Monolingual packages

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Revision as of 13:39, 9 July 2020 by Francis Tyers (talk | contribs)
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Source files

Compiled files

Supported modes

Monolingual packages are likely to have some of the following modes:


$ echo "Xukʼut le Kʼicheʼ chʼabʼal le al Nela chqawach."  | apertium -n -d . quc-morph
^Xukʼut/<perf><o_sg3><s_sg3>kʼut<v><tv>$ ^le/le<det>/le<prn><rel>$ ^Kʼicheʼ/kʼicheʼ<adj>/kʼicheʼ<n>$ 
^chʼabʼal/chʼabʼal<n>$ ^le/le<det>/le<prn><rel>$ ^al/ali<clf><f>/al<adj>$ ^Nela/Nela<np><ant><f>$ 


In Apertium format
$ echo "Xukʼut le Kʼicheʼ chʼabʼal le al Nela chqawach."  | apertium -n -d . quc-tagger
^kʼut<v><tv><perf><o_sg3><s_sg3>$ ^le<det>$ ^kʼicheʼ<adj>$ 
^chʼabʼal<n>$ ^le<det>$ ^ali<clf><f>$ ^Nela<np><ant><f>$ 
In CG format
$ echo "Xukʼut le Kʼicheʼ chʼabʼal le al Nela chqawach."  | apertium -n -d . quc-disam
	"kʼut" v tv perf o_sg3 s_sg3
	"le" det
;	"le" prn rel REMOVE:195
	"kʼicheʼ" adj SELECT:97
;	"kʼicheʼ" n SELECT:97
	"chʼabʼal" n
	"le" det
;	"le" prn rel REMOVE:195
	"ali" clf f SELECT:99
;	"al" adj SELECT:99
	"Nela" np ant f
	"chi" pr
		"wach" n rel px1pl
	"." sent


$ echo "Xukʼut le Kʼicheʼ chʼabʼal le al Nela chqawach."  | apertium -n -d . quc-segment
^Xukʼut/X>u>kʼut$ ^le/le$ ^Kʼicheʼ/kʼicheʼ$ 
^chʼabʼal/chʼabal/chʼabʼal$ ^le/le$ ^al/al/ali$ ^Nela/Nela$ 


$ echo "Xukʼut le Kʼicheʼ chʼabʼal le al Nela chqawach."  | apertium -n -d . quc-phon
^Xukʼut/ʃukʼutʰ$ ^le/le$ ^Kʼicheʼ/kʼitʃʰeʔ$ 
^chʼabʼal/tʃʼaɓal$ ^le/le$ ^al/al$ ^Nela/nela$ 