Kazakh and Tatar/TODO

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General TODO

See Kazakh and Tatar/Work_plan and Kazakh and Tatar/Remaining unanalysed forms

  1. 0 itself and numbers containing it aren't analyzed (in both directions)
  2. Declination of Tatar nouns ending with -и.
  3. A separate cont.class for verbs which have causative forms ending with -дыр/-дер
  4. A "location-cases" cont. classes for some of the postpositions and location adverbs (e.g. "бире")

Phonology-related stuff

Might be twol, might not be, but JNW needs to go through this stuff and figure out the issues.


  • Current: ^миллион<num><subst><dat>$ --> миллионге Should be: ^миллион<num><subst><dat>$ --> миллионға
  • Current: ^сөйле<v><tv><coop><ger_past><loc>$ --> сөйлесгенде Should be: ^сөйле<v><tv><coop><ger_past><loc>$ --> сөйлескенде
  • Kazakh: ^ойна<v><tv><ifi><p1><pl>$ --> ойнадык Should be: ойнадыҚ
  • *жатқандығын
  • безнекенеме (accusative case before clitics); безнекенгәме
  • *журналистерді - *журналистеріне - *журналистерді
    • something like т:0 <=> :с/:0 _ %{L%}:/:0 (r40597)
  • (kaz) *Назарбаевтың (r40594)
  • АКШ-*тың НАТО-*ның
This is a problem with lexc, not twol —Firespeaker 06:15, 20 August 2012 (UTC)
  • (kaz) *организмдер / организм<n><pl><nom> = организмдар (r40597)
  • (kaz) процесс, процесі/процессі, процесінің/процессінің
  • (kaz) автомобиль<n><attr>, *автомобильдер // автомобиль<n><pl><nom> = автомобильлер
As far as I can tell, автомобильдер is the most common form. The form автомобилдер also seems to be used, but doesn't look super formal, and автомобильлер seems to only be attested in "Kazakh" because Nissan seems to like to write in Noğay for its Kazakh-speaking audience. —Firespeaker 06:10, 20 August 2012 (UTC)
The thing is that the form we are generating is автомобильлер. - Francis Tyers 07:08, 20 August 2012 (UTC) (r40704)
  • ^организмге/*организмге$ *организмнің *организмнен (r40705)
  • *тарихынан *тарихы ... (≤r40705)
  • Currently: ^Исраил<np><ant><m><gen>/Исраилдың$ and ^Исраил<np><ant><m><dat>/Исраилға$ Correct forms are Исраилдің and Исраилге respectively
  • Currently: ^Иерусалим<np><top><dat>/Иерусалимға$, Иерусалимдағы and Иерусалимның. Correct forms are Иерусалимге, Иерусалимдегі and Иерусалимнең respectively. In short, make them take front vowel affixes!
  • ^құқын/*құқын$ <-- ^құқ<n><px3sp><acc>$ Currently generated form is "құғын". Final consonant remains voiceles in intervocalic position.
Currently generated form(s) Unanalyzed (correct) form(s) Comments
  1. ^жиіліп/жи<v><tv><pass><gna_perf>/жи<v><tv><pass><prc_perf>$
  2. жиіп/жи<v><tv><gna_perf>/жи<v><tv><prc_perf>$
  3. ^жиу/жи<v><tv><ger><nom>$
  1. 35 *жиылып
  2. 58 *жиып
  3. жию
Added in lexc as жи:жи V-TV ; ! "". Tried to change it to жи:жи%{й%} V-TV ; ! "" — makes жиып work, but doesn't affect the gerund form. Not quite the right thing.


  1. (tat) generates укыу
  2. (tat) generates айендә
  3. Deletion of soft sign "ь" before vowels in Tatar (see comments at the end of the apertium-tat/apertium-tat.tat.twol file)
  4. (tat) *аенда, generating музейе instead of correct музее
  5. apertium-tat$ echo "^йөр<v><iv><gpr_impf>$" | hfst-proc -g tat.autogen.hfst >> йөрә торган
  6. ^хокукын/*хокукын$ <-- ^хокукын<n><px3sp><acc>$ See ^құқын/*құқын$ issue above.


International vocabulary

*терроризмге  *массивіндегі  *террорлық *Факті  
*кодекстің *терроризмге  *Полицейлер *журналистерді  «*АНТИТЕРРОРЛЫҚ » 
*полицейлер  *антитеррорлық   *режим   *полицейлер   *журналистерді   
*автоматты  *автобустар   *полицейлер   *журналистеріне  *сайттың   

*технологиялар *компьютер  *мобильді *техникаларға *интернет *объектілерін 
*радиациялық   *сантехник *проблемасы *веб-*сайттар *позитивті *алгебра


*иммиграциялық *дипломатиялық *стратегиялық 


Proper nouns


Discuss first

  1. There is only one formal form (<frm>) in Tatar, which can be both sg and plural. But in Kazakh there are two forms. Should I pretend as if in Tatar it *were* the same and duplicate the same form with a different tag or should I handle it in transfer?
  2. Consider турындагы - should it still be tagged as postposition?
  3. How to handle verbs with inner inflection (sometimes a Kazakh verb is translated with a multiword and vice versa. E.g. әуреле > башын әйләндер)

Part-of-speech related TODO's and DONE's can be found here:

To run tests, use aq-regtest utility from Apertium-quality tools. E.g.

aq-regtest -d . kaz-tat http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Special:Export/Kazakh_and_Tatar/Postadvebs


But keep an eye on this
  • Numerals
    • kaz <num><subst>(<px3>) in fractions[1] = tat <num><subst>(<px3>)
    • kaz <num><coll><advl> = tat <num><coll>
    • kaz <num><coll><subst> = tat <num><subst>


  1. Currently whether it is in fractions or not is not taken into account

See also