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Revision as of 08:14, 15 October 2009 by (talk) (Sjur: Updating the compilation instructions.)
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hfst is the Helsinki finite-state toolkit. This is formalism-compatible with both lexc and twolc, so, kind of like foma is to xfst.


  • automake, autoconf, libtool


Subversion checkout

"MacOS X note: you need XCode installed on your Mac. It came with your computer, and can be downloaded from Apple (registration required)"
"MacOS X bug: presently there is a bug that prevents autoconf to do its job in hfst-lexc: possibly undefined macro: AM_GNU_GETTEXT & AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION"
$ svn co https://hfst.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hfst/trunk hfst 
$ cd hfst/
$ aclocal
$ automake -a 
$ autoconf
$ cd hfst2
$ aclocal ; libtoolize ; autoheader ; automake -a ; autoconf
$ cd ../hfst-tools
$ aclocal ; libtoolize ; autoheader ; automake -a ; autoconf
$ cd hfst-lexc/
$ aclocal ; libtoolize ; autoheader ; automake -a ; autoconf
$ touch config-aux/config.rpath
$ aclocal ; libtoolize ; autoheader ; automake -a ; autoconf
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/fran/local/
$ cd ..
$ cd hfst-twolc/
$ aclocal ; libtoolize ; autoheader ; automake -a ; autoconf
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/fran/local/
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/fran/local/
$ make
$ sudo make install

Prepackaged tarball

Download the latest version from [1], and unzip. Then follow the instructions in the README file, i.e.:

$ cd hfst-2.0/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


$ svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/st/fao
$ cd fao


INTERNAL ERROR: recursive push_string!
a88-112-58-139:hfst2 sjur$ aclocal
/Developer/usr/bin/gm4: INTERNAL ERROR: recursive push_string!
autom4te: /Developer/usr/bin/gm4 failed with exit status: 1
aclocal: /Developer/usr/bin/autom4te failed with exit status: 1

Edit the file hfst/configure.ac and add an extra newline after the final AC_OUTPUT

External links