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A more efficient one would match LRLM based on the SL contexts.
;Optimal application
We're interested in the longest match, but not left to right, so what we do is make an automata of the rule contexts, and we read through them, each state is an LU, It needs to be non-deterministic, and you keep a log of alive paths/states, but also their "weight" (how many transitions have been made) -- the longest is the winner.
==Writing and generating rules==
==Writing and generating rules==

Revision as of 11:57, 5 October 2011

Lexical transfer

This is the output of lt-proc -b on an ambiguous bilingual dictionary.

[74306] ^El<det><def><f><sg>/The<det><def><f><sg>$ 
^estació<n><f><sg>/season<n><sg>/station<n><sg>$ ^més<preadv>/more<preadv>$ ^plujós<adj><f><sg>/rainy<adj><sint><f><sg>$ 
^ser<vbser><pri><p3><sg>/be<vbser><pri><p3><sg>$ ^el<det><def><f><sg>/the<det><def><f><sg>$ 
^tardor<n><f><sg>/autumn<n><sg>/fall<n><sg>$^,<cm>/,<cm>$ ^i<cnjcoo>/and<cnjcoo>$ ^el<det><def><f><sg>/the<det><def><f><sg>$ 
^més<preadv>/more<preadv>$ ^sec<adj><f><sg>/dry<adj><sint><f><sg>$ ^el<det><def><m><sg>/the<det><def><m><sg>$ 

The module requires VM for transfer, or another apertium transfer implementation without lexical transfer in order to work.

Rule format

A rule is made up of:

  • An action (select, remove)
  • A "centre" (the source language token that will be treated)
  • A target language pattern on which the action takes place
  • A source language context


s	("estació" n)	("season" n)	(1 "plujós")
s	("estació" n)	("season" n)	(2 "plujós")
s	("estació" n)	("season" n)	(1 "de") (3 "any")
s	("estació" n)	("station" n)	(1 "de") (3 "Línia")
s	("prova" n)	("evidence" n)	(1 "arqueològic")
s	("prova" n)	("test" n)	(1 "estadístic")
s	("prova" n)	("event" n)	(-3 "guanyador") (-2 "de") 
s	("prova" n)	("testing" n)	(-2 "tècnica") (-1 "de") 
s	("joc" n)	("game" n)	(1 "olímpic")
s	("joc" n)	("set" n)	(1 "de") (2 "caràcter")
r	("pista" n)	("hint" n)	(1 "més") (2 "llarg")
r	("pista" n)	("clue" n)	(1 "més") (2 "llarg")
r	("motiu" n)	("motif" n)	(-1 "aquest") (-2 "per")
s	("carn" n)	("flesh" n)	(1 "i") (2 "os")
s	("sobre" pr)	("over" n)	(-1 "victòria")
s       ("dona" n)      ("wife" n)      (-1 "*" det pos)
s       ("dona" n)      ("wife" n)      (-1 "el") (1 "de")
s       ("dona" n)      ("woman" n)     (1 "de") (2 "*" det pos) (3 "somni")
r       ("patró n)      ("pattern" n)   (1 "*" np ant)


$ cat /tmp/test | python apertium-lex-rules.py rules.txt 2>/dev/null
^estació<n><f><sg>/season<n><sg>$ ^més<preadv>/more<preadv>$ ^plujós<adj><f><sg>/rainy<adj><sint><f><sg>$ 
^ser<vbser><pri><p3><sg>/be<vbser><pri><p3><sg>$ ^el<det><def><f><sg>/the<det><def><f><sg>$ 
^tardor<n><f><sg>/autumn<n><sg>/fall<n><sg>$^,<cm>/,<cm>$ ^i<cnjcoo>/and<cnjcoo>$ ^el<det><def><f><sg>/the<det><def><f><sg>$ 
^més<preadv>/more<preadv>$ ^sec<adj><f><sg>/dry<adj><sint><f><sg>$ ^el<det><def><m><sg>/the<det><def><m><sg>$ 
^estiu<n><m><sg>/summer<n><sg>$ ^.<sent>/.<sent>$ 
With rules
$ cat /tmp/test | python apertium-lex-rules.py rules.txt | apertium-vm -c ca-en.t1x.vmb | apertium-vm -c ca-en.t2x.vmb |\
   apertium-vm -c ca-en.t3x.vmb | lt-proc -g ca-en.autogen.bin

rainiest season 
is the 
autumn, and the 
driest the 
With bilingual dictionary defaults
$ cat /tmp/test | apertium-lex-defaults ca-en.autoldx.bin | apertium-vm -c ca-en.t1x.vmb | apertium-vm -c ca-en.t2x.vmb |\
   apertium-vm -c ca-en.t3x.vmb | lt-proc -g ca-en.autogen.bin

rainiest station 
is the 
autumn, and the 
driest the 


Rule application process

The following is an inefficient implementation of the rule application process:

# s	("prova" n)	("event" n)	(-3 "guanyador") (-2 "de") 
# tipus = "select";
# centre = "^prova<n>.*"
# tl_patro = ["^event<n>.*"]
# sl_patro = {-3: "^guanyador<", -2: "^de<"}

CLASS Rule: 
        tipus = enum('select', 'remove')
        centre = '';
        tl_patro = [];
        sl_patro = {};

rule_table = {}; # e.g. rule_table["estació"] = [rule1, rule2, rule3];
i = 0

DEFINE ApplyRule(rule, lu): 

    FOREACH target IN lu.tl: 
        SWITCH rule.tipus:
                 IF target NOT IN rule.tl_patro:
                     DELETE target
                 IF target IN rule.tl_patro:
                     DELETE target

FOREACH pair(sl, tl) IN sentence:
    FOREACH centre IN rule_table: 

        IF centre IN sl: 

            FOREACH rule IN rule_table[centre]: 

                matched = False   

                FOREACH context_item IN rule_table[centre][rule]: 

                  IF context_item in sentence: 
                      matched = True
                      matched = False
                # If all of the context items have matched, and none of them have not matched
                # if a rule matches break and continue to the pair. 
                IF matched == True:
                      sentence[i] = ApplyRule(rule_table[centre][rule], sentence[i])

    i = i + 1

Optimal application

We're interested in the longest match, but not left to right, so what we do is make an automata of the rule contexts, and we read through them, each state is an LU, It needs to be non-deterministic, and you keep a log of alive paths/states, but also their "weight" (how many transitions have been made) -- the longest is the winner.

Writing and generating rules

See also