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Archimedes of Syracuse was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist and engineer. Although little is known of his
Archimedes of Syracuse was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist and
life, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. In addition to making discoveries in
engineer. Although little is known of his life, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists
the fields of mathematics and geometry, he is credited with producing machines that were well ahead of their time.
in classical antiquity. In addition to making discoveries in the fields of mathematics and geometry, he is
credited with producing machines that were well ahead of their time.
He laid the foundations of hydrostatics, and explained the principle of the lever, the device on which mechanics
He laid the foundations of hydrostatics, and explained the principle of the lever, the device
is based. His early advances in calculus included the first known summation of an infinite series with a method
on which mechanics is based. His early advances in calculus included the first known
that is still used today. The historians of Ancient Rome showed a strong interest in Archimedes and wrote accounts
summation of an infinite series with a method that is still used today. The historians of Ancient Rome
showed a strong interest in Archimedes and wrote accounts of his life and works, while the relatively
of his life and works, while the relatively few copies of his treatises that survived through the Middle Ages were
an influential source of ideas for scientists during the Renaissance.
few copies of his treatises that survived through the Middle Ages were an influential source of ideas for
scientists during the Renaissance.
The death of Archimedes occurred during the Siege of Syracuse, when he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders
that he should not be harmed. Carl Friedrich Gauss is said to have remarked that Archimedes was one of the three
epoch-making mathematicians, with the others being Sir Isaac Newton and Ferdinand Eisenstein.

Revision as of 12:59, 22 August 2007

The main article for this is Afrikaans to English.


Date: 22:57, 17 August 2007 (BST)

Archimedes of Syracuse was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist and 
engineer. Although little is known of his life, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists 
in classical antiquity. In addition to making discoveries in the fields of mathematics and geometry, he is 
credited with producing machines that were well ahead of their time. 

He laid the foundations of hydrostatics, and explained the principle of the lever, the device 
on which mechanics is based. His early advances in calculus included the first known 
summation of an infinite series with a method that is still used today. The historians of Ancient Rome 
showed a strong interest in Archimedes and wrote accounts of his life and works, while the relatively 
few copies of his treatises that survived through the Middle Ages were an influential source of ideas for 
scientists during the Renaissance.
'''Archimedes van Syracuse''' was ’n antiek Griekse wiskundige, fisikus en 
ingenieur. Alhoewel min is ken van sy lewe, hy is aansien as een van die leidende wetenskaplikes 
in klassieke oudheid. Benewens maak ontdekkings in die veld van wiskunde en meetkunde, hy is 
krediteer met produseer masjiene dat was voor van hul tyd.

Hy het gelê die fondamente van hidrostatika, en verklaar die beginsel van die hefboom, die toestel 
waarop werktuigkundiges is gebaseer. Sy vroeg naderkoms in analise sluit die eerste bekende 
samevatting van ’n oneindige reeks met ’n metode dat is nog gebruik vandag. Die geskiedkundiges 
van Antieke Rome toon ’n sterke belangstelling in Archimedes en skryf rekeninge van sy lewe en 
werk, terwyl die relatief min kopieë van sy verhandelings dat oorlewe deur die Middel Ouderdomme 
was ’n invloedryke bron van idees vir wetenskaplikes tydens die Renaissance.
'''Archimedes van Syracuse''' was ’n antieke Griekse wiskundige, fisikus en 
ingenieur. Alhoewel min oor sy lewe bekend is, word hy beskou as een van die leidende wetenskaplikes 
in die klassieke oudheid. Benewens sy ontdekkings in die veld van wiskunde en meetkunde, word hy 
ook gekrediteer met die produsering van masjiene wat hul tyd vooruit was.

Hy het die fondamente van hidrostatika gelê en die beginsel van die hefboom verklaar, die toestel 
waarop meganika gebaseer is. Sy vroeë vorderings in kalkulus sluit in die eerste bekende samevatting 
van ’n oneindige reeks, met ’n metode wat vandag gebruik word. Die geskiedkundiges van Antieke Rome 
het ’n sterk belangstelling in Archimedes getoon en verslae van sy lewe en werk geskryf, terwyl die 
relatief min kopieë van sy verhandelings wat deur die Middeleeue oorleef het ’n invloedryke bron 
van idees was vir wetenskaplikes tydens die Renaissance.


Date: 13:51, 22 August 2007 (BST)

Afghanistan is a culturally mixed nation, between the East and the West, and has been ancient focal 
point of trade and migration. It has an important geostrategical location, connecting South Asia, Central Asia and
Middle East together. During its long history, the land has seen various invaders and conquerors, while on the 
other hand, local entities invaded the surrounding vast regions to form empires to themselves. Ahmad Shah Durrani 
created a large empire in the middle of the eighteenth century, with its capital at Kandahar. Subsequently, most of
its territories were given to former neighboring countries. In the 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state 
in "The Great Game" played between the British Empire and Russian Empire. On 19 August, 1919, following the third 
Anglo-Afghan war, the country regained full independence from the United Kingdom over its foreign affairs.
Afghanistan is ’n kultureel gemengde nasie, tussen die Oost en die West, en hê het gewees antieke middelpunt van 
handel en migrasie. Dit hê ’n belangrik geostrategiese lokasie, verbind Suid Asië, Sentrale Asië en Midde-Ooste 
saam. Tydens sy lang geskiedenis, die land hê het gesien verskeie indringers en verowerare, terwyl aan die ander 
kant, plaaslike entiteite invaded die omliggende uitgestrek streke na vorm ryke na hulleself. Ahmad Shah Durrani 
skep ’n groot ryk in die middel van die agtiende eeu, met sy hoofstad by Kandahar. Vervolgens, meeste van sy 
gebiede was gee na voormalige nabygeleë lande. In die 19th eeu, Afganistan word ’n bufferstaat in Die Groot 
Wedstryd het gespeel tussen die Britse Ryk en Russiese Ryk. Op 19 Augustus, 1919, volg die derde Anglo-Afghan 
oorlog, die land herwin vol onafhanklikheid uit die Verenigde Koninkryk oor sy uitlandse sake.