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==Week 4: 6/13 - 6/19==
==Week 4: 6/13 - 6/19==
--- (Studied for exam, haven't achieved much)

==Week 5: 6/20 - 6/26==
==Week 5: 6/20 - 6/26==

Revision as of 22:56, 27 June 2011

Bonding Period week 1: 4/25-5/1

  • Got the development environment ready. apertium, lttoolbox and other tools and tests all working properly.
  • Filled the Pending Tests page with some translations (based on the ones in the mt-en page).
  • Started working on a script to generate a Maltese monodix from external sources. Nothing to show yet.
  • Notified 2 TAU professors (both specializing in CL) about my project, both agreed to offer help if necessary.
  • Wrote to a contact related to the MaltiLex project, looking for better contact (perhaps through my university's faculty).

Bonding Period week 2: 5/2 - 5/8

  • Picked up and started reading the Teach Yourself Maltese grammar book.
  • Wrote the framework for a script that generates fullform Maltese verb lists. [5]
    • We worked on splitting verbs into categorizes and optional subclasses, writing rules (based on stem affixes, roots and vowels) in a python script for each class.
    • Found out about the way [Wiktionary] stores conjugation data about the verbs it has; very useful for creating new rule groups. [6]. Finished converting these tables this week except for [7] [8] (that are identical to strong.py apart for a transformation in imperfect forms).
  • spectre contacted Prof. Adam Ussishkin and he provided us with Maltese verb lists that we need to look over. [9]
  • Contacted John J. Camilleri regarding his Maltese morphology slideshow, asking for data on verb conjugation.
  • Will add the verbs already added to the Hebrew and bidi dix files.

Bonding Period week 3: 5/9 - 5/15

  • Continued studying Maltese from the grammar book.
  • Added verbs from John Camilleri's slideshow to the Maltese analyser program.

Bonding Period week 4: 5/16 - 5/22

  • Added closed categories to the Maltese analyser (pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, numerals)
  • Added closed categories to the Hebrew dictionary
  • Added closed categories to the bidix

Week 1: 5/23 - 5/29

  • Fixed bugs in some of the environment tools I was using
  • Added missing Hebrew determiners and pronouns
  • Added missing closed categories to the bidix

Week 2: 5/30 - 6/5

  • Generate Hebrew verb speling file from hspell output
  • Format Hebrew verbs speling file as Apertium dix file
  • Research handling of attached/clitic pronouns on both Maltese & Hebrew

Week 3: 6/6 -6/12

  • Fixed Hebrew noun paradigms (automatically generated from hspell)
  • Add existing verbs to bidix
  • Add missing determiners to Maltese file (as per Fran's email)

Week 4: 6/13 - 6/19

--- (Studied for exam, haven't achieved much)

Week 5: 6/20 - 6/26

  • Fully analyse all words in sample paragraph 1
  • Added all paragraph words to bidix, then update Hebrew dix accordingly
  • Added a list of Maltese proper nouns, adverbs and updated dix, bidix
  • Fixed bugs in hspell output for plural nouns, verbs

Week 6: 6/27 - 7/3

work in progress

  • Working on mt.dix to achieve better coverage of Maltese corpus
  • Adding lists of adjectives generated from 'suspected' lists (according to suffixes, etc)
  • Use Wiktionary extracting script to load nouns, adjectives from Maltese items in English Wiktionary