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{{see-also|Building dictionaries|Apertium New Language Pair HOWTO}}
==External links==
# '''Pre-requisites'''
## <s>Frequency ordered wordlist</s>
# '''Asturian morphological analyser'''
## High frequency closed categories (freq. >= 50/23000) &mdash; pronouns, determiners, prepositions, etc.
## 2,000 highest frequency words from each open category (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
##:''With ~8,000 high frequency words, we should have >85% coverage on open-domain text.''
## Adding frequent multiwords
# '''Bilingual dictionary'''
## Translations of each Asturian word into Spanish (taking into account frequency and generality in translating ambiguous pairs)
## Translations of Asturian multiwords
# '''POS Tagger'''
## Identify useful restrictions (e.g. determiner cannot follow determiner &mdash; e.g. "the<det> a<det> cat<noun>" is invalid.
## Train a tagger in an unsupervised manner on an Asturian corpus.
# Checking automatically generated lemma-paradigm pairs.
# Creating a translation dictionary of Asturian--Spanish
# Identifying frequent multiwords which cannot be translated word-for-word between Asturian and Spanish
# Identifying constraint/restriction rules for ambiguous sequences of words.
On top of this, at least one or two people should become familiar with how Apertium works, for example taking a look at an existing language pair (<code>apertium-es-ca</code>, <code>apertium-es-gl</code> or <code>apertium-es-pt</code> etc.) and seeing how it works, how things in there might apply to, or be adapted for <code>apertium-es-ast</code>.
* Asturian Wiktionary &mdash; 120 nouns + genders + plural forms
:Retrieved all pages, converted into [[speling format]], and derived paradigms.
* Asturian Wikipedia:
# Make the file so that each line starts with a determiner
cat ast.crp.txt | sed 's/el /\nel /g' | sed 's/la /\nla /g' | sed 's/lo /\nlo /g' | sed 's/las /\nlas /g' | sed 's/les /\nles /g' | sed 's/los /\nlos /g' > ast.dets.txt
# Grep out the determiners
cat ast.dets.txt | grep -e '^el' -e '^la' -e '^lo' -e '^les' -e '^las' -e '^los' > dets.txt
# Grep out the lines starting with feminine determiners in plural followed by one word (hopefully a noun)
cat dets.txt | grep '^les' | sort | grep -v 'les y' | cut -f1,2 -d' ' | sort -u > det.les.txt
# Grep out the lines starting with feminine determiners in singular followed by one word (hopefully a noun)
cat dets.txt | grep '^la' | sort | grep -v 'la súa' | cut -f1,2 -d' ' | sort -u > det.la.txt
# Combine the two previous files
cat det.la.txt det.les.txt > det.la_les.txt
# Get extract style paradigms from existing dictionary
python /home/fran/scripts/apertium2extract.py /home/fran/svnroot/apertium/trunk/incubator/apertium-es-ast.ast.dix > EXT.PDMS.FEM.TXT
# Apply extract to the wordlist (hopefully) with only singular+plural feminine nouns
extract -nobad -utf8 -e -u -id EXT.PDMS.FEM.TXT det.la_les.txt | awk -F' ' '{print $2"; "$1"; "$3}' | sort -u > extract.la_les.out.txt
# Grep out the lines where both singular + plural were found
cat extract.la_les.out.txt | grep ',' > EX.txt
# Re-organise lines
cat EX.txt | sed 's/;/\t/g' | awk '{print $3"; "$2"; "$1}' | sed 's/;/\t\t\t/g'
;Example output
(abdicación,abdicaciones) espresi/ón__n abdicaci
(abegosa,abegoses) páxin/a__n abegos
(abeya,abeyes) páxin/a__n abey
(Academia,Academias) imaxe__n Academia
(academia,academies) páxin/a__n academi
(acción,acciones) espresi/ón__n acci
* [https://github.com/apertium/apertium-ast Asturian Data: apertium-ast]
* [https://github.com/apertium/apertium-spa-ast Spanish-Asturian Pair: apertium-spa-ast]
[[Category:Romance languages]]

Latest revision as of 22:19, 25 October 2018