User:David Nemeskey/GSOC progress 2013

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Hungarian CG grammar

Write a simple CG grammar for Hungarian, somewhere around 50-150 rules.

  • Read Pasi Tapnainen's The Constraint Grammar Parser CG-2.
  • Read the contents of
  • Study the CG grammar of an Apertium language.
  • Write a Hungarian grammar that covers the sentences in this sample file
  • The tags will be based on those in KR-code[1]. See the next task.
  • András Kornai, Péter Rebrus, Péter Vajda, Péter Halácsy, András Rung, Viktor Trón. 2004. Általános célú morfológiai elemző kimeneti formalizmusa (The output formalism of a general-purpose morphological analyzer). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Hungarian Computational Linguistics Conference .