Ideas for Google Summer of Code/Sliding-window part-of-speech tagger

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The idea is to implement the unsupervised part-of-speech tagger ( as a drop-in replacement for the current hidden-Markov-model tagger. It should have support for unknown words, and also for "forbid" descriptions (not described in the paper). The tagger has a very intuitive interpretation (believe me, even if you find the maths a bit daunting). I am available for questions (I invented the tagger, I should be able to remember!).


Coding challenge

Write a filter that reads in the output of Apertium morphological analyser and writes out at random one of the lexical form for each surface form in a new format, respecting superblanks.

The new format would convert things as follows:

^I/I<num><mf><sg>/I<prn><subj><p1><mf><sg>$ ^have/have<vbhaver><inf>/have<vbhaver><pres>/have<vblex><inf>/have<vblex><pres>$ ^a/a<det><ind><sg>$ ^saw/saw<n><sg>/saw<vblex><inf>/saw<vblex><pres>/see<vblex><past>$^../..<sent>$

To, for instance:  have.vbhaver.inf ..sent

Frequently asked questions

See also