайский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Кумыкский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с татарского на кумыкский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Кумыкский и турецкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с турецкого на кумыкский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Карачаево-балкарский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с татарского на карачаево-балкарский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Карачаево-балкарский и турецкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с турецкого на карачаево-балкарский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Тувинский и хакасский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с тувинского на хакасский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Тувинский и татарский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с татарского на тувинский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Тувинский и турецкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с турецкого на тувинский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Осетинский и русский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с осетинского на русский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Amikeco|Amikeco]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Осетинский и английский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с осетинского на английский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Amikeco|Amikeco]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Осетинский язык и эсперанто || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с осетинского языка на эсперанто. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Amikeco|Amikeco]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Бурятский и калмыцкий языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с бурятского на калмыцкий язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Бурятский и якутский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с бурятского на якутский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Бурятский и тувинский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с бурятского на тувинский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Удмурский и русский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с удмурстского на русский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Удмурский и финский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с финского на удмурский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Удмурский и коми языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с коми на удмурский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Луговомарийский и горномарийский языки || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с горномарийского на луговомарийский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Луговомарийский язык и эрзя || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с эрзя на луговомарийский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|исследование}} || 2.&nbsp;Нормальное || Противопоставление: Луговомарийский язык и мокша || Создать множество тестовых фраз (посмотрите страницы 'Pending tests' и 'Regression tests' в Вики) для перевода с мокша на луговомарийский язык. Тесты должны содержать как можно больше черт языков. Некоторые из примеров можно найти в грамматике, другие могут быть придуманы. Без использования программирования, только грамматический анализ. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Catalogue resources: Aromanian || Catalogue all the available resources (grammatical descriptions, wordlists, dictionaries, spellcheckers, papers, corpora, etc.) for Aromanian, along with the licences they are under. || || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|translation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Translate the HOWTO: Norwegian || Translate the [[new language pair HOWTO]] into Nynorsk. ||align=center| 5&ndash;8 || [[User:Unhammer|Unhammer]]
|align=center| {{sc|translation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Translate the HOWTO: Dutch || Translate the [[new language pair HOWTO]] into Dutch. ||align=center| 5&ndash;8 || [[User:AureiAnimus|Pim&nbsp;Otte]]
|align=center| {{sc|translation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Translate the HOWTO: Aragonese || Translate the [[new language pair HOWTO]] into Aragonese. ||align=center| 5&ndash;8 || [[User:juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|translation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Translate the HOWTO: Turkish || Translate the [[new language pair HOWTO]] into Turkish. ||align=center| 5&ndash;8 || [[User:Zfe|Zfe]]
|align=center| {{sc|translation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Translate the HOWTO: Esperanto|| Finish the translation of the [[Kiel aldoni novan lingvan duon]] into Esperanto. ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Update test pages: Esperanto and Catalan || Test the outstanding tests in the [[Catalan_and_Esperanto/Outstanding_tests|outstanding test page]] page and put the ones which work in the [[Catalan_and_Esperanto/Regression_tests|regression test page]]. Test the regression tests in the regression test page and put the ones which don't work in the outstanding test page ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 ||[[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Update test pages: Esperanto and Spanish || Test the outstanding tests in the [[Spanish_and_Esperanto/Outstanding_tests|outstanding test page]] and put the ones which work in the [[Spanish_and_Esperanto/Regression_tests|regression test page]]. Test the regression tests in the regression test page and put the ones which don't work in the outstanding test page ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 ||[[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Update test pages: Esperanto and French || Test the outstanding tests in the [[French_and_Esperanto/Outstanding_tests|outstanding test page]] and put the ones which work in the [[French_and_Esperanto/Regression_tests|regression test page]]. Test the regression tests in the regression test page and put the ones which don't work in the outstanding test page ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 ||[[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Add new tests: Esperanto and Catalan || Add 10 new constructions which aren't correctly translated in the [[Catalan_and_Esperanto/Outstanding_tests|outstanding test page]]. ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Add new tests: Esperanto and Spanich|| Add 10 new constructions which aren't correctly translated in the [[Spanish_and_Esperanto/Outstanding_tests|outstanding test page]]. ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Add new tests: Esperanto and French || Add 10 new constructions which aren't correctly translated in the [[French_and_Esperanto/Outstanding_tests|outstanding test page]]. ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Quality evaluation: Spanish and French || Perform a human post-edition evaluation of the Spanish and French language pair. This will involve taking some free text (e.g. from Wikipedia or Wikinews), running it through the translator and then altering the output to be correct. Then using apertium-eval-translator to calculate the Word Error Rate. The minimum amount of text should be 2,000 words. ||align=center| 4&ndash;8 ||[[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Quality evaluation: Spanish and Occitan || Perform a human post-edition evaluation of the Spanish and Occitan language pair. This will involve taking some free text (e.g. from Wikipedia or Wikinews), running it through the translator and then altering the output to be correct. Then using apertium-eval-translator to calculate the Word Error Rate. The minimum amount of text should be 2,000 words. ||align=center| 4&ndash;8 ||[[User:mginesti|Mireia Ginestí]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Quality evaluation: Spanish and Asturian || Perform a human post-edition evaluation of the Spanish and Asturian language pair. This will involve taking some free text (e.g. from Wikipedia or Wikinews), running it through the translator and then altering the output to be correct. Then using apertium-eval-translator to calculate the Word Error Rate. The minimum amount of text should be 2,000 words. ||align=center| 4&ndash;8 ||[[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|user interface}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Design a user-friendly Glade interface for Apertium || Apertium does not currently have a friendly user interface for translators. Look at other translation software on the market, and sketch out some ideas for how to design a user interface. We don't require an implementation, just the XML-based interface mockup ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|user interface}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Design a user-friendly web interface for Apertium || Apertium has a friendly user interface for translators, but more attention needs to be paid to its visual appearance. This will involve either a user interface mockup (preferably using GWT), or a "theme" using CSS for the existing interface. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|user interface}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Design a user-friendly interface for a web-based dictionary management tool. || Apertium does not currently have a friendly user interface for adding new words to the dictionaries. We need someone with a good sense of design to provide us with a mockup for a web interface for managing a dictionary. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|user interface}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Design a user-friendly interface for an Android version of TinyLex || TinyLex is a dictionary tool for J2ME. We would like to port it to Android, but as we are not UI designers, we would prefer it if someone with a sense for visual design took on this task. There are tools available for drawing an interface in XML - it would be better if they were used. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|user interface}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Design a user-friendly Android interface for Apertium || Design a mockup of a GUI for Apertium for Android. We don't run on Android yet, but work is ongoing. We would like some ideas for an interface that makes sense on phones, primarily, but taking the tablet form factor into account is also an option. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|training}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Step-by-step "become a developer" guide || Write a simple step-by-step guide (on the wiki) for pre-university students (of varying levels of computer literacy) to install a development version of Apertium and make a single change in a language pair. This should include everything, from checking out with [[SVN]] to requesting committer access on SourceForge. Document everything you do! ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:mlforcada|Mikel&nbsp;L.&nbsp;Forcada]]
|align=center| {{sc|training}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Step-by-step "constraint grammar" guide || Write a simple step-by-step guide (on the wiki) for pre-university students (of varying levels of computer literacy) to install Constraint Grammar and fix 5 disambiguation problems in a single sentence, then committing to the [[incubator]]. This should include everything, from checking out with [[SVN]] to requesting committer access on SourceForge. Document everything you do! ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Unhammer|Unhammer]]
|align=center| {{sc|training}} || 2.&nbsp;Easy || Basics of grammar guide || Write a basic guide that teaches the basics of grammar, with reference to the part of speech tags used in Apertium ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|training}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Moodle course || Design a Moodle-based course for beginning a new language pair. The New Language Pair HOWTO can be used as a guide ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|training}} || 2.&nbsp;Easy || Apertium AWI Screencase || Create a screencast that gives a step by step guide to using Apertium via Apertium AWI. It's OK to assume that it has already been set up ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|training}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Apertium Regular Expressions guide || lttoolbox allows a limited subset of POSIX regular expressions. Create a guide to the regexes allowed, and to using them for common tasks, such as matching dates. ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Release freshness || Go through all the 25 released pairs and note down their date of last release and how many dictionary entries and rules they have. Then go to SVN and look at the module for the released pair and find out how many dictionary entries and rules it has. Put this into a spreadsheet and email the mailing list. Why? Our release cycle is very slow, and often we get pairs in trunk which have substantial improvements but have not been released. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 ||[[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Aragonese || Translate the article on Apertium into Aragonese for the Aragonese Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Chuvash || Translate the article on Apertium into Chuvash for the Chuvash Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Tatar || Translate the article on Apertium into Tatar for the Tatar Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Bashkir || Translate the article on Apertium into Bashkir for the Bashkir Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Yakut || Translate the article on Apertium into Yakut for the Yakut Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Halan|Halan]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Komi || Translate the article on Apertium into Komi for the Komi Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Udmurt || Translate the article on Apertium into Udmurt for the Udmurt Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Meadow Mari || Translate the article on Apertium into Meadow Mari for the Meadow Mari Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Hill Mari || Translate the article on Apertium into Hill Mari for the Hill Mari Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Osetian || Translate the article on Apertium into Osetian for the Osetian Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Translate the Wikipedia article on Apertium: Buryat || Translate the article on Apertium into Osetian for the Buryat Wikipedia ||align=center| 1h || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create a dictionary crossing guide || Create a full guide to crossing dictionaries, using notes that will be provided. ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create an installation guide for Windows users || We have some installation notes, but they were not written with an average user in mind. Write a new installation guide, specifically for Windows users, that don't presume a high level of technical knowledge. ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create an installation guide for Mac users || We have some installation notes, but they were not written with an average user in mind. Write a new installation guide, specifically for Mac users, that don't presume a high level of technical knowledge. ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create an installation guide for Ubuntu users || We have some installation notes, but they were not written with an average user in mind. Write a new installation guide, specifically for Ubuntu users, that don't presume a high level of technical knowledge. Specifically, steer people away from installing the dated Debian/Ubuntu packages.||align=center| 2&ndash;3 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|outreach}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Writing a quick guide on 'What Apertium can and cannot do to help you with your homework'. || Students around the world use Apertium (and other MT systems) to do their second-language homework. The documents would summarize the do's and don'ts, and could even elaborate on how students using Apertium for their homework could discover ways in which Apertium could be improved. ||align=center| 2&ndash;3 ||[[User:mlforcada|Mikel L. Forcada]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Document undocumented features: manpages || Work through each of the manpages in apertium and lttoolbox, checking that each of the options listed by --help is documented. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Occitan || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:mginesti|Mireia Ginestí]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Italian || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:mginesti|Mireia Ginestí]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Catalan || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking the corpus in the es-ca package, and adapting it in terms of the multiwords present in en-ca, but absent in es-ca. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:mginesti|Mireia Ginestí]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Polish || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. It may be preferable to use LanguageTool's tagger. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Czech || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. It may be preferable to use LanguageTool's tagger. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Slovakian || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. It may be preferable to use LanguageTool's tagger. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Russian || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. It may be preferable to use LanguageTool's tagger. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Create manually tagged corpora: Ukrainian || Fix tagging errors in a piece of analysed text, for use in tagger training. This will involve taking some free text (such as from Wikipedia), running it through the analyser and tagger, and replacing incorrect analyses with the correct one. It may be preferable to use LanguageTool's tagger. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Jimregan|Jimregan]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: Welsh-English || Find some faults in Welsh-English and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: Breton-French || Find some faults in Breton-French and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: Basque-Spanish || Find some faults in Basque-Spanish and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:mginesti|Mireia Ginestí]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: French-Esperanto || Find some faults in French-Esperanto and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: Spanish-Esperanto || Find some faults in Spanish-Esperanto and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: Catalan-Esperanto || Find some faults in Catalan-Esperanto and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Improve a language pair: English-Esperanto || Find some faults in English-Esperanto and fix them. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Document undocumented features: cascaded interchunk || Update the Apertium manual to document cascaded interchunk. ||align=center| 4&ndash;8 || [[User:mlforcada|Mikel L. Forcada]]
|align=center| {{sc|documentation}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Document undocumented features: transliteration || Update the Apertium manual to document the transliteration features in lttoolbox. ||align=center| 4&ndash;8 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Fix some tagger errors in Swedish->Danish || [[apertium-sv-da]] could be improved with a [[Constraint Grammar]]. Find 10 sentences that get wrong translations due to tagging, and write CG rules to fix them. The student should have good knowledge of Swedish, or at least some Scandinavian language. ||align=center| 8&ndash;12 ||[[User:Unhammer|Unhammer]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Swedish-Danish dictionaries || Add 50 nouns you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-sv-da|Swedish to Danish]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Jacob Nordfalk|Jacob Nordfalk]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve English-Esperanto dictionaries || Add 50 words you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-en|English to Esperanto]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Jacob Nordfalk|Jacob Nordfalk]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Spanish-Esperanto dictionaries || Add 50 words you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-es|Spanish to Esperanto]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Catalan-Esperanto dictionaries || Add 50 words you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-ca|Catalan to Esperanto]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve French-Esperanto dictionaries || Add 50 words you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-fr|French to Esperanto]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Spanish-Aragonese || Add 50 nouns you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-ca|Aragonese to Spanish]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Spanish-Aragonese || Add 50 verbs you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-ca|Aragonese to Spanish]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Spanish-Aragonese || Add 50 adjectives you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-eo-ca|Aragonese to Spanish]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Afrikaans-Dutch dictionaries || Add 50 words you feel are missing in translations from [[apertium-af-nl|Afrikaans-Dutch]]. A list of unknown words can be provided.||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:AureiAnimus|Pim&nbsp;Otte]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Spanish-Portuguese dictionaries for tourist domain|| Add 50 nouns you feel are missing in translations in the touristic domain from [[apertium-es-pt|Spanish to Portuguese]]. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Gramirez|Gramirez]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Afrikaans-Dutch tests || Finish the Afrikaans-Dutch pending tests and move the passing tests to a seperate page for regression testing. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:AureiAnimus|Pim&nbsp;Otte]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Afrikaans-Dutch cleanup || Add about 100 missing words to the bidix of Afrikaans-Dutch and possibly the Dutch side ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:AureiAnimus|Pim&nbsp;Otte]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать чувашско-русский словарь || Создать чувашско-русский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать чувашско-татарский словарь || Создать чувашско-татарский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать чувашско-башкирский словарь || Создать чувашско-башкирский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать чувашско-якутский словарь || Создать чувашско-якутский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать татарско-русский словарь || Создать татарско-русский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать татарско-турецский словарь || Создать татарско-турецский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать татарско-башкирский словарь || Создать татарско-башкирский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать татарско-якутский словарь || Создать чувашско-якутский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать башкирско-русский словарь || Создать татарско-русский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать башкирско-турецский словарь || Создать татарско-турецский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать башкирско-якутский словарь || Создать чувашско-якутский словарь сиз 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать осетинско-русский словарь || Создать осетинско-русский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Amikeco|Amikeco]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать осетинско-английский словарь || Создать осетинско-английский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Amikeco|Amikeco]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать осетинско-эсперанто словарь || Создать осетинско-эсперанто словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Amikeco|Amikeco]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать бурятско-калмыцкий словарь || Создать бурятско-калмыцкий словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать бурятско-якутский словарь || Создать бурятско-якутский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать бурятско-тувинский словарь || Создать бурятско-тувинский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Jargal|Jargal]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать русско-якутский словарь || Создать русско-якутский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Halan|Halan]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать англо-якутский словарь || Создать англо-якутский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]] [[User:Halan|Halan]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать русско-удмурстский словарь || Создать русско-удмурстский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать финско-удмурстский словарь || Создать финско-удмурстский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать коми-удмурстский словарь || Создать коми-удмурстский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать луговомарийско-горномарийский словарь || Создать луговомарийско-горномарийский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать финско-горномарийский словарь || Создать луговомарийский-горномарийский словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать луговомарийский-эрзя словарь || Создать луговомарийский-эрзя словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|код}} || 3.&nbsp;Лёгкое || Создать луговомарийский-мокша словарь || Создать луговомарийский-мокша словарь из 100 слов на формате lttoolbox Апертиума. ||align=center| 2&ndash;4 || [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Improve Irish-Manx Gaelic coverage || I can provide a list of the most common Irish words not covered by the bilingual dictionary, and their English translations. Manx translations needed for these. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Kevin Scannell|Kevin Scannell]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Add gender information to Manx dictionary || Most of the nouns in the Manx dictionary have gender information in place - look up and add any that are missing. ||align=center| 3&ndash;6 || [[User:Kevin Scannell|Kevin Scannell]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Proofread Albanian analyser || We have a morphological analyser for Albanian, but it has been written by a non-native speaker and needs to be checked. ||align=center| 6&ndash;10 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|translation}} || 3.&nbsp;Easy || Proofread Catalan-Sardinian dictionary || Go through the Catalan-Sardinian dictionary and check the entries, there are only around a thousand or so. ||align=center| 1&ndash;2 || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis&nbsp;Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|quality}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Improve Spanish-Aragonese coverage || Create a corpus from Aragonese Wikipedia. Then, add the top 50-100 frequently used words which are not covered in the Apertium es-an dictionaries.||align=center| 6&ndash;10 || [[User:Juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Add toponyms to the Spanish-Aragonese dictionaries || Extract from wikipedia the names in Aragonese for countries in the world, their capital cities, main Spanish cities and municipalities in Aragon, and add them to the es-an dictionaries.||align=center| 6&ndash;10 || [[User:Juanpabl|Juan Pablo Martínez]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Update the Apertium TinyLex J2ME apps for one language pair || Update Apertium TinyLex J2ME packages (http://www.tinylex.com/) to contain the most recent versions of dictionaries for one language pair ||align=center| 4&ndash;6 per package || [[User:mlforcada|Mikel&nbsp;L.&nbsp;Forcada]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Create an Apertium TinyLex J2ME app for a new language pair || Create an Apertium TinyLex J2ME package (http://www.tinylex.com/) from an existing Apertium language pair for a language pair not offered yet in Tinylex ||align=center| 6&ndash;10 per package || [[User:mlforcada|Mikel&nbsp;L.&nbsp;Forcada]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Simple noun phrases) || Write a contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of noun phrases from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Prepositional phrases) || Write a contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of prepositions/prepositional phrases from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Tenses) || Write a contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of verb tenses from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Aspect) || Write a contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of verbal aspect from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. || 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Pronouns) || Write a comprehensive contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of pronouns from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Impersonal constructions) || Write a comprehensive contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of impersonal constructions from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Verbs of motion) || Write a comprehensive contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of verbs of motion from Russian to Spanish. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|research}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || Contrastive analysis: Russian--Spanish (Particles and adverbs) || Write a comprehensive contrastive grammar of Russian and Spanish for the translation of particles and adverbs from Russian to Spanish, paying special attention to word/constituent order. The grammar should be written as a series of human readable rules, with example sentences. ||align=center| 3 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>010-exception_deye.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>010-exception_deye.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>015-exception_obs.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>015-exception_obs.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>017-exception_i.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>017-exception_i.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>020-compn.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>020-compn.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>040-exception_ben.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>040-exception_ben.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>050-exception_su.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>050-exception_su.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>060-xception_del_bS.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>060-xception_del_bS.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>070-exception_del_buff.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>070-exception_del_buff.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>080-vowel_epenth.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>080-vowel_epenth.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>090-duplication.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>090-duplication.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>100-fs_devoicing.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>100-fs_devoicing.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>110-v_assimilation.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>110-v_assimilation.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>120-passive_ln.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>120-passive_ln.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>130-exception_yor.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>130-exception_yor.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>140-v_harmony.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>140-v_harmony.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>phon+bm.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>phon+bm.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph phonological rule conversion: <code>phon.fst</code> || Convert the TRmorph <code>phon.fst</code> into XFST syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph lexicon conversion: Nouns || Convert the TRmorph noun lexicon into [[lexc]] syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph lexicon conversion: Verbs || Convert the TRmorph verb lexicon into [[lexc]] syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph lexicon conversion: Adjectives || Convert the TRmorph adjective lexicon into [[lexc]] syntax and test it. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 2.&nbsp;Medium || TRmorph lexicon conversion: Closed categories and adverbs || Convert the TRmorph closed categories and adverb lexicons into [[lexc]] syntax and test them. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]], [[User:Zfe|Zfe]], [[User:Hectoralos|Hèctor&nbsp;Alòs]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh lexicon: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Kazakh lexicon in [[lexc]], avoiding compositional forms of verbs and nouns. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Kazakh--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Kazakh--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kazakh--Kyrgyz bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Kazakh--Kyrgyz [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Kyrgyz--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Kyrgyz--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Mongolian lexicon: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Mongolian lexicon in [[lexc]], avoiding compositional forms of verbs and nouns. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 5-8 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]|}
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad lexicon: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Buriad lexicon in [[lexc]], avoiding compositional forms of verbs and nouns. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Mongolian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Buriad--Mongolian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Buriad--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Buriad--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Altay--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Altay--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (1) || Add 500 nouns to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (2) || Add 500 nouns to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (3) || Add 500 nouns to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 nouns (4) || Add 500 nouns to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (1) || Add 500 verbs to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (2) || Add 500 verbs to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (3) || Add 500 verbs to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 verbs (4) || Add 500 verbs to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (1) || Add 500 adjectives to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (2) || Add 500 adjectives to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (3) || Add 500 adjectives to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 500 adjectives (4) || Add 500 adjectives to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Tuvan--Russian bilingual dictionary: add 50 adverbs || Add 50 adverbs to the Tuvan--Russian [[bidix]]. ||align=center| 3-5 hours || [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]], [[User:Firespeaker|Firespeaker]]
|align=center| {{sc|code}} || 1.&nbsp;Hard || Fix memory hogging in lttoolbox compound analyser || Described in [http://bugs.apertium.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109 bug report 109], the compound analyser in lttoolbox seems to cache too much without releasing memory. Fix this bug so it keeps memory usage constant without running slower and slower for every line of input. Requires C++ knowledge. ||align=center| 12-16 hours || [[User:Unhammer]]

[[Category:Google Code-in]]
[[Category:Google Code-in]]

Latest revision as of 06:23, 5 December 2019

This is the task ideas page for Google Code-in, here you can find ideas on interesting tasks that will improve your knowledge of Apertium and help you get into the world of open-source development.

The people column lists people who you should get in contact with to request further information. All tasks are 2 hours maximum estimated amount of time that would be spent on the task by an experienced developer, however:

  1. this is the time expected to take by an experienced developer, you may find that you spend more time on the task because of the learning curve.


  • code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
  • documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
  • research: Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketting, or studying problems and recommending solutions
  • quality: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality.
  • design: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction

Clarification of "multiple task" types

  • multi = number of students who can do a given task (GCI's "max instances")
  • dup = number of times a student can do the same task

You can find descriptions of some of the mentors here.

Task ideas[edit]

The current task ideas here are for 2019. See Talk:Task ideas for Google Code-in for task ideas from previous years.


These are languages that can be substituted for AAA and/or BBB for tasks each mentor is listed to mentor above.

If you do not see your language here, ask. We may be able to mentor or find you a mentor.

Mentor Languages
ftyers eng, spa, cat, fra, nor, rus, por, swe, tur, gag, aze
JNW eng, spa, fra, rus, tur, gag, aze, kaz, kir, kaa, tat, bak, kum, nog, kaa, uzb, uig, crh, khk, yid
anakuz grn, spa, por, rus
fotonzade eng, tur, aze, uig, tat, crh, kmr, ckb, fas
xavivars cat, spa, eng, fra
Unhammer nno, nob, swe, dan, fao, sme, ovd
shardulc eng, fra, mar, hin, urd, kan
m-alpha eng, fra, byv
popcorndude eng, spa, cym, heb
sevilay eng, ara, tur, kaz, aze, tat, gag, uig, uzb, crh, kum
eirien sah, rus, eng
khannatanmai eng, hin
flammie fin, krl, olo, hun, nio, kpv, mdf, tlh, fra, swe, eng, est, ekk, vro
dolphingarlic afr, deu, eng
wei2912 eng, zho
marcriera cat, spa, eng, ron
padth4i eng, mal, hin
Oguz eng, tur, uig, aze, crh
mlforcada eng, cat, eus, fra, por, glg, spa, gle, bre
ayushjain eng, hin
jjjppp eng, lat


Last updated by Firespeaker (talk) 07:30, 28 October 2019 (CET).

Category Count
code 16
documentation 4
research 11
quality 8
design 2
Total 33