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= Postpositions =
= Postpositions =
== Postpositions used with nominative case nouns ==
* менен "with"
* сайын "every"
* боюнча "according to, in accordance with"
* иретинде "as a"
* катары "as a"
* мурун "ago"
== Postpositions used with genitive case nouns ==
* орд- "instead of"
* орто- "between, in the middle of"
* аст- "below, at the bottom of"
* үст- "above, at the top of"
* ич- "inside of"
* сырт- "outside of"
* түп- "in the bottom of"
* арт- "behind, at the back of"
* алд- "in front of"
== Postpositions used with accusative case nouns ==
* карай "towards"
== Postpositions used with ablative case nouns ==
* бери "since"
* баштап "starting with/at/from"
* кийин "after, in (with time)"
* тышкары "besides, aside from, other than"
== Postpositions used with dative case nouns ==
* чейин "until"
* байланыштуу "connected to/with, tied to"
* карабастан "in spite of"
* карата "depending on"
== Postpositions used with certain nominal verb forms ==
* менен
* сайын
* кийин
* чейин
* тышкары
=Adjectival morphology=
=Adjectival morphology=

Revision as of 21:31, 22 June 2011

Noun morphology

Missing rules
  1. "атым" works, "балам" doesn't
    1. Rule: delete ы after %> and before м
    2. ы:0 <=> %> _ м ;
  2. "балабыз" works, "атыбыз" doesn't
    1. Rule: delete ы after %> and before быз
    2. ы:0 <=> %> _ быз ;
  3. "бала+ңыз" works, "атыңыз" doesn't
    1. Rule: delete ы after %> and before ңыз
    2. ы:0 <=> %> _ ңыз ;
  4. уул<n><px1sg><dat> --> уулумга doesn't works
    1. Rule: delete г after м and ң
    2. This rule is same for px1sg,px2sg,px3sg
  5. үй<n><px1sg><dat> --> үйүмга doesn't works
    1. Rule1: delete г after м and ң
    2. Rule2: change end vowel according to previous vowel
  6. китеп<n><px1sg><acc> --> китебимды doesn't works
    1. Rule: last vowel ы should harmonized
  7. Vowel harmony in ablative case
    1. Rule : {D}{A}н, {А} must be harmonized according to previous vowel.
    2. Ex , The output now is : короо<n><px1sg><abl>/короомдан but must be короомдон
  8. Desonorisation of {D} in ablative
    1. Rule : {D} must be desonorized into н if the previous letter is {I}
    2. Ex,The output now is : мал<n><px3sg><abl>/малыдан but must be малынан
  9. Desonorisation of {D} in plural
    1. Rule : {D} must be desonorized into л, the rule must be figured out and checked. !Not completely Sure
    2. Ex, The output now is :ай<n><pl><nom>/айдар but must be айлар
  10. Addition of н before locative suffix
    1. Ex, The output now is : мал<n><px3sg><loc>/малыда but must be малы+н+да
  11. Vowel harmony in locative suffixes
    1. Ex, The output now is : көчө<n><px2sg><loc>/көчөңда but must be көчөңдө
  12. Vowel harmony in dative suffixes
    1. Ex, The output now is : эже<n><px2sg><dat>/эжеңа but must be эжеңе
  13. Addition of н after {I} in in locative suffixes
    1. Ex,The output now is :шаар<n><px><loc>/шаардыкыда but must be шаардыкында
  14. Deletion of ы after (px3sg,px3pl)3rd person singular,plural and after (px)general possessive in accusative suffixes
    1. Ex,The output now is эл<n><px3pl><acc>/элдерины but must be элдерин

мал<n><px><acc>/малдыкыны but must be малдыкын

  • These should all really be rules to epenthesise/insert /I/ (ы, и, у, ү) after a consonant before these endings.

Noun Person,Possessives

() = after vowel, [] = after consonant, {} = archivowel/consonant

({I})м,                1sg
({I})ң,                2sg informal
({I})ң{I}з,            2sg formal 
[с]{I},                3sg 
({I})б{I}з,            1pl
({I})ң{A}р,            2pl informal
({I})ң{I}зд{A}р,       2pl formal
[с]{I}                 3pl

1st Person Possessives

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
Singular -ым becomes-м if ends with vowel ат+ым,бала+м my horse, my son
Plural -ыбыз become -быз if ends with vowel ат+ыбыз,бала+быз our horse, our son

2nd Person Possessive

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
Singular -ың becomes -ң if ends with vowel,-ыңыз becomes -ңыз if ends with vowel ат+ың,бала+ң,ат+ыңыз,бала+ңыз your horse, your son, your horse(kind way),your son(kind way)
Plural -ыңар becomes -ңар if ends with vowel,-ыңыздар becomes -ңыздар if end with vowel ат+ыңар,бала+ңар,ат+ыңыздар,бала+ңыздар your horse,your son, your horse(kind way),your son(kind way)

3rd Person Possessive

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
-- -ы becomes -сы when following vowel ат+ы,бала+сы his horse, his son

General Possessive

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
-- -ныкы эл+дики,мал+дыкы,балаң+дыкы,тоо+нуку,төө+нүкү people's, livestock's, your son's, the mountain's, the camel's (as their own NPs)

Noun cases

Case Name Suffixes
absolute ---
genitive -нын, -нин, -дын, -дин, -тын, -тин, -нун, -нүн, -дун, -дүн, -тун, -түн
dative -га, -ка, -ге, -ке, -го, -ко, -гө, -кө
definite-accusative -ны, -ни, -ды, -ди, -ты, -ти, -ну, -нү, -ду, -дү, -ту, -тү
locative -да, -де, -та, -те, -до, -дө, -то, -тө
ablative -дан, -ден, -тан, -тен, -дон, -дөн, -тон, -төн

Genitive, Rules for suffixes

Rules -нын,-ын transfromation Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels -нын,-нун,-нин,нүн бала+нын, тоо+нун, эне+нин, төө+нүн child's, mountain's, mother's, camel's
Ends with Voiced Consonants -дын,-дун,-дин,-дүн жаз+дын, коом+дун,билим+дин,көз+дүн spring's, community's, knowledge's, eye's
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -тын,-тун,-тин,-түн кат+тын,топ+тун, китеп+тин,өтүк+түн mail's, ball's, book's, shoe's
Ends with Third persons Possesive -ы,-сы and -ныкы -нын,-нун,-нин,-нүн мал+ы+нын, саат+ы+нын, бала+сы+нын, ини+си+нин, үй+ү+нүн, короо+су+нун, мектеп+тики+нин his animal's, his watch's, his child's, his brother's, his house's, his garden's, the school's's (e.g., the school's[ book]'s)

Dative, rules for suffixes

Rules surface form of -/GA/ Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels and Voiced Consonants -га,-го,-ге,-гө талаа+га, тоо+го,аскер+ге,көчө+гө,
to the field,to the mountain, to serve, to the girl,to the center, to the lake
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -ка,-ко,-ке,-кө таш+ка,от+ко,терек+ке,жүрөк+кө to the stone,to the fire,to the tree,to the heart
after 1st and 2nd person singular possessive suffixes -/(I)m/, -/(I)ŋ/ -а,-е,-о,-ө саат+ым+а,саат+ың+а,короо+м+о,короо+ң+о,мекте<б>+иң+е,
to my watch, to your watch,to my garden,to your garded,to your school,to my house
after possessive suffix -/nIKI/ or -/(s)I/ -на,-не,-нө (-но is impossible because of intervening /I/s) саат+тыкы+на,короо+нуку+на,короо+су+на,мекте<б>+и+не,үй+дүкү+нө,
to the watch's, to the garden's, to his/her garden, to his/her/its school, to the house's,
to the sister's, to his/her child, to his/her livestock, to his/her/their house, to his/her sister,to his/her book

Locative case

Rules surface form of -/DA/ Examples Gloss
Ends with a vowel or a voiced consonant -да,-до,-де,-дө талаа+да, тоо+до, аскер+де, көчө+дө,
кыз+да, борбор+до, көл+дө
in the field, on the mountain, in the army, ~at the girl, in the center, at the lake
Ends with an unvoiced consonant -та,-то,-те,-тө таш+та, от+то, терек+те, жүрөк+тө on the stone, in the fire, in the tree, in the heart
after possessive suffix -/nIKI/ or -/(s)I/ -нда,-нде,-ндө (-ндо is impossible because of intervening /I/s) саат+тыкы+нда,короо+нуку+нда,короо+су+нда,мекте<б>+и+нде,үй+дүкү+ндө,

Definite-accusative, Rules for suffixes

Rules surface forms of -/NI/ Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels -ны,-ну,-ни,нү парта+ны,кино+ну,терезе+ни,көчө+нү desk, cinema,window,street
Ends with Voiced Consonants -ды,-ду,-ди,-дү кыз+ды,кулун+ду,жер+ди,жүзүм+дү girl,colt,place,grape
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -ты,-ту,-ти,-тү бакыт+ты,куш+ту,китеп+ти,күрөк+тү happiness, bird, book, shovel
Ends with First and Second persons Possessive suffixes [this is the same as the voiced consonant rules and can be removed —JNW] -(д)ы,-(д)у,-(д)и,-(д)ү бала+м+ды,бала+ң+ды,уул+ум+ду,ките<б>+им+ди,үй+үм+дү my child,your child,my son,my book,my house
After third person -(s)I suffix or -NIKI possessive suffix бала+сы+н, уул+у+н, ките<б>+и+н, үй+ү+н; бала+ныкы+н, уул+дуку+н, китеп+тики+н, үй+дүкү+н his/her/its/their child, son, book, house

Ablative, Rules for suffixes

Rules surface forms of -/DAn/ Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels and Voiced Consonants -дан,-дон, -ден,-дөн алма+дан,тоо+дон,киши+ден,үй+дөн,кагаз+дан,герб+ден from apple,from mountain,from person,from house,from paper,
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -тан,-тон,-тен,-төн таш+тан,от+тон,терек+тен,өрт+төн,топ+тон from stone, from fire, from tree, from fire, from ball
Ends with First and Second persons singular Possessive suffixes -(д)ан, -(д)он, -(д)ен, -(д)өн бала+м+дан/бала+м+ан, короо+м+дон/короо+м+он, китеб+им+ден/китеб+им+ен, көчө+ң+өн/көчө+ң+дөн from my son, from my garden, from my book, from your street
Ends with Third persons Possesive -(s)I or -ныкы -нан, -нен, -нөн (-нон is impossible after /I/) мал+ы+нан, үй+ү+нөн, күзгү+сү+нөн, Керим+дики+нен, шаар+дыкы+нан, ата+сы+ныкы+нан from his animal, from his house, from his mirror's, from Kerim's, from the city's, from his father's


Postpositions used with nominative case nouns

  • менен "with"
  • сайын "every"
  • боюнча "according to, in accordance with"
  • иретинде "as a"
  • катары "as a"
  • мурун "ago"

Postpositions used with genitive case nouns

  • орд- "instead of"
  • орто- "between, in the middle of"
  • аст- "below, at the bottom of"
  • үст- "above, at the top of"
  • ич- "inside of"
  • сырт- "outside of"
  • түп- "in the bottom of"
  • арт- "behind, at the back of"
  • алд- "in front of"

Postpositions used with accusative case nouns

  • карай "towards"

Postpositions used with ablative case nouns

  • бери "since"
  • баштап "starting with/at/from"
  • кийин "after, in (with time)"
  • тышкары "besides, aside from, other than"

Postpositions used with dative case nouns

  • чейин "until"
  • байланыштуу "connected to/with, tied to"
  • карабастан "in spite of"
  • карата "depending on"

Postpositions used with certain nominal verb forms

  • менен
  • сайын
  • кийин
  • чейин
  • тышкары

Adjectival morphology

Adjectives in Kyrgyz language do not change with cases, possessions and with plural (-лар) suffix. It has 4 levels : 1. Normal 2. Comparative 3. Superlative 4. Weakening

Normal Level

1.кооз; Бишкекте кооз уйлор көп курулду.
2.саздуу,кара,көк,аккан Кара шибер, көк майсан, саздуу болот аккан суу.
3.жакшы; Энеси уулуна жакшы тарбия берген экен.


Built by adding -ыраак (-/(I)rAAK/) suffix

Examples :

  • кызыл+ыраак redder
  • таттуу+раак sweeter
  • жакшы+раак better
  • кең+ирээк wider
  • сары+раак yellower
  • тоголок+ураак rounder
  • соо+роок more sober
  • өзгөчө+рөөк more special

#Ablative case is used for "than", e.g.:

  • мен+ден чоң+ураак bigger than me


  1. Built by using following adverbs: эң,өтө,аябай,чымкый
    • эң жакшы "the best"
    • эң катуу "the hardest"
    • эң сары "the yellowest"
    this is often with possessive morphology after the adjective or the NP it's part of, corresponding roughly to definiteness (specifying what the known domain is) —JNW
      • бу+лар+дын эң чоң+у аныкы the biggest of these is his
      • бул алма+лар+дын эң сары+сы this is the yellowest of the apples
      • бул эң сары алма(+сы) this is the yellowest apple
  1. These aren't superlative, but similar
    • абдан кооз "really beautiful"
    • өтө сулуу "very handsome"
    • аябай ысык "extremely hot"
    • чылк семиз "very fat"
    • чымкый кызыл "very red"
    Typically in Apertium we categorise the "very, really, extremely" part as a separate POS preadv, which aids disambiguation -- e.g. a preadv is an adverb which cannot modify a verb on its own. -- Some can be both of course, but often leading to a different translation (e.g. (en) really<preadv> = (es) muy, (en) really<adv> = (es) verdaderamente) —FMT
  2. "extremetive" (?) adjectives
  3. Built by reduplication: the reduplicant is composed of all material through the first syllable nucleus of an adjective and ends with +/п/, prepended in front of the base
    • кара --> кап+кара as black as can be
    • сары --> сап+сары as yellow as can be
    • тоголок --> топ+тоголок as round as can be
    • ачуу --> ап+ачуу as spicy as can be
    • кызыл --> кып+кызыл as red as can be


Weakens the meaning of adjectives built by adding -ыш,-гыл,-ылжым,-илжын,-ылтыр,-гыч,-гылт,-гылтым,-ыңкы

These are almost entirely non-productive and can probably be ignored for morphological analysis —JNW
suffixes Example Gloss
-ыш ак -- агыш,көк -- көгүш little bit white,little bit blue
-гыл кир -- киргил little bit dirty
-ылжым,-илжын көк -- көгүлжүм,кара -- каралжым little bit blue, little bit black
-ылтыр көк -- көгүлтүр blueish
-гыч сары -- саргыч yellowish
-гылт сары -- саргылт,кызыл -- кызгылт yellowish, reddish
-гылтым кызыл -- кызгылтым reddish
-ыңкы азган -- азыңкы --


Aside from the derivation under #"Weakening", there is semi-productive derivation of adjectives from other parts of speech. This section will include some of them. Most of this morphology can probably be safely ignored as long as there's a certain amount of forms in the lexicon


This makes adjectives out of nouns; I don't think it's universally productive, but it's quite ubiquitous

  • бакыт "happiness", бактылуу "happy"
  • белги "sign, symbol", белгилүү "famous, well-known"
  • кыймыл "motion", кыймылдуу "moving"
  • күмөн "doubt", күмөдүү "questionable"
  • ийгилик "success", ийгиликтүү "successful"




This seems to be used productively with time words and locations to make attributive adjectives

  • бүгүн "today", бүгүнкү "today's"
  • былтыр "last year", былтыркы "last year's"
  • түн "night", түнкү "nighttime (adj.)"
  • үст+ү "top+<px3>", үстүнкү "upper"
  • аст+ы "bottom+<px3>", астынкы "lower"
  • сырт "outside", сырткы "outer"


Derives [usually abstract] nouns from nouns.

Numerals (Сан атооч)

Numerals in it's own state do not change with cases and with plural (-лар) suffix.
Built by following suffixes:

suffixes Example Gloss
-ынчы (-нчы) бир+инчи, жети+нчи,үч+үнчү first, seventh, third (ordinals)
-оо,-өө бир+өө,алт+оо,беш+өө one,six,five of them (supporting)
-ча отуз+ча,кырк+ча,жүз+чө approximateley thirty,forty,hundred (approximate)
-дай беш+тей,он+дой,кырк+тай,жүз+дөй almost five,ten,forty,hundred (approximate)
-лаган он+догон,жүз+дөгөн,миң+деген,кырк+таган tens of,hundreds of, thousands of, forties of
-лар ? эки+лер,уч+төр, он+дор ???

Verb Morphology

Verbs morphologically can be changed according to possessions, tenses, relation suffixes(мамиле мүчөөлөрү) and condition suffixes(ыңгай мүчөөлөрү). There are 4 types of verbs.

  1. Normal verbs : көгөрөт, окуйт, баалайт, жыгышты etc...
  2. Complex verbs : ойгонгусу келип турат, кете бермек екенмин, бара жаткан элем, шыбыраша башташкан экен, etc...
  3. main verbs : окуп, сүйлөп, ойноп, күлүп, кетип, уча, жазып. etc ...
  4. helping verbs : жатат, берди,атат,койду, калды, ийди, чыкты, etc ...




stem + (passive)? + (causative)? + ("reflexive")? + INFL


stem + (negative)? + non-finite suffix 
stem + (negative)? + finite suffix + person agreement

Present continuous Tense (учур чак)

1. Simple

suffixes examples gloss
-ууда жакшыр+ууда getting well,progressing
-а,-е(-й) оку+й+м,иште+й+м studying, working

2. Complех

suffixes examples gloss
-a бар+а жатат, he/she is going
-е(-й) сүйлө+й баштайт he is going to speak
-ып ырда+п жатат, иште+п жүрөт he is singing, he is working

Future Tense (Келер Чак)

1.Definite Future Tense {-а,-й + possessions }

suffixes examples gloss
-a бар+а+мын, бар+а+сың, бар+а+т I will go, you will go, he will go
оку+й+буз, оку+й+суң, оку+й+т, we will read, you will read,he will read

2.Not Definite Future tense {-ар + possessions }

suffixes examples gloss
-aр бар+ар+мын, бар+ар+сың, бар+ар, бар+ар+сыз, бар+ар+сыздар maybe i/you/he will go
-мак+ экен + possessions бар+мак экемин,бар+мак экенсиң, бар+мак экенсиз might go ? ? ?

Past Tense (Өткөн чак)

1.Definite past tense {-ды,ды + possessions + эле}

suffixes examples gloss
-ды + possession бар+ды,ал+ды+м,оку+ду+ң,кел+ди+ңиз he went, i took, you read, you came
-ды + possessions + эле бар+ды эле,ал+ды+м эле,оку+ду+ң эле,кел+ди+ңиз эле he went, i took, you read, you came

2.Accidental past tense (капыскы өткөн чак) {-ып,ып + тыр + possessions}

suffixes examples gloss
-ып+possessions бар+ып+мын,бар+ып+сыз ? ? ?
ып + тыр + possessions бар+ып+тыр+мын, бар+ып+тыр+сыңар ? ? ? ?

3.General Past Tense (Жалпы) {-ган+possessions}

suffixes examples gloss
-ган+possessions бар+ган,бар+га(м), бар+ган+сың he went,i went, you went

4.Habit past tense (Адат) {-чу + possessions}

suffixes examples gloss
-чу + possessions бар+чу, кел+чү, жаз+чу+мун,оку+чу+суң, ойно+чу+суз he/she/i/you regularly went,came,wrote,read,played