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Transfuse is used under the hood for Format handling on the edges of the pipeline.


Notes on wordblank format

   The pipe may not yield nested structures, nor will Transfuse give it nested structures

so [[t:text:SyTAKg]]nett[[/]][[t:text:SyTAKg]]lesar[[/]] is OK, while [[t:text:SyTAKg]]ne[[t:text:SyTAKg]]tt[[/]]lesar[[/]] is not.

Debugging transfuse issues

Transfuse runs the full pipeline with NUL flushing, so if you want to catch the intermediate output between stages of a mode, you need a little helper. Put this in $PATH with filename teez:

[ "$1" = -z ] && shift

[ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Expecting file as arg" >&2; exit 1; }

awk -v out="$1" 'BEGIN{RS="\0"}{printf "%s", $0 >> out; printf "%s", $0}'

then you can cp modes/foo-bar.mode modes/tf.mode and insert teez /tmp/tf1.log | at the start and | teez /tmp/tfN.log etc. in the middle between pipeline steps in modes/tf.mode and do things like APERTIUM_TRANSFUSE=yes apertium -f docx -u -d . tf /tmp/in.docx >/tmp/out.docx and then inspect /tmp/tf?.log