Training perceptron tagger

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In this article, I will describe the pipeline for learning the Perceptron Tagger.

Convert UD-Tree dataset into Apertium

Firstly, you need to convert .conllu format into apertium format, you need using this tool UdTree2Apertium.

First you need to get a raw Apertium file. Example for english:

cat en-ud-train.conllu | grep -e '^$' -e '^[0-9]' | cut -f2 | sed 's/$/¶/g' | 
apertium-destxt | lt-proc -w ~/source/apertium//languages/apertium-eng/eng.automorf.bin | apertium-retxt | sed 's/¶//g' > en-ud-train.apertium

Then you need to run this utility:

python3 tags/eng.csv en-ud-train.apertium en-ud-train.conllu eng.tagged

Prepearing data for tagger