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The Bengali monodix is now in quite a good state with around 80% coverage of Bengali wiki. There are about 8230 lemmas amongst which 3594 are nouns, 1766 proper nouns, 1620 adjectives, 473 adverbs and 777 other lemmas. We are looking forward to increase the coverage alongside completing the transfer rules.
The Bengali monodix is now in quite a good state with around 80% coverage of Bengali wiki. There are about 8230 lemmas among which 3594 are nouns, 1766 proper nouns, 1620 adjectives, 473 adverbs and 777 other lemmas. We are looking forward to increase the coverage alongside completing the transfer rules.


Revision as of 14:34, 26 August 2011



The Bengali monodix is now in quite a good state with around 80% coverage of Bengali wiki. There are about 8230 lemmas among which 3594 are nouns, 1766 proper nouns, 1620 adjectives, 473 adverbs and 777 other lemmas. We are looking forward to increase the coverage alongside completing the transfer rules.


Transfer rules


  • apertium-bn-en.bn.dix: 8,230
  • apertium-bn-en.en-bn.dix:7,495

  • Bengali Wikipedia: 80.59% +/- 1.7878%
  • Prothom Alo:
  • apertium-bn-en.en-bn.t1x: 42
  • apertium-bn-en.en-bn.t2x: 16
  • apertium-bn-en.en-bn.t3x: 2
Error rate
File Num. Words % OOV WER (Sur) PER (Sur) WER (Lem) PER (Lem)
prothom-alo - -

Future work


See Also