
From Apertium
Revision as of 12:16, 3 March 2008 by Francis Tyers (talk | contribs)
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Matxin is a free software machine translation engine related to Apertium. It allows for deeper transfer than can be found in Apertium. Although it currently only supports latin1 character set. The linguistic data available under a free-licence is a fraction of the data that is used in the papers and descriptions of the subject, so naturally the translations from the pair will be less good than you can find results in the paper.


If you're installing into a prefix, you'll need to set two environment variables: CPPFLAGS=-I<prefix>/include LDFLAGS=-L<prefix>/lib ./configure --prefix=<prefix>


$ cvs login
$ cvs -z3 co -P matxin

First comment out the deformatters in the as they don't build properly.

Then do:

$ aclocal; automake -a; autoconf
$ LTTOOLBOX_DIR=/home/fran/svnroot/local/unstable/ LDFLAGS="-L/home/fran/local/lib -L/usr/lib" 
CPPFLAGS="-I/home/fran/local/include" ./configure --prefix=/home/fran/local/

You will probably need to fix a few things in the file: src/Makefile to get it to build, for example add:

DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I/usr/include/libxml2
CPPFLAGS = -I<prefix>/include/lttoolbox-2.0 -I<prefix>/include


$ export MATXIN_DIR=<prefix>
$ echo "Esto es una prueba" |  \
./Analyzer -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./LT -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./ST_inter --inter 1 -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./ST_prep -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./ST_inter --inter 2 -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./ST_verb   -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg  | \
./ST_inter --inter 3 -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./SG_inter -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./SG_intra -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \
./MG -f $MATXIN_DIR/share/matxin/config.cfg | \

Hau prueba bat da
