Difference between revisions of "Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian and Macedonian"

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* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differences_in_standard_Serbian%2C_Croatian_and_Bosnian Wikipedia: Differences in standard Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differences_in_standard_Serbian%2C_Croatian_and_Bosnian Wikipedia: Differences in standard Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian]
* [http://hjp.srce.hr/ Croatian dictionary (with inflections)] — find the definition and click on {{sc|izvedeni oblici}}
* [http://hjp.srce.hr/ Hrvatski jezični portal] — Croatian language portal, word definitions with inflection (find the definition and click on {{sc|izvedeni oblici}} )


Revision as of 14:17, 29 April 2011


Testing framework
  • Set up pending/regression tests framework
  • Set testvoc
  • Set up corpus/generation-test
Serbo-Croatian dictionary
  • Add the paradigms from the grammar of Croatian (the one by Barić, Lončarić, Malić, Pavešić, Peti, Zečević, Znika) to the sh monodix [in progress]
  • Add the personal clitic and non-clitic pronouns, add the reflexive clitic and non-clitic pronouns, possesive, interrogative, relational, demonstrative (pronoun, and demonstrative adjective), indefinite, negative ...
  • Add the clitic form of the verb to be, the long present form, other tenses auxilliary verbs
  • Obtain a grammar of Serbian, for reference on differences
Macedonian dictionary
  • Add determiner forms for some pronouns (e.g demonstratives, possessives, etc.) -- things that can modify nouns
Bilingual dictionary
  • Update the pronoun entries, the symbols in the monodix have been adjusted to correspond more closely to the analysis in the macedonian monodix
Transfer rules

See also

External links
