Generating lexical-selection rules from monolingual corpora
This page describes how to generate lexical selection rules without relying on a parallel corpus.
- apertium-lex-tools
- A language pair (e.g. apertium-br-fr)
- The language pair should have the following two modes:
which is all the modules after lexical transfer (see apertium-mk-en/modes.xml)-pretransfer
which is all the modules up to lexical transfer (see apertium-mk-en/modes.xml)
- The language pair should have the following two modes:
Important: If you don't want through the whole process step by step, you can use the Makefile scripts provided in the last section of this page.
We're going to do the example with EuroParl and the English to Spanish pair in Apertium.
Given that you've got all the stuff installed, the work will be as follows:
Make sure that you have trained a language model for the target language. See [1]
Take your corpus and make a tagged version of it:
cat | apertium-destxt | apertium -f none -d ~/source/apertium-en-es en-es-pretransfer >
Make an ambiguous version of your corpus and trim redundant tags:
cat | python ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/multitrans ~/source/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil -b -f -t -n >
Next, generate all the possible disambiguation paths while trimming redundant tags:
cat | ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/multitrans ~/source/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil -m -f -t -n >
Translate and score all possible disambiguation paths:
cat | python ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/multitrans ~/source/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil -m -f -n | apertium -f none -d ~/source/apertium-en-es en-es-multi | ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/irstlm-ranker ~/source/corpora/lm/en.blm -f >
Now we have a pseudo-parallel corpus where each possible translation is scored. We start by extracting a frequency lexicon:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools-scripts/ > europarl.en-es.freq
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools-scripts/ europarl.en-es.freq > europarl.en-es.freq.lrx
lrx-comp europarl.en-es.freq.lrx europarl.en-es.freq.lrx.bin
From here on, we have two paths we can choose. We can extract rules using a maximum entropy classifier, or we can extract rules based only on the scores provided by irstlm-ranker.
Direct rule extraction
When using this method, we directly continue with extracting ngrams from the pseudo parallel corpus:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ europarl.en-es.freq > ngrams
Next, we prune the generated ngrams:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ europarl.en-es.freq ngrams > patterns
Finally, we generate and compile lexical selection rules while thresholding their irstlm-score
crisphold=1; python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts// patterns $crisphold > patterns.lrx
lrx-comp patterns.lrx patterns.lrx.bin
Maximum entropy rule extraction
When extracting rules using a maximum entropy criterion, we first extract features which we are going to feed to a classifier:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ europarl-en-es.freq europarl.en-es.ambig europarl.en-es.annotated > events 2>ngrams
We then train classifiers which as a side effect score how much each ngram contributes to a certain translation:
cat events | grep -v -e '\$$ 0\.0 #' -e '\$$ 0 #' > events.trimmed cat events.trimmed | python ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ $(YASMET) > all-lambdas
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ ngrams all-lambdas > rules-all
Finally, we extract ngrams:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ europarl-en-es.freq rules-all > ngrams-all
we trim them:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ ngrams-all > ngrams-trimmed
and generate lexical selection rules:
python3 ~/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts/ ngrams-trimmed > europarl.en-es.lrx.bin
Direct rule extraction
You can use this makefile to generate rules using direct rule extraction. Your corpus needs to be placed in the same folder with your makefile.
CORPUS=setimes PAIR=mk-en DATA=/home/philip/Apertium/apertium-mk-en SL=mk TL=en TRAINING_LINES=10000 SCRIPTS=/home/philip/Apertium/apertium-lex-tools/scripts MODEL=/home/philip/Apertium/corpora/language-models/en/setimes.en.5.blm LEX_TOOLS=/home/philip/Apertium/apertium-lex-tools AUTOBIL=$(SL)-$(TL).autobil.bin DIR=$(SL)-$(TL) all: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx.bin data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).patterns.lrx data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger: $(CORPUS).$(PAIR).$(SL) if [ ! -d data ]; then mkdir data; fi cat $(CORPUS).$(PAIR).$(SL) | head -n $(TRAINING_LINES)| sed 's/[^\.]$$/./g' | apertium-destxt | apertium -f none -d $(DATA) $(DIR)-tagger | apertium-pretransfer > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger | $(LEX_TOOLS)/process-tagger-output $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) -b -t -f -n > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi-trimmed: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger | $(LEX_TOOLS)/process-tagger-output $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) -m -t -f > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi-trimmed cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger | $(LEX_TOOLS)/process-tagger-output $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) -m -f | apertium -f none -d $(DATA) $(DIR)-multi | $(LEX_TOOLS)/irstlm-ranker $(MODEL) data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi-trimmed -f 2>/dev/null | grep "|@|" | cut -f 1-3 > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ $< > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx.bin: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx lrx-comp $< $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).patterns: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).patterns.lrx: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).patterns python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ $< $(THR) > $@
The corpus file needs to be named as "basename"."language-pair"."source side".
As an illustration, in the Makefile example, the corpus file is named
Set the Makefile variables as follows:
CORPUS denotes the base name of your corpus file
PAIR stands for the language pair
SL and TL stand for source language and target language
DATA is the path to the language resources for the language pair
SCRIPTS denotes the path to the lex-tools scripts
MODEL is the path to the target side (binary) language model used for scoring the possible translations of ambiguous words
Finally, executing the Makefile will generate lexical selection rules for the specified language pair.
Maximum entropy
You can use this makefile to generate rules using maximum entropy classifiers. Your corpus needs to be placed in the same folder with your makefile.
CORPUS=europarl PAIR=en-es DATA=/home/philip/source/apertium-en-es SL=es TL=en MODEL=/home/philip/lm/en.blm SCRIPTS=/home/philip/source/apertium-lex-tools/scripts LEX_TOOLS=/home/philip/source/apertium-lex-tools THR=1 TRAINING_LINES=10000 AUTOBIL=$(SL)-$(TL).autobil.bin DIR=$(SL)-$(TL) YASMET=$(LEX_TOOLS)/yasmet all: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx.bin data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lm.xml data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger: $(CORPUS).$(PAIR).$(SL) if [ ! -d data ]; then mkdir data; fi cat $(CORPUS).$(PAIR).$(SL) | head -n $(TRAINING_LINES) | apertium-destxt | apertium -f none -d $(DATA) $(DIR)-tagger | apertium-pretransfer > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger | $(LEX_TOOLS)/multitrans $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) -b -t -f -n > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi-trimmed: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger | $(LEX_TOOLS)/multitrans $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) -m -t -f > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi-trimmed cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).tagger | $(LEX_TOOLS)/multitrans $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) -m -f | apertium -f none -d $(DATA) $(DIR)-multi | $(LEX_TOOLS)/irstlm-ranker $(MODEL) data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi-trimmed -f 2>/dev/null > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ $< > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx.bin: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx lrx-comp $< $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).events data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(SL)-$(TL).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(SL)-$(TL).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(SL)-$(TL).annotated > data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).events 2>data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).all-lambdas: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).events cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).events | grep -v -e '\$$ 0\.0 #' -e '\$$ 0 #' > data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).events.trimmed cat data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).events.trimmed | python $(SCRIPTS)/ $(YASMET)> $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).rules-all: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).all-lambdas python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).all-lambdas > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams-all: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).rules-all python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).rules-all > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams-trimmed: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams-all cat $< | python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lm.xml: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams-trimmed python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams-trimmed > $@ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lm.bin: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lm.xml lrx-comp $< $@
The corpus file needs to be named as "basename"."language-pair"."source side".
As an illustration, in the Makefile example, the corpus file is named
Set the Makefile variables as follows:
CORPUS denotes the base name of your corpus file
PAIR stands for the language pair
SL and TL stand for source language and target language
DATA is the path to the language resources for the language pair
SCRIPTS denotes the path to the lex-tools scripts
MODEL is the path to the target side (binary) language model used for scoring the possible translations of ambiguous words
Finally, executing the Makefile will generate lexical selection rules for the specified language pair.