Task ideas for Google Code-in/Apy pipedebug

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This task is now done, see -r59428 and -r57945 in apy SVN.

APY endpoint

To start on this work, first look at what Apertium-viewer does.

Now have a look at the /stats endpoint, to see a very simple example of an APY endpoint.

We already have an APY endpoint /translate that does full translation, but that part of the code is rather complex since it has to keep pipelines open between requests; our new /pipedebug endpoint should not reuse those pipelines, but open its own on every request.

Example call, where we've written a \0 in the q to signify a NUL:

   curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=isl%7Ceng&q=te\0ost'

Example pipedebug output

     "responseDetails": null,
     "responseStatus": 200,
     "responseData": {
       "output": [
       "pipeline": [
         "lt-proc -z isl-eng.automorf.bin",
         "apertium-tagger -z -g isl-eng.prob",
         "lt-proc -z isl-eng.autobil.bin",
         "apertium-transfer -z apertium-isl-eng.t1x isl-eng.t1x.bin",
         "lt-proc -z -g isl-eng.autogen.bin",

You can use translate.py's parseModeFile() to grab the command line, but you can't use startPipeline() since we want to keep track of output between each step.


(This task mostly done, see tools/apertium-viewer.html in the apy source.)

This html+js page should have an input box where you can type things like "te\0ost", another input box where you can type "isl|eng", and a button, and on clicking the button it should make a request to http://localhost:2737/pipedebug?pair=isl%7Ceng&q=te\0ost and present the output like

   lt-proc -z isl-eng.automorf.bin
   apertium-tagger -z -g isl-eng.prob
   lt-proc -z isl-eng.autobil.bin
   apertium-transfer -z apertium-isl-eng.t1x isl-eng.t1x.bin
   lt-proc -z -g isl-eng.autogen.bin

with some colours to make it more readable.

Since /pipedebug is not implemented yet, your request function can make a call to /translate with the same parameters, and then simply disregard the output, and return a hardcoded string containing the JSON in #Example pipedebug output above.

You can also attach an event listener to the input box so it makes requests on typing (but with a timeout).

This should be done in plain javascript+html, no external libs. It has to work offline, with only a checkout of APY and the language pair in question.