Difference between revisions of "Automatically generating compound bidix entries"

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So, in order to try and sift out the good compounds from the bad, we can try and translate them and rank them with a language model.
So, in order to try and sift out the good compounds from the bad, we can try and translate them and rank them with a language model.
$ wc -l unk.1line.txt
48248 unk.1line.txt
Run the file you just made through the rest of the pipeline:
$ cat unk.1line.txt | sed 's/$/^.<sent>$/g' | /home/fran/local/bin/apertium-pretransfer|\
apertium-transfer /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t1x /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t1x.bin /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.autobil.bin |\
apertium-interchunk /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t2x /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t2x.bin |\
apertium-interchunk /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t3x /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t3x.bin |\
apertium-postchunk /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t4x /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t4x.bin |\
lt-proc -g /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.autogen.bin |\
lt-proc -p /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.autopgen.bin > unk.trans.txt

Revision as of 13:58, 9 March 2010

Likely compound wordlist

Ideas: Remove words that have >1 capital letter, remove words with < 7 letters.

$ tail unk.is.txt 

Decompound them with lttoolbox

$ cat dev/unk.is.txt | apertium-destxt | lt-proc -e is-en.cmpd.bin | apertium-retxt  > dev/unk.a.txt

Note: If you are using regular expressions (e.g. in is-en for proper name recognition) it might be an idea to disable these as sometimes they mess up formatting.

Check to see you get the same number of lines:

$ wc -l unk.*
  17181 unk.a.txt
  17181 unk.is.txt
  34362 total

Remove words which still don't have analyses

$ paste unk.is.txt unk.a.txt  | grep -v '*' > unk.is-a.txt

Generate correspondences

Between original surface form and analyses:

$ cat > correspondence.sh
for i in `cat $1 | sed 's/\t/;/g' | sed 's/ /_/g'`; do 
        surface=`echo $i | cut -f1 -d';'`;
        analyses=`echo $i | sed 's/\$//g'| cut -f2 -d';' | cut -f2- -d'/' | sed 's/\^//g' | sed 's/\$//g' | sed 's/$//g'`;
        for j in `echo $analyses | sed 's/\//\n/g'`; do
                echo $j | grep '\$' > /dev/null
                if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
                        echo -e "["$surface"].[]\t^"$j"\$";
                        echo -e "["$surface"].[]\t^"$j;

$ sh correspondence.sh unk.is-a.txt > unk.1line.txt

As we are considering all possible examples there will be many bad analyses along with good ones:

Good "bardagaíþróttir" = "combat sports":

[bardagaíþróttir].[]	^bardagi<n><m><sg><gen><def>+íþrótt<n><f><pl><nom><ind>$

Bad: "bikarmeistara" != "tar master":

[bikarmeistara].[]	^bika<vblex><actv><pri><p3><sg>+meistari<n><m><sg><acc><ind>$

So, in order to try and sift out the good compounds from the bad, we can try and translate them and rank them with a language model.

$ wc -l unk.1line.txt 
48248 unk.1line.txt


Run the file you just made through the rest of the pipeline:

$ cat unk.1line.txt | sed 's/$/^.<sent>$/g' | /home/fran/local/bin/apertium-pretransfer|\
  apertium-transfer /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t1x  /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t1x.bin  /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.autobil.bin |\
  apertium-interchunk /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t2x  /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t2x.bin |\
  apertium-interchunk /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t3x  /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t3x.bin |\ 
  apertium-postchunk /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/apertium-is-en.is-en.t4x  /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.t4x.bin |\
  lt-proc -g  /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.autogen.bin |\
  lt-proc -p /home/fran/local/share/apertium/apertium-is-en/is-en.autopgen.bin > unk.trans.txt