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OMorFi (Open Morphology of Finnish) is a computational morphology of Finnish written using SFST (or rather the Helsinki HFST variant).


You will need SFST installed, you can follow the instructions on the SFST page.


You need to have both the morphology files (OMorFi) and the wordlist (Kotus sanalista). The SVN version of kotus-sanalista can be downloaded from here, but requires Java and Saxon to compile the list, so a pre-compiled version will be used here.

$ svn co omorfi
$ cd omorfi/
$ autoreconf -i 
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/fran/local
$ cd src/


$ make

This could take 10--20 minutes.


After compiling, you can test it with the fst-proc program that comes with the apertium SFST distribution:

$ echo "kaikki ihmiset syntyvät vapaina ja tasavertaisina arvoltaan ja oikeuksiltaan." | fst-proc omorfi/src/omorfi.sfstc

^kaikki/kaikki<noun><7><a><sg><nom>$ ^ihmiset/ihminen<noun><38><pl><acc>/ihminen<noun><38><pl><nom>$ 
^vapaina/vapaa<noun><17><pl><ess>$ ^ja/*ja$ ^tasavertaisina/*tasavertaisina$ ^arvoltaan/arvo<noun><1><sg><abl><pl3>/arvo<noun><1><sg><abl><sg3>$ ^ja/*ja$ 

See also

External links