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(Slightly modified version of http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Apertium-apy#Usage)
(Link to format handling page)
Line 60: Line 60:
*'''reformat''': deformatter to be used: one of html, html-noent (default), txt, rtf
*'''reformat''': deformatter to be used: one of html, html-noent (default), txt, rtf
*'''format''': if deformatter and reformatter are the same, they can be specified in '''format'''
*'''format''': if deformatter and reformatter are the same, they can be specified in '''format'''
For more about formatting, please see [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Format_handling the page about Format Handling].
| To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a <code>responseData</code> key with an JS Object that has key <code>translatedText</code> that contains the translated text.
| To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a <code>responseData</code> key with an JS Object that has key <code>translatedText</code> that contains the translated text.

Revision as of 06:13, 19 December 2016


APY supports three types of requests: GET, POST, and JSONP. Using GET/POST are possible only if APY is running on the same server as the client due to cross-site scripting restrictions; however, JSONP requests are permitted in any context and will be useful. Using curl, APY can easily be tested:

curl -G --data "lang=kaz-tat&modes=morph&q=алдым" http://localhost:2737/perWord

It can also be tested through your browser or through HTTP calls. Unfortunately, curl does not decode JSON output by default and to make testing easier, a APY Sandbox is provided in the SVN with Apertium-html-tools.

URL Function Parameters Output
/listPairs List available language pairs
  • include_deprecated_codes: give this parameter to include old ISO-639-1 codes in output
To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a responseData key with an Array of language pair objects with keys sourceLanguage and targetLanguage.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/listPairs'

{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": [
 {"sourceLanguage": "kaz", "targetLanguage": "tat"}, 
 {"sourceLanguage": "tat", "targetLanguage": "kaz"}, 
 {"sourceLanguage": "mk", "targetLanguage": "en"}
], "responseDetails": null}
/list List available mode information
  • q: type of information to list
    • pairs (alias for /listPairs)
    • analyzers/analysers
    • generators
    • taggers/disambiguators
The returned JS Object contains a mapping from language pairs to mode names (used internally by Apertium).
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/list?q=analyzers'
{"mk-en": "mk-en-morph", "en-es": "en-es-anmor", "kaz-tat": "kaz-tat-morph", 
 "tat-kaz": "tat-kaz-morph", "fin": "fin-morph", "es-en": "es-en-anmor", "kaz": "kaz-morph"}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/list?q=generators'
{"en-es": "en-es-generador", "fin": "fin-gener", "es-en": "es-en-generador"}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/list?q=taggers'
{"es-en": "es-en-tagger", "en-es": "en-es-tagger", "mk-en": "mk-en-tagger",
 "tat-kaz": "tat-kaz-tagger", "kaz-tat": "kaz-tat-tagger", "kaz": "kaz-tagger"}
/translate Translate text
  • langpair: language pair to use for translation
  • q: text to translate
  • markUnknown=no (optional): include this to remove "*" in front of unknown words
  • deformat: deformatter to be used: one of html (default), txt, rtf
  • reformat: deformatter to be used: one of html, html-noent (default), txt, rtf
  • format: if deformatter and reformatter are the same, they can be specified in format

For more about formatting, please see the page about Format Handling.

To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a responseData key with an JS Object that has key translatedText that contains the translated text.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=kaz|tat&q=Сен+бардың+ба?'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Син барныңмы?"}, "responseDetails": null}
$ echo Сен бардың ба? > myfile
$ curl --data-urlencode 'q@myfile' 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=kaz|tat'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Син барныңмы?"}, "responseDetails": null}

$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=This    works well&deformat=txt&reformat=txt'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto    trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=This    works well&format=txt'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto    trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}

(The last two queries are equivalent.)

/translateDoc Translate a document (.odt, .txt, .rtf, .html, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .tex)
  • langpair: language pair to use for translation
  • file: document to translate
  • markUnknown=no (optional): include this to remove "*" in front of unknown words
Returns the translated document.
$ curl --form 'file=@/path/to/kaz.odt' 'http://localhost:2737/translateDoc?langpair=kaz|tat' > tat.odt
/analyze or /analyse Morphologically analyze text
  • lang: language to use for analysis
  • q: text to analyze
The returned JS Array contains JS Arrays in the format [analysis, input-text].
$ curl -G --data "lang=kaz&q=Сен+бардың+ба?" http://localhost:2737/analyze
[["Сен/сен<v><tv><imp><p2><sg>/сен<prn><pers><p2><sg><nom>","Сен "], ["бардың ба/бар<adj><subst><gen>+ма<qst>/бар<v><iv><ifi><p2><sg>+ма<qst>","бардың ба"], ["?/?<sent>","?"]]
/generate Generate surface forms from text
  • lang: language to use for generation
  • q: text to generate
The returned JS Array contains JS Arrays in the format [generated, input-text].
$ curl -G --data "lang=kaz&q=^сен<v><tv><imp><p2><sg>$" http://localhost:2737/generate
[["сен","^сен<v><tv><imp><p2><sg>$ "]]
/perWord Perform morphological tasks per word
  • lang: language to use for tasks
  • modes: morphological tasks to perform on text (15 combinations possible - delimit using '+')
    • tagger/disambig
    • biltrans
    • translate
    • morph
  • q: text to perform tasks on
The returned JS Array contains JS Objects each containing the key input and up to 4 other keys corresponding to the requested modes (tagger, morph, biltrans and translate).
curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=translate&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=translate+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=tagger+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=tagger+translate&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"]}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"]}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"]}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=translate+biltrans+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+biltrans+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate+biltrans+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

/listLanguageNames Get localized language names
  • locale: language to get localized language names in
  • languages: list of '+' delimited language codes to retrieve localized names for (optional - if not specified, all available codes will be returned)
The returned JS Object contains a mapping of requested language codes to localized language names
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/listLanguageNames?locale=fr&languages=ca+en+mk+tat+kk'
{"ca": "catalan", "en": "anglais", "kk": "kazakh", "mk": "macédonien", "tat": "tatar"}
/calcCoverage Get coverage of a language on a text
  • lang: language to analyze with
  • q: text to analyze for coverage
The returned JS Array contains a single floating point value ≤ 1 that indicates the coverage.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/getCoverage?lang=en-es&q=Whereas disregard and contempt for which have outraged the conscience of mankind'
/identifyLang Return a list of languages with probabilities of the text being in that language. Uses CLD2 if that's installed, otherwise will try any analyser modes.
  • q: text which you would like to compute probabilities for
The returned JS Object contains a mapping from language codes to probabilities.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/identifyLang?q=This+is+a+piece+of+text.'
{"ca": 0.19384234, "en": 0.98792465234, "kk": 0.293442432, "zh": 0.002931001}
/stats Return some statistics about pair usage, uptime, portion of time spent actively translating
  • requests=N (optional): limit period-based stats to last N requests
Note that period-based stats are limited to 3600 seconds by default (see -T argument to servlet.py)
$ curl -Ss localhost:2737/stats|jq .responseData
  "holdingPipes": 0,
  "periodStats": {
    "totTimeSpent": 10.760803,
    "ageFirstRequest": 19.609394,
    "totChars": 2718,
    "requests": 8,
    "charsPerSec": 252.58
  "runningPipes": {
    "eng-spa": 1
  "useCount": {
    "eng-spa": 8
  "uptime": 26