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The package <code>apertium-tagger-training-tools</code> trains taggers based on both source and target language information. The resulting probability files are as good as supervised training for machine translation purposes, but much quicker to produce, and with less effort.

==Locale settings==
==Locale settings==

Revision as of 17:50, 30 January 2008

The package apertium-tagger-training-tools trains taggers based on both source and target language information. The resulting probability files are as good as supervised training for machine translation purposes, but much quicker to produce, and with less effort.

Locale settings

You need to set the appropriate locale. Note that apertium and apertium-tagger-training-tools NOW support UTF-based locales, and apertium-tagger-training-tools has ONLY been tested with UTF-8 locales.

The programs implemented in this package will use the user's locale found in LC_ALL. Therefore, you only need to conveniently set up this variable. You can check your locale by issuing the command:

$ echo $LC_ALL

It should return something like en_GB.UTF-8

Building a target language model

If you're using apertium-trigrams-langmodel, then follow this section, if not, continue to the next.

I suppose you will use the language model software provided within this package, but another language model could be used. If you plan to use another language model please skip this section.

Requirements: A raw corpus of the target language (corpus.txt)

$ apertium-trigrams-langmodel -t -i corpus.txt > corpus.lm

The following output should appear:

2868350 processed words.
1643982 distinct trigrams found.
833143 distinct bigrams found.
153714 distinct monograms found.
Writing word2id information ...
Writing Simple Good-Turing model for 1-grams ...
Writing 1-grams ...
Writing 2-grams...
Writing 3-grams...

The dots will continue while the language model is being constructed, and the number will vary.

Preparing the language pair to be used

A part-of-speech tagger for the source language (SL) will be trained using information from the target language (TL). You will need to download and install the language pair in question either from SVN or from one of the stable packages. The method implemented in this package is appropriate for those language whose part-of-speech tagger was unsupervisedly trained.

To prepare and compile the required language-pair data follow the instruction provided at the linguistic package itself. Usually you only need to type make.

Preparing the source-language data


  • A raw corpus of the source language (corpus.txt)
  • A source dictionary (dic.dix — e.g. apertium-oc-ca.oc.dix)
  • A compiled dictionary of the source language (dic.bin — e.g. oc-ca.automorf.bin)
  • A tagger definition file (tagger.tsx — e.g. apertium-oc-ca.oc.tsx)
  • The file with the transfer rules to be used (trules.xml or .t1x file — e.g. apertium-oc-ca.oc-ca.t1x)

Note: dic.bin was generated when preparing the language pair data. dic.dix, tagger.tsx and trules.xml are provided with the language-pair package.

Generate the corpus file

$ apertium-tagger-gen-crp-file corpus.txt dic.bin > lang.crp

Should give the output:

Generating crp file
This may take some time. Please, take a cup of coffee and come back later.

Generate the dic file

$ apertium-tagger-gen-dic-file dic.dix dic.bin tagger.tsx > lang.dic

Should give the output:

Generating dic file
This may take some time. Please, take a cup of coffee and come back later.

Extract regex rules

$ apertium-xtract-regex-trules trules.xml > regexp-trules.txt

Should give no output, but leave the file regexp-trules.txt

Preparing the translation script

At this point you should have the following files:

$ ls -1 -sh
total 132M
 78M corpus.crp
 38M corpus.lm
 17M corpus.txt
 16K oc.dic
8.0K regex-trules.txt

The TL-driven training algorithm needs to be provided with a translation script conveniently configured to translate a given disambiguation hypothesis into the TL.

Together with this packages you can find the script 'translation-script-es-ca.sh'. It is configured to translates Spanish disambiguation hypothesis into Catalan.

Copy this file from the example/ directory and then edit this file and change the DATA and DIRECTION variables. DATA must point to the folder holding the language-pair data previously prepared; DIRECTION must store the translation direction.

Assuming you are in the oc-tagger-data directory:

$ cp apertium-tagger-training-tools/example/translation-script-es-ca.sh .
$ mv translation-script-es-ca.sh translation-script-oc-ca.sh

Then edit the translation-script-oc-ca.sh and change the above variables.

Note: If you are using a translator with three stage transfer you will need to edit the translation-script.

Change the line:

apertium-transfer $DATA/trules-$DIRECTION.xml $DATA/trules-$DIRECTION.bin $AUTOBIL |\


apertium-transfer $DATA/$DIRECTION.t1x  $DATA/$DIRECTION.t1x.bin  $DATA/$DIRECTION.autobil.bin |\
apertium-interchunk $DATA/$DIRECTION.t2x  $DATA/$DIRECTION.t2x.bin |\
apertium-postchunk $DATA/$DIRECTION.t3x  $DATA/$DIRECTION.t3x.bin |\

Preparing the likelihood script

To estimate the likelihood of each translation the TL-driven algorithm is provided with an script. In this package you can find an example of this script called 'likelihood-script-catalan.sh'. It uses the apertium-trigrams-langmodel package to calculate the likelihood of each input string.

Again, assuming you're in the oc-tagger-data directory:

$ cp ../../apertium-tagger-training-tools/example/likelihood-script-catalan.sh .
$ mv likelihood-script-catalan.sh likelihood-script-occitan.sh

Change this script to use the desired data or to use another language model. You'll need to change the LMDATA variable to be corpus.lm. Keep in mind that the TL-driven algorithm will provide an input TL string to the script and that it expects a likelihood, i. e. a double value, conveniently formated using the appropriate locale.

Training through the TL-driven algorithm

Training without disambiguation hypothesis pruning:

$ apertium-tagger-tl-trainer --train 500000 \ 
                             --tsxfile tagger.tsx \ 
                             --file lang \ 
                             --tscript translation-script.sh \
                             --lscript likelihood-script.sh \ 
                             --trules regexp-trules.txt

Training with disambiguation hypothesis pruning, you need an intial model ('initialmodel.prob') estimated through another training method (Kupiec, Baum-Welch, ...):

$ apertium-tagger-tl-trainer --tsxfile tagger.tsx \
                             --train 500000 \
                             --prune 1 1000 0.6 1 \
                             --initprob initialmodel.prob \ 
                             --file lang  \
                             --tscript translation-script.sh \ 
                             --lscript likelihood-script.sh \ 
                             --trules regexp-trules.txt  \ 
                             --supforms "me|te|se|el|la|de|a|por"

Warning: Some language pairs perform some orthographical operations after the transfer module. In those cases is a good idea to provide the superficial forms (words) involved in those operations through the --supforms parameter.

For example, in the case of the es-ca language pair:

$ apertium-tagger-tl-trainer --train 500000 \
                             --tsxfile tagger.tsx \
                             --file lang \ 
                             --tscript translation-script.sh \ 
                             --lscript likelihood-script.sh \ 
                             --trules regexp-trules.txt \
                             --supforms "me|te|se|el|la|de|a|por"