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In smj, the negation verb is inflected for tense, while in sme it's the main verb that is inflected for tense.
I smj bøyes negeringsverbet i tempus, mens i sme bøyes hovedverbet i tempus
(in sme the past form of the main verb negation form is the same as the past participle form)
(og i sme er preteritumsformen av nektingsformen til hovedverbet lik perfektum partisipp)

* {{test|sme|In.|Iv.}}
* {{test|sme|In.|Iv.}}
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Negasjon av hjelpeverbet liehket:
Negation of auxiliary verb liehket:

: Liehket, i motsetning til andre verb, bøyes i tempus: Presensformen er la og preteritumsformen er lim. Negeringsverbet bøyes i tempus bare i dualis og pluralis, ikke i singularis.
: Liehket, unlike other verbs, is inflected for tense. Present form is la and past form is lim. The negation verb is inflected for tense only in dual and plural, not in singular.

* {{test|sme|In leat.|Iv la.}}
* {{test|sme|In leat.|Iv la.}}
Line 45: Line 45:

: Sg. 2 og pl. 3 har sammendratte former i både presens og preteritum:
: Sg. 2 and pl. 3 has contracted forms in both present and past:

* {{test|sme|Don it leat nu johtil.|Dån illa nav jåhtel.}}
* {{test|sme|Don it leat nu johtil.|Dån illa nav jåhtel.}}

Revision as of 10:21, 8 March 2016

Lexical selection

When negation: orrut -> liehket:

  • (sme) Ii oro buorre. → Ij la buorre.
  • (sme) Eaba orron buorre. → Ejga lim buorre.
  • (sme) Ehpet orron hávski. → Ejda lim hávsske.


In smj, the negation verb is inflected for tense, while in sme it's the main verb that is inflected for tense. (in sme the past form of the main verb negation form is the same as the past participle form)

  • (sme) In. → Iv.
  • (sme) In dieđe. → Iv diede.
  • (sme) In borran. → Ittjiv bårå.
  • (sme) Ii borran. → Ittjij bårå.
  • (sme) Isak ii sáhttán boahtit ovdal. → Isak ittjij máhte boahtet åvddåla.
  • (sme) Ii oro nu vuogas. → Ij la nav vuogas.
  • (sme) In háliit duinna doarrut. → Iv sidá dujna doarrot.
  • (sme) Sii eai liiko, go mii hárdit sin. → Sij e lijkku, gå mij hárddep sijáv.
  • (sme) It go sáhte muitalit? → I gus máhte subtsastit?
  • (sme) Eat go sáhttán vuolgit? → Ejma gus máhte vuolgget?
  • (sme) Eat šat gille. → Ep desti visjá.

Negation of auxiliary verb liehket:

Liehket, unlike other verbs, is inflected for tense. Present form is la and past form is lim. The negation verb is inflected for tense only in dual and plural, not in singular.
  • (sme) In leat. → Iv la.
  • (sme) In lean. → Iv lim.
  • (sme) Ii leat. → Ij la.
  • (sme) Ii lean. → Ij lim.
  • (sme) Ean leat. → En la.
  • (sme) Eat lean. → Ejma lim.
  • (sme) Eahppi leat. → Æhppe la.
  • (sme) Eahppi lean. → Ejda lim.
  • (sme) Eaba leat. → Æbá la.
  • (sme) Eaba lean. → Ejga lim.

Sg. 2 and pl. 3 has contracted forms in both present and past:
  • (sme) Don it leat nu johtil. → Dån illa nav jåhtel.
  • (sme) Sii eai oro nu johtilat. → Sij ælla nav jåhtela.
  • (sme) Sii eai orron nu johtilat. → Sij ællim nav jåhtela.
  • (sme) Don it oro nu johtil. → Dån illa nav jåhtel.
  • (sme) Don it orron nu johtil. → Dån illim nav jåhtel.
  • (sme) Don it lean nu johtil. → Dån illim nav jåhtel.
  • (sme) Sii eai lean boahtán. → Sij ællim boahtám.


+Der/at: A → Adv
  • (sme) Vihken hui johtilit → Viehkiv huj jåhtelit
  • (sme) Oaččun dan hálbbit → Oattjov dav álbet
+Der/Actor: V → N


Compounds are often not lexicalized in smj fst.

  • (sme) kultursuodjaleapmi → kultuvrrasuodjalibme


  • (sme) Dát áššit leat dehálaččat. → Dá ássje li ájnnasa.
  • (sme) Mánná lea láiki. → Mánná la lájkke.
  • (sme) Mánát leat láikkit. → Máná li lájke.
  • (sme) Girji lea hálbi. → Girjje la álbbe.
  • (sme) Girjjit leat hálbbit. → Girje li álbe.
  • (sme) Sevnnjoda. → Sjevnjut.
  • (sme) Vuolgit lea suohtas. → Vuolgget la suohtas.
  • (sme) Sakŋida. → Sagŋet.
  • (sme) Isak boahtá. → Isak boahtá.
  • (sme) Goabbá vuoitá? → Goabbá vuojttá?
  • (sme) Doppe boahtá áhčči. → Dåppe boahtá áhttje.
  • (sme) Boađán. → Boadáv.
  • (sme) Gii bođii? → Guhti bådij?
  • (sme) Liikojit go guollái? → Lijkkuji gus guolláj?
  • (sme) Áddjá lea boahtán. → Áddjá la boahtám.
  • (sme) Buorre lei go bohtet. → Buorre lij gå båhti.
  • (sme) Biekkastii. → Biekkastij.
  • (sme) Čájeheahkki munnje. → Vuosedihtte munji.
  • (sme) Manni doai dohko. → Manne dåj dåhku.
  • (sme) Gean don oidnet. → Gev dån vuojnni.
  • (sme) Son vuittii golli. → Sån vuojtij gållev.
  • (sme) Boahtti veahkkin. → Boahtte viehkken.
  • (sme) Isak lea viššalis bargi. → Isak la vissjalis bargge.
  • (sme) Ahte gielistii lea vissis. → Jut gielestij la visses.
  • (sme) Leage buorre. → Liege buorre.
  • (sme) Buorre lei go bohtet. → Buorre lij gå båhti.
  • (sme) Ean muital suohttasiiddáme earáide. → En subtsasta suohttasijdema iehtjádijda.
  • (sme) Eat muital suohttasiiddámet earáide. → Ep subtsasta suohttasijdema iehtjádijda.
  • (sme) In muital suohttasiiddán earáide. → Iv subtsasta suohttasijdám iehtjádijda.
  • (sme) Teáhtera ulbmilin lea nannet sámiid identitehta ja kultuvrra. → Teáhttara ulmmen la nannit sámij identitehtav ja kultuvrav.
  • (sme) Anne ráhkada biepmu. → Anne stielli biebmov.
  • (sme) Son lea boaris. → Sån la boares.
  • (sme) Áddjá lea boaris. → Áddjá la boares.