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This is a quickstart guide to setting up your very own Apertium API server on Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu):

Install prerequisites:

wget http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/install-nightly.sh
sudo bash install-nightly.sh
sudo apt-get -f install apertium-all-dev build-essential subversion python3-dev python3-pip zlib1g-dev
sudo pip3 install --upgrade tornado

And install the language pairs you want:

sudo apt-get install apertium-eng-kaz apertium-sme-nob apertium-hbs-mkd apertium-eo-en apertium-tat-rus # etc.

Now check out and run APY:

svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/trunk/apertium-tools/apertium-apy
cd apertium-apy
### This will start the APY server:
./servlet.py /usr/share/apertium   # This is the path to package-installed Apertium language pairs

It should look like


Open a new terminal to check that it's OK:

curl http://localhost:2737/listPairs

It should contain a list of pairs. Say it contains {"sourceLanguage": "sme", "targetLanguage": "nob"}, then we can try translating the sentence "in leat doppe" from sme to nob:

curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=sme|nob&q=in+leat+doppe'

That should give something like {"responseData": {"translatedText": "jeg er ikke der borte"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200} .

If everything worked, congrats, you have your own Apertium API server running! Now open port 2737 and point your website or app at it :-)

If you ran into trouble, please ask for help on IRC or the mailing list.