Speling tools
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Note: After Apertium's migration to GitHub, this tool is read-only on the SourceForge repository and does not exist on GitHub. If you are interested in migrating this tool to GitHub, see Migrating tools to GitHub.
The Speling tools are a number of scripts and programs which process Speling format files, they consist of:
-- To split a full-form list into manageable chunks for paradigm chopperspeling-paradigms.py
-- To generate all possible paradigms for a given full-form listparadigm-chopper.py
-- To merge identical paradigms.
And can be found in SVN under trunk/apertium-tools/speling
Example usage
$ cat /tmp/test house ; house ; sg ; n house ; houses ; pl ; n cat ; cat ; sg ; n cat ; cats ; pl ; n wolf ; wolf ; sg ; n wolf ; wolves ; pl ; n $ python3 speling-paradigms.py /tmp/test >/tmp/test.dix house wol cat $ python3 paradigm-chopperFast.py /tmp/test.dix > /tmp/test2.dix $ cat /tmp/test2.dix <dictionary> <pardefs> <pardef n="wol/f__n"> <e><p> <l>f</l><r>f<s n="n"/><s n="sg"/></r></p></e> <e><p> <l>ves</l><r>f<s n="n"/><s n="pl"/></r></p></e> </pardef> <pardef n="cat__n"> <e><p><l/><r><s n="n"/><s n="sg"/></r></p></e> <e><p> <l>s</l><r><s n="n"/><s n="pl"/></r></p></e> </pardef> </pardefs> <section id="main" type="standard"> <e lm="house"><i>house</i><par n="cat__n"/></e> <e lm="wolf"><i>wol</i><par n="wol/f__n"/></e> <e lm="cat"><i>cat</i><par n="cat__n"/></e> </section> </dictionary>