Matxin New Language Pair HOWTO

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This page describes the process of creating a new language pair with Matxin, a dependency-based machine translation system.


There are a number of ways analysis can be done in Matxin, the Spanish to Basque system uses FreeLing, while the English to Basqu system uses a wrapper around the Stanford parser. In this tutorial we're going to be using Constraint Grammar to do dependency parsing of pre-disambiguated sentences. Writing a morphological analyser and morphological disambiguator is out of the scope of this HOWTO, but for more information, check out the following pages:

So, let's assume that you've been through those tutorials and have a morphological analyser capable of analysing and disambiguating sentences in Turkish. You'll give it a sentence like "Dün benim için aldığın birayı içeceğim." and get some output like:

^Dün/dün<adv>$ ^benim/ben<prn><pers><p1><sg><gen>$ ^için/için<post>$ ^aldığın/al<v><tv><gpr_past><px2sg>$ 
^birayı/bira<n><acc>$ ^içeceğim/iç<v><tv><fut><p1><sg>$^./.<sent>$


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See also