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== Заметки ==


-DAKI -> -ри, -чи
-kI -> -хи

глагол + mi + лицо -> глагол + лицо + и
tr Hava bugün çok güzel, yeterince sıcak.
tr-cv Ҫанталӑк паян питӗ хитре, ҫитӗ шӑрӑх.
cv Паян лайӑх ҫанталӑк, питӗ ӑшӑ.
ru Погода сегодня хорошая, очень тепло.
en The weather is nice today, it is very warm.

tr Ahmet'in küçük bir köpeği var, şu anda köpek de bahçede.
tr-cv Ахметăн пӗчӗк пӗр йытӑ пур, ҫак вăхăтра анчӑк та пахчара.
cv Ванӑн пӗчӗк йытӑ пур, йытӑ та халӗ пахчара.
ru У Вани есть маленькая собачка, она тоже сейчас в саду.
en James has a small dog, the dog is also in the garden now.

tr Ana'nın de köpeği var mı?
tr-cv Аньăн та йытӑ пур-и?
cv Машӑн йытӑ пур-и?
ru А есть ли у Маши собака?
en Does Mary also have a dog?

* sor (preguntar) +DAT → ыйт (спрашивать) +ABL
tr Anneleri kediyle birlikte evde, pencereden bakıyor ve Ahmet ve Ana'yı oynarken seyrediyor.
tr-cv Амăшĕ кушакпа пӗрле ҫуртра, чӳречерен пӑхать тата Ахмет тата Ана #выля<v><tv><pres><p3><sg> #ӗ<pred><rel> @seyret<v><tv><pres><p3><sg>.
cv Вӗсен амӑшӗ кушакпа пӗрле пӳртре, вӑл чӳречерен пӑхать те Ванӑпа Машӑн вылянине сӑнать.
ru Их мама внутри дома с кошкой, она смотрит в окно и видит играющих Ваню и Машу.
en Their mother is inside the house with the cat, she looks through the window and sees James and Mary playing.

tr Ahmet çabukça eski büyük bir ağaca koşuyor, arkasına Ana'dan saklanıyor.
tr-cv Ахмет хăвăрт ҫӗрӗк пысăк аслă йывӑҫ патне чупать, Аньăран пытанать.
cv Ваня хӑвӑрт кӑна пысӑк йывӑҫ патне чупать, унӑн хыҫне Машӑран пытанать.
ru Ваня быстро бежит к большому дереву, он прячется от Маши.
en James quickly runs to a big old tree, he is hiding from Mary.

tr Ana oturuyor ve elleri gözlerinin önünde.
-ха -> 0
tr-cv Ана ларать те аллисем куҫӗ умĕнче.
терминатив (-шӐн) -> ?
cv Маша ларать те куҫӗсене аллипе хуплать.
ru Маша сидит и закрывает глаза руками.
en Mary is sitting and has her hands in front of her eyes

==То, чего требует Ионаѳан ==
tr Bu bir oyun.
tr-cv Ку вӑйӑ.
cv Ку вӑйӑ.
ru Это игра.
en It is a game.

* Agreement (discussions) on what part of the morphophonology goes where
tr Masanın ve sandalyelerin altına bakıyor, fakat Ahmet orada yok.
* Access to the same corpus as is otherwise being used for evaluation
tr-cv Сӗтелӗн тата пукансен айне пӑхать, анчах Ахмет унта ҫук.
* Correct paradigms on the wiki
cv Сӗтелӗн тата пуканӑн айне пӑхса илет, анчах Ваня ниҫта та ҫук.
* Someone to put up full paradigms of nouns I dig up, potentially from books
ru Она заглядывает под стол и под стулья, но Вани нигде нет.
* When there's a problem with phonology, a yaml file that shows:
en She looks under the table and under the chairs, but James is not there.
** Forms that work as expected
*** another word(s) in same part of paradigm
*** same word in another part(s) of paradigm
** Forms that don't work as expected
** This should be a separate yaml file for each individual phonological problem (or best guess thereat)
* A list of the yaml files on the wiki

===List of questions for Haval's camp===
tr Bu Ahmet olabilir mi?
* ger14??
tr-cv Ку Ахмет пулаять-и?
cv Тен, ку Ваня?
ru Может быть это Ваня?
en Could that be James?

tr Yine bir ses var!
tr-cv Каллех сасă пур!
cv Сас каллех илтӗнет!
ru Звук повторяется снова!
en There is the sound again!

* Nouns
tr Sonra küçük bir el de görünüyor.
** "Chuvash" words
tr-cv Вара пӗчӗк алă та курӑнать.
*** пуртӑ/тенкӗ - удвоение лишь после рт?
cv Кӑштах тӑрсан, вӑл пӗчӗк алӑ курать.
*** пару падеж 2-мӗш сапӑт: тус(у)на (p. 83)
ru Затем она видит маленькую руку.
*** пару падеж 3-мӗш сапӑт: тус (p. 83) - 2 формы???
en Then she also sees a little hand.
*** List of irregular words
**** ҫын
**** атте, анне, пичче, etc.
** "Russian" words
*** музей/Алексей (p. 80): error in Алексей nominative?
*** Баку (p. 81): this happens only to "Russian" words? To all of the ones finishing in -у?
*** аллея/Ксения (p. 82): почему различаются?
*** Иван = Иванов? Иванова = Ивановна? (declension, morphology)
*** Are there "Russian" words ending with unstressed vowel other than -а (литература) or -е (училище): -и, -о, -у, -ы? Which is their declension?
*** Russian words without сингармонизм (кролик, p. 80) or with optional one (музей) or with compulsory on (училище, p. 82). In this second case, which is the preferable?
*** %<n%>%<advf%>:%{Ӑ%}н K ; ! FIXME - только отдельные слова!!!
*** %<n%>%<presn%>:%{dup%}л%{Ӑ%} A-ЙЫВӐР ; ! FIXME - в конкретных существительных не возможно comp
** Bidix
*** <l>драмӑллӑ<s n="adj"/> = <l>драмa<s n="n"/><s n="presn"/>?
*** Other possible errors of this kind in the bidix?
* Adjectives
** Are there "Russian" adjectives? Do they have any especial behaviour?
** Categorisation
***A1: ! adjectives that can be both substantivised and adverbialised;<br>! all three readings (<adj>, <adj.subst> and <adj.advl>) have comparison levels.
***A2: ! (derived/not fully lexicalised) adjectives without adverbial reading;<br>! <adj> and <adj.subst> readings have comparison levels.
***A3: ! (derived/not fully lexicalised) adjectives without adverbial reading,<br>! so-called "predicatives" (бар, жоқ);<br>! no comparison levels at all.
***A4: ! "pure" adjectives - no adverbial and substantive readings,<br>! no comparison levels;
***Different possible comparison suffixes: can we have a general default type? And for some typical endings, as -лӑ, -(ил)лӗ, -ла?
* Adverbs
** Are there "Russian" adjectives? Do they have any especial behaviour?
** Adverbs don't have comparison?
* Verbs
** Are there "Russian" verbs? Do they have any especial behaviour?
** All verbs can have all the gerunds, participles, etc.


* Translations
== Комментарии ==
** dramatik tiyatro = драмӑллӑ театр/драм театрӗ?


* Cal explicar-li a l'Oksana com crear fitxers yaml per posar al·lòfons de morfemes
** I també a fer svn add fitxer!
-DAKI -> -ри, -чи
-kI -> -хи


* Llista de paraules per afegir
** Noms
-ха -> 0
***<s> юман (Андреев)</s>
***<s> металл</s>
***<s> кролик (p. 80)</s>
***<s> музей (p. 80)</s>
***<s> тенкӗ (p. 81)</s>
***<s> Баку (p. 81)</s>
***<s> Порту</s>
***<s> хӑю</s>
***<s> аллея (p. 82)</s>
***<s> стихия [Ксения (p. 82)]</s>
***<s> няня (p. 82)</s>
***<s> Саша</s>
***<s> училище (p. 82)</s>
***<s> платье (p. 82)</s>
***<s> Золотницкий (p. 83)</s>
***<s> Ивановская (p. 83)</s>
***<s> Иванова (p. 83)</s>
***<s> автобус (p. 83)</s>
** Verbs
* Afegir llista temàtica de yaml + wiki per explicar-ho

==См. также==
==См. также==

Latest revision as of 16:08, 15 July 2012



-DAKI -> -ри, -чи
-kI -> -хи

глагол + mi + лицо -> глагол + лицо + и

  • sor (preguntar) +DAT → ыйт (спрашивать) +ABL


-ха -> 0
терминатив (-шӐн) -> ?

То, чего требует Ионаѳан[edit]

  • Agreement (discussions) on what part of the morphophonology goes where
  • Access to the same corpus as is otherwise being used for evaluation
  • Correct paradigms on the wiki
  • Someone to put up full paradigms of nouns I dig up, potentially from books
  • When there's a problem with phonology, a yaml file that shows:
    • Forms that work as expected
      • another word(s) in same part of paradigm
      • same word in another part(s) of paradigm
    • Forms that don't work as expected
    • This should be a separate yaml file for each individual phonological problem (or best guess thereat)
  • A list of the yaml files on the wiki

List of questions for Haval's camp[edit]

  • ger14??

  • Nouns
    • "Chuvash" words
      • пуртӑ/тенкӗ - удвоение лишь после рт?
      • пару падеж 2-мӗш сапӑт: тус(у)на (p. 83)
      • пару падеж 3-мӗш сапӑт: тус (p. 83) - 2 формы???
      • List of irregular words
        • ҫын
        • атте, анне, пичче, etc.
    • "Russian" words
      • музей/Алексей (p. 80): error in Алексей nominative?
      • Баку (p. 81): this happens only to "Russian" words? To all of the ones finishing in -у?
      • аллея/Ксения (p. 82): почему различаются?
      • Иван = Иванов? Иванова = Ивановна? (declension, morphology)
      • Are there "Russian" words ending with unstressed vowel other than -а (литература) or -е (училище): -и, -о, -у, -ы? Which is their declension?
      • Russian words without сингармонизм (кролик, p. 80) or with optional one (музей) or with compulsory on (училище, p. 82). In this second case, which is the preferable?
    • Categorisation
      •  %<n%>%<advf%>:%{Ӑ%}н K ; ! FIXME - только отдельные слова!!!
      •  %<n%>%<presn%>:%{dup%}л%{Ӑ%} A-ЙЫВӐР ; ! FIXME - в конкретных существительных не возможно comp
    • Bidix
      • <l>драмӑллӑ = <l>драмa?
      • Other possible errors of this kind in the bidix?
  • Adjectives
    • Are there "Russian" adjectives? Do they have any especial behaviour?
    • Categorisation
      • A1: ! adjectives that can be both substantivised and adverbialised;
        ! all three readings (<adj>, <adj.subst> and <adj.advl>) have comparison levels.
      • A2: ! (derived/not fully lexicalised) adjectives without adverbial reading;
        ! <adj> and <adj.subst> readings have comparison levels.
      • A3: ! (derived/not fully lexicalised) adjectives without adverbial reading,
        ! so-called "predicatives" (бар, жоқ);
        ! no comparison levels at all.
      • A4: ! "pure" adjectives - no adverbial and substantive readings,
        ! no comparison levels;
      • Different possible comparison suffixes: can we have a general default type? And for some typical endings, as -лӑ, -(ил)лӗ, -ла?
  • Adverbs
    • Are there "Russian" adjectives? Do they have any especial behaviour?
    • Adverbs don't have comparison?
  • Verbs
    • Are there "Russian" verbs? Do they have any especial behaviour?
    • All verbs can have all the gerunds, participles, etc.

  • Translations
    • dramatik tiyatro = драмӑллӑ театр/драм театрӗ?

  • Cal explicar-li a l'Oksana com crear fitxers yaml per posar al·lòfons de morfemes
    • I també a fer svn add fitxer!

  • Llista de paraules per afegir
    • Noms
      • юман (Андреев)
      • металл
      • кролик (p. 80)
      • музей (p. 80)
      • тенкӗ (p. 81)
      • Баку (p. 81)
      • Порту
      • хӑю
      • аллея (p. 82)
      • стихия [Ксения (p. 82)]
      • няня (p. 82)
      • Саша
      • училище (p. 82)
      • платье (p. 82)
      • Золотницкий (p. 83)
      • Ивановская (p. 83)
      • Иванова (p. 83)
      • автобус (p. 83)
    • Verbs
  • Afegir llista temàtica de yaml + wiki per explicar-ho

См. также[edit]