Apertium-kaz/Regression tests

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Here is the output expected from apertium-kaz (morphological analyzer and tagger) for given sentences. In particular, this page is intended for specifying apertium-kaz's expected output for regression test sentences from apertium-kaz-X language pairs.

If you ever put some effort in writing CG rules for full disambiguation of a sentence, don't forget to put the end result here (or, even better, put the expected output into Apertium-kaz/Pending_tests page first and move it to here once you make it work). If you know the expected output, but can't achieve it, just leave it under Apertium-kaz/Pending_tests for now.

  • (kaz) Жапония ұлттық футбол құрамасы. → ^Жапония<np><top><nom>$ ^ұлттық<adj>$ ^футбол<n><attr>$ ^құрама<n><px3sp><nom>$^..<sent>$