Text Editors Compatible With Different Scripts

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Below are the list of 10 text editors and their compatability with different scripts (Human text, RTL text and combining characters)

No. Text Editors Human text RTL text Combining characters Vertical Orthography Mix of RTL and LTR Operating Systems
1. Notepad++ Yes Yes Yes No Bi-directional text support Windows
2. Geany Yes No No No Windows, Linux, OS X
3. Notepad Yes Yes Yes No Text defaulting to a single mode Windows
4. BBEdit 11 Yes No Yes No OS X
5. Sublime Text Yes No No No Windows, Linux, OS X
6. Vim/GVim Yes Yes Yes No Text defaulting to a single mode Unix, Linux, Windows NT, OS X, iOS, Android, AmigaOS
7. Brackets Yes No Yes No Windows, Linux, OS X
8. Atom Yes No Yes No Windows, Linux, OS X
9. TextWrangler Yes No Yes No OS X
10. UltraEdit Yes No No No Windows, Linux, OS X
11. Emacs Yes Yes Yes No Bi-directional text edit Windows, Linux, OS X
12. XEmacs Yes No No No Windows, Linux, OS X
12. Apertium-viewer Yes ? ? ? Windows, Linux, OS X

Emacs variables

Relevant things you can setq in ~/.emacs.d/init.el if your brain doesn't deal well with two directions in one line:

  Variable: Character set that matches bidirectional formatting
            control characters.
  Variable: Character set that matches any character except
            bidirectional controls.
  Variable: Non-nil means reorder bidirectional text for display in
            the visual order.
  User option: If non-nil, forces directionality of text paragraphs in
               the buffer.
  Variable: Non-nil means don't mirror characters even when bidi
            context requires that.
  Variable: Non-nil means it is not safe to attempt bidi reordering
            for display.

See also