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Wiki page for GSoC work done by pankajksharma during GSoC 2014.

Over here a screenshot of original algorithm along with how to use it is provided.


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Apertium Python Patcher

For a given pair of sentences (S, S') having a Fuzzy match score above a certain threshold (simply put, similar to each other) in one natural language (say s). If T is the translation of S (say in another natural lanuguage t), the job of this patcher is to obtain T' i.e., the corresponding transaltion of S'.

See for more detail.


This algorithm for on the fly patching is developed by Mikel L. Forcada and Pankaj K. Sharma.

On the fly patcher.png

Scripts and how to run

The project consists of multiple scripts. Here we've tried to provide a brief introduction, how to use and explain all possible options. Kindly reach the author if you face any difficulty.

On the fly patching (

         usage: [-h] [-v] [-t] [-c C] [-d D] [--cam] [--go]
                [--min-fms MIN_FMS] [--min-len MIN_LEN] [--max-len MAX_LEN]
                S T S1 LP

This is the main script which does on the fly patching for given (S, S1, T, LP).

positional arguments:

 S                  Second Sentence
 T                  First Sentence Translation
 S1                 Second Sentence
 LP                 Language Pair

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 -v                 Verbose Mode
 -t                 Show patching traces
 -c     C.db        Specify the sqlite3 db to be used for caching
 -d     D           Specify the lanuguage-pair installation directory
 --cam              Only those patches which cover all the mismatches
 --go               To patch only grounded mismatches
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1.
 --min-len MIN_LEN  Minimum length of sub-segment allowed.
 --max-len MAX_LEN  Maximum length of sub-segment allowed.

example: python "the black dog was barking whole night" "el perro negro ladraba noche entera" "the black cat was barking whole night" en-es -v

usage: [-h] S S1

Provides FMS of strings S and S1 using Wagner-Fischer algorithm.

positional arguments:

 S           First Sentence
 S1          Second Sentence

optional arguments:

 -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Regression test for our patcher ( This script takes Out (the output of and LP (the name of language pair).

usage: [-h] [-d D] [-c C] [-v] [--mode MODE] [--go]

                  [--min-fms MIN_FMS] [--min-len MIN_LEN] [--max-len MAX_LEN]
                  out LP

positional arguments:

 out                Output file generated from
 LP                 Language Pair (sl-tl)

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 -d D               Specify the lanuguage-pair installation directory
 -c C               Specify the sqlite3 db to be used for caching
 -v                 Verbose Mode
 --mode MODE        Modes('all', 'cam', 'compare')
 --go               To patch only grounded mismatches
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1.
 --min-len MIN_LEN  Minimum length of sub-string allowed.
 --max-len MAX_LEN  Maximum length of sub-string allowed.

Script understands following modes:

--all Includes all types of patched sentences

--cam Includes only those sentences which covers all mismatches

--compare Compares all reults for above two modes (verbose doesn't work in this mode)

Example usage: python pairs/en-es.pairs en-es --mode compare

Preprocess the corpus for generating input for reg_test

usage: [-h] [-v] [--min-fms MIN_FMS] [--max-len MAX_LEN]

                    SLF TLF SLFT TLFT OUT

positional arguments:

 SLF                Source Language file for training
 TLF                Target Language file for training
 SLFT               Source Language file for testing
 TLFT               Target Language file for testing
 OUT                Output file for saving pairs

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1(default 0.8)
 --max-len MAX_LEN  Maximum length of sentences allowed (default 25)
 example: python en.en-es.train es.en-es.train en.en-es.testset es.en-es.test en-es.pairs

Calculates and show a histogram of the distribution of FMS between pair of sentences present in corpus F.

usage: [-h] [--min-fms MIN_FMS] F

positional arguments:

 F                  Corpus path.

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1.

usage: [-h] [-d D] [--min-fms MIN_FMS] [--min-len MIN_LEN]

               [--max-len MAX_LEN]

Calulates FMS distribtution for all corpuses pressent in directory D.

positional arguments:

 D                  Corpus directory.

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 -d D               Specify the lanuguage-pair installation directory
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1.
 --min-len MIN_LEN  Minimum length of sub-string allowed.
 --max-len MAX_LEN  Maximum length of sub-string allowed.

Set A generator

usage: [-h] [--min-fms MIN_FMS] [--min-len MIN_LEN]

                     [--max-len MAX_LEN]
                     S S1

Generates set A.

positional arguments:

 S                  First Sentence
 S1                 Second Sentence

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1.
 --min-len MIN_LEN  Minimum length of sub-string allowed.
 --max-len MAX_LEN  Maximum length of sub-string allowed.

Example: python "some string" "some another string" --min-fms=0.6 --min-len=1 --max-len=3

Expected Output:

("some string", "some another string")

("string", "another string")

Set D generator

Usage: python --helpusage: [-h] [-d D] [--min-fms MIN_FMS] [--min-len MIN_LEN] [--max-len MAX_LEN]

                     S T S1 LP

Generates set D.

positional arguments:

 S                  Second Sentence
 T                  First Sentence Translation
 S1                 Second Sentence
 LP                 Language Pair

optional arguments:

 -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 -d D               Specify the lanuguage-pair installation directory
 --min-fms MIN_FMS  Minimum value of fuzzy match score of S and S1.
 --min-len MIN_LEN  Minimum length of sub-string allowed.
 --max-len MAX_LEN  Maximum length of sub-string allowed.

Example: python "he changed his number recently" "Va canviar el seu número recentment" "he changed his address recently" en-ca

("Va canviar el seu", "Va canviar la seva adreça")

("Va canviar el seu número", "Va canviar el seu")

("Va canviar el seu número", "Va canviar la seva adreça")

("Va canviar el seu número recentment", "Va canviar la seva adreça recentment")

("El seu número", "El seu")

("El seu número", "La seva adreça")

("El seu número recentment", "La seva adreça recentment")

("Número recentment", "Recentment")

("Número recentment", "Adreça recentment")


For pre-SoC wok see [pre-soc/](