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[[Fragmentation|En français]]

==Shallow transfer ==
Shallow transfer means there is no parse trees (which are used in "deep transfer").
But then how is reordering of the phrase then going to happen?

By chunking (in three-stages): First we reorder words in the chunk, then we reorder chunks.
* first, we match phrase patterns, like adj+noun or adj+adj+noun
* from these, we make a 'pseudo lemma', with a tag containing the type - normally 'SN' (noun phrase) or SV (verb phrase)
* then, we translate based on these pseudo words breaking the language down to its bare essentials, basically

==Chunking explained==
Our rules are based on the source language patterns; we need to use
chunking for f.ex. English-Esperanto, so the first task is to identify those
the man sees the girl
jacobn> But really I have a big problem about all this "shallow transfer".

<spectie> shallow transfer = no parse trees
SN(the man) SV(sees) SN(the girl)
<spectie> basically
<jimregan2> yep
<jacobn> HOW is reordering of the phrase then going to happen!!
jimregan2> we use chunking

(Normally, in English those are 'NP' and 'VP' for 'noun phrase' and
<jimregan2> first we reorder words in the chunk, then we reorder chunks
'verb phrase' respectively, but we'll stick to the established
convention in apertium)

Two rules are needed to make those chunks: further chunking rules can
<jacobn> Pls tell me 'bout it or point to a web page
match 'the tall man' 'my favourite Spanish friend' 'the prettiest
<jimregan2> um
Polish girl' etc. as SN; 'was going', 'had been going', 'must have
<jimregan2> it's easy enough
been going' as SV. We first consider these patterns separately, but
<jimregan2> first, we match phrase patterns
tag the chunks with whatever information will be useful later.
<jimregan2> adj+noun
<jimregan2> adj+adj+noun
<jimregan2> from these, we make a 'pseudo lemma', with a tag containing the type - normally 'SN' (noun phrase) or SV (verb phrase)
<jimregan2> then, we translate based on these pseudo words
<jimregan2> breaking the language down to its bare essentials, basically
<jimregan2> at the moment, I'm taking the 'hard wired' parts of the english to spanish chunker, and adapting it for french
<jimregan2> changing 'más' to 'plus' in a macro, etc.

So the chunks are normally given a 'pseudo lemma' that matches the
<spectie> but the chunks cannot be recursive
pattern that matched them ('the man', 'my friend' will be put in a
chunk called 'det_nom', etc.), the first tag added is the phrase type;
after that, tags that are needed in the next set of rules.
Essentially, we're treating phrase chunks in the same way that the
morphological analyser treats lexemes ('surface forms').

So, taking 'big cat', we would get:
^adj_nom<SN><sg><CD>{^granda<ad><2><3>$ ^kato<n><2><3>$}$

The numbers in the lemma tags (here <2><3>) mean 'take the information from chunk
tag number #'. CD means 'Case to be Determined (it's not fully
established, as GD and ND are, but it's the logical one to use).

So, with a simple SN SV SN, we can have a rule that outputs the same
things in the same order, but changes the 'CD' of SN number 1 to
'nom', and of SN number 2 to 'acc'.

I saw a signal

becomes after tagger disambiguation

which is transfered and chunked into

and transformed by rule SN SV SN<nom> -> SN SV SN<acc>
Note how the chunk has now tags nom<SN><sg><acc> and therefore ^signalo<n><2><3><4>$ gets these tags when unchunking:

==See also==
==See also==
* [[Chunking: A full example]]
* [[Apertium stream format#Chunks]]
* [[Apertium stream format#Chunks]]
* [[Preparing to use apertium-transfer-tools]]
* [[Preparing to use apertium-transfer-tools]]
* [[English and Esperanto]]

==External links==
==External links==
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(computational_linguistics) wikipedia]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(computational_linguistics) wikipedia]
* [http://nltk.org/doc/en/chunk.html Chunking] (Natural Language Toolkit)
* [http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/book/ch07.html Chunking] (Natural Language Toolkit)
* [http://crfchunker.sourceforge.net/ CRFChunker] (Conditional Random Fields English Phrase Chunker)
* [http://crfchunker.sourceforge.net/ CRFChunker] (Conditional Random Fields English Phrase Chunker)
* [http://jtextpro.sourceforge.net/ JTextPro] (A Java-based Text Processing Toolkit)
* [http://jtextpro.sourceforge.net/ JTextPro] (A Java-based Text Processing Toolkit)

[[Category:Writing transfer rules]]
[[Category:Documentation in English]]

Latest revision as of 06:55, 8 October 2014

En français

Shallow transfer[edit]

Shallow transfer means there is no parse trees (which are used in "deep transfer"). But then how is reordering of the phrase then going to happen?

By chunking (in three-stages): First we reorder words in the chunk, then we reorder chunks.

  • first, we match phrase patterns, like adj+noun or adj+adj+noun
  • from these, we make a 'pseudo lemma', with a tag containing the type - normally 'SN' (noun phrase) or SV (verb phrase)
  • then, we translate based on these pseudo words breaking the language down to its bare essentials, basically

Chunking explained[edit]

Our rules are based on the source language patterns; we need to use chunking for f.ex. English-Esperanto, so the first task is to identify those patterns.

the man sees the girl


SN(the man) SV(sees) SN(the girl)

(Normally, in English those are 'NP' and 'VP' for 'noun phrase' and 'verb phrase' respectively, but we'll stick to the established convention in apertium)

Two rules are needed to make those chunks: further chunking rules can match 'the tall man' 'my favourite Spanish friend' 'the prettiest Polish girl' etc. as SN; 'was going', 'had been going', 'must have been going' as SV. We first consider these patterns separately, but tag the chunks with whatever information will be useful later.

So the chunks are normally given a 'pseudo lemma' that matches the pattern that matched them ('the man', 'my friend' will be put in a chunk called 'det_nom', etc.), the first tag added is the phrase type; after that, tags that are needed in the next set of rules. Essentially, we're treating phrase chunks in the same way that the morphological analyser treats lexemes ('surface forms').

So, taking 'big cat', we would get:

^adj_nom<SN><sg><CD>{^granda<ad><2><3>$ ^kato<n><2><3>$}$

The numbers in the lemma tags (here <2><3>) mean 'take the information from chunk tag number #'. CD means 'Case to be Determined (it's not fully established, as GD and ND are, but it's the logical one to use).

So, with a simple SN SV SN, we can have a rule that outputs the same things in the same order, but changes the 'CD' of SN number 1 to 'nom', and of SN number 2 to 'acc'.


I saw a signal

becomes after tagger disambiguation


which is transfered and chunked into


and transformed by rule SN SV SN<nom> -> SN SV SN<acc>


Note how the chunk has now tags nom<SN><sg><acc> and therefore ^signalo<n><2><3><4>$ gets these tags when unchunking:


See also[edit]

External links[edit]